MINUTES OF THE 28TH DPG-W MEETING: 6.09.2007, MIRAMBO CONFERENCE ROOM Participants: See list at the end of the document Chair: Ato Brown 1. Introductions Introductions were made for the benefit of the new member, Gertrude Kihurnwa, Social Policy Adviser, DFID. Gertrude will be taking over for Pippa Bird while she is on leave. 2. Review of JWSR Review the status of the preparation for the JWSR (now moved to October) The Chair emphasized how close the sector was running to disaster with the preparations for the Joint Water Sector Review (WSR). The WSR has been unofficially moved to October 4 and 5, and the DPG is awaiting the formal invitation from the MoW. The MoW has two outstanding issues for satisfactory contribution to the GBS mission – National Water Strategy and National Water Law – and an unsatisfactory WSR would further contribute to the poor evaluation of the sector. The DPG agreed on the need for a framework to assess the satisfactoriness of the JSR The MoW has circulated a draft of the State of the Water Sector report, but not all DPs had seen it. The Secretariat agreed to circulate it among members. It was noted that the Planning and Finance section was the best developed, indicating the potential for all TGs to improve their performance as they become routine activities of the Ministry. The DPG had requested from the MoW an updated budget with a summary and clearer storyline to facilitate understanding of the plan for FY07/08, along with requests for technical assistance from GTZ and WSP. To date none of these have been forthcoming. The Chair agreed to speak with the PS for an update on the requests for technical assistance, revised action plan, as well as the status of the Strategy and Law. Pippa Bird, Gertrude Kihurnwa, Ben Taylor, and Nat Paynter agreed to develop a framework for assessing a satisfactory review. 3. Budget interpretation by Gabriel Saelie Mr. Saelie was unable to attend. 4. Review of the co-chairs nominations Mssrs. Ato Brown (World Bank) and Wolfgang Weth (KfW) were unanimously elected. 5. DP Fact sheet (to be completed by 12th Sept.) The Central DP group has circulated a fact sheet to all DPGs in an effort to have a better understanding of who is doing what, where. The DPG-Water secretariat agreed to complete the text portion of the sheet, with each DP completeing the disbursement table. It was agreed for consistency sake that DPG-W would report on 2 years: FY06/07 (actual disbursements) and FY07/08 (intended disbursements). This would include 1 disbursements in all modalities – projects, program, and GBS. DPs agreed to return the form right away. 6. PRBS The PRBS review process is gearing up, but contingent on the various sector reviews (to be completed in October). The DPG noted the need for Cluster II (under the Cluster Working Group – CWG II) to agree on a set of issues to bring to the PRBS review. The water sector is represented on the CWG II, and can carry issues to the JSR. 7. Program Updates Attending organizations gave brief updates on their ongoing activities. 8. List of participants Name 1. Ato Brown 2. Ben Taylor 3. Daigo Koga 4. Francois Gil 5. Gertrude Kihurnwa 6. Jared Duhu 7. Mussa Uwesu 8. Nat Paynter 9. Petra Larsson 10. Pippa Bird 11. Wolfgang Weht Org World Bank WaterAid JICA AFD DfID SDC Unicef WSP EU DfID KfW Contact fbrown@worldbank.org btaylor@wateraidtanzania.org Koga.daigo@jica.go.jp gilrf@groupe-afd.org g-kihurnwa@dfid.gov.uk jared.duhu@sdc.net muwesu@univef.org npaynter@worldbank.org petra.larsson@ec.europa.eu p-bird@dfid.gov.uk wolfgang.weht@kfw.de 2