Unit 1 – Discipleship

Unit 1
In this unit we will examine three areas of discipleship:
1. The nature of discipleship
2. The cost of discipleship
3. The problems of discipleship
****Essential vocabulary****
The commandments
The collection of 10 laws given by God
Followers of Jesus
The eye of the needle
A metaphor used by Jesus to show that
wealth makes it difficult to enter the
kingdom of God
The rule of God in people’s lives
The kingdom
Peter’s denial
Self sacrifice
Sons of Zebedee
True family
True greatness
The Twelve
A tax collector who was called to be a
The way Peter said he was not a follower
of Jesus after the arrest of Jesus
Putting other people’s needs before your
An act of help or assistance
The brothers of James and John whom
Jesus called to follow him
Those who follow the teaching of Jesus
The teaching of Jesus that service of
others is true greatness
The twelve selected form the disciples to
be Jesus’ closest disciples
You will be required to study the following passages for discipleship.
The nature of discipleship
Mark 1:14-20
Mark 2:13-17
Mark 6:7-13
Mark 3:31-35
Mark 9:33-37
Mark 10:17-31
Mark 12:1-12
Mark 9:14-29
Mark 4:1-20
Mark 10:41-45
Mark 14:27-42
Mark 14:66-72
Call of the first disciple
Sending out of the Twelve
The cost of discipleship
The true family of Jesus
True greatness
The rich man
The parable of the tenants
The problems of discipleship
Spirit cast out of a boy
The parable of the sower
Jesus and service
The failure of disciples
Peter’s denial
Resource sheet 1.0
The learning journey through Mark’s
How the nature of discipleship is shown in:
the call of the first disciples and why it is important to Christians today
the Twelve, and how it affects ideas about Christian living today.
How the costs of discipleship are shown in:
the true family of Jesus
true greatness
the rich man
the parable of the tenants, its relationship to Christians today and why this teaching
causes problems for some Christians today.
How the problems of discipleship are shown in:
the spirit cast out of the boy
the parable of the sower and why Mark’s account causes problems for Christians today
Jesus and service, and what it means to Christians today
the failure of the disciples and how it might help and cause problems for Christians today
Peter’s denial and how it might help and cause problems for Christians today.
For each of the stories in this section you will need to:
know the story – you will not be asked to retell the story in the examination, but will need to be able to
use parts of it as reasons and evidence
understand what this story tells us about the disciples and their work with Jesus
understand what this story means to Christians today
know your thoughts and opinions on the issues/important points raised in each case.
This will be the content of your homework at the end of each story over the next few weeks.
1.1 The call of the first disciples
Biblical Reading – Mark 1:14-20 and Mark 2:13-17
Key vocabulary
Followers of Jesus
A tax collector who was called to be a
The brothers of James and John whom
Jesus called to follow him
Sons of Zebedee
Mark 1:14-20
In this story we find Jesus walking by the shore and seeing 2 brothers (Simon
and Andrew) calls them to follow Him. A few remarkable things here need to be
noted. Firstly Jesus creates a community of followers by calling them to follow Him.
Prophets did not call the people to follow them but to follow God. The teachers of
the law had disciples who came to them to be instructed in the Law, but none ever
said to anyone – come, follow me. The disciple rather always chose the master and
moved on when he believed that he had learned as much from him as possible.
Jesus however does not wait for volunteers to follow him, but he chooses his
own disciples and requires absolute obedience from them. Mark shows Jesus calling
disciples with a divine authority just as God called the prophets in the Old Testament
and expected the relationship to be permanent. Also he does not call them to a
house for study but to an open itinerary.
Whom does Jesus call?
Jesus calls ordinary men, with ordinary lives. He meets them where they are and calls
them to do the extraordinary of following Him.
People who were already on the search for him. People who knew of the coming of
the Messiah and were waiting for him to show up any minute.
He does not choose them by chance. He knew who they were and could see the
heart they had for him.
What is the call?
Come and follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
In the Old Testament the metaphor of fishing for men is associated with gathering
people for judgement.
They are required to drop everything and follow Him. Jesus demands
complete obedience. If you decide to follow Him you cannot have one foot in – I
decide for me area and another foot running after him.
It’s either all or nothing with God. You cannot say to him “…could you keep
me a seat for the ride when I turn 30 years old because I’m very young now …”
How do they respond?
They immediately follow him. That is because they recognized in him the Messiah from
God. They were expecting him to come and now that he was standing before them,
they did not want to waste time on excuses like “sorry Lord I must finish the work I
started and say goodbye to everyone and pack my stuff…” No, they immediately
follow him.
Nature of discipleship portrayed in this passage
1. They don’t chose Him but He chooses them
2. He is asking for total devotion
3. The people chosen are not just any people. Even though ordinary people
they had a heart that was waiting for the Saviour (Messiah)
4. The response is immediate
As they were called back then, each one of us is called today. Not to
become apostles. A person living today, the 21st century, might be called to become
the messenger of God but that is only the exception to the rule. The rule is that all of
us are called to become followers of God. And the nature of our call has exactly the
same elements with the apostles’. He is the one calling. He asks for total devotion. We
are ordinary people with which God might do extraordinary things!
Mark 2:13-17
The story is easy to understand. Even though Jesus had hundreds or even
thousands of disciples by now, He chooses 12 to become His closest associates. The
men that will be with Him everyday. Number 12 was not a random number. It
symbolises the 12 tribes of the Israelite nation, something that maybe is not of great
importance for us today but it was important for them then.
There are three things Jesus clarifies in these verses:
1. They didn’t choose Him, He chose them
2. They are chosen not to have fun but to go out in the world and preach about
the Kingdom of God
3. He is giving them authority over the spiritual world
Nature of discipleship portrayed in this passage
 Everybody is welcomed to follow Jesus but few will be chosen by Him for specific,
special tasks
 There is a plan and a purpose in their choice. They need to be the ones that are
going to make it happen. They are not chosen to enjoy just some special benefits
but to work.
 Their call has to do with spiritual things. They are not going to work only on the
natural world level but they will deal with spiritual forces.
Be ready to answer
1. Explain why the nature of discipleship as shown in the calling of the first
disciples is important to Christians today.
2. What message does each of these passages send to modern Christians about
discipleship and what being a disciple of Christ might entail?
3. Do you think it was easier to be a disciple in Jesus’ time? Give reasons for your
Resource sheet 1.1
My disciple!
Previous employment:
I followed Jesus because:
He chose me because I had these qualities:
Sending out the Twelve
Biblical Reading - Mark 6:7-13
Key vocabulary
An act of help or assistance
The Twelve
The twelve selected form the disciples to
be Jesus’ closest disciples
This passage even though unique, it points out many of the points already
noted in previous passages. The disciples are:
 Asked to go out and take nothing with them
 Given authority over the evil spirits
 Warned that some will accept their message and some will not
 Do whatever they are told to. Their ministry is divided to two main
areas. One, they preach repentance and forgiveness. Two, they heal
people either from physical or spiritual sicknesses.
Nature of discipleship portrayed in this passage
 Being a disciple is about getting out and doing service – to work as a player
rather than a spectator
 It is not comfortable
 You are asked to leave things behind
 You depend totally on God’s provision
 You might be rejected
 You deal with the spiritual world
 You are telling people that their life needs to change
 You come to do extraordinary things (exorcisms – healings)
 You bring freedom to all those who accept your message
Be ready to answer the following:
1. What does the story mean to believers today? State three things.
2. Explain how the account of the sending out of the Twelve shows the nature of
3. Explain how the account of the sending out of the Twelve affects ideas about
believers living today?
4. ‘Most Christians today ignore Jesus’ teachings about discipleship’ . In your
answer you should refer to Mark’s Gospel and Christianity. (a) do you agree?
Give 3 reasons for your answer. (b) Give three reasons why someone may
disagree with you.
5. Do you think the type of discipleship shown in Mark is still meant for Christians
today, or should Christians restrict themselves to caring for the sick and feeding
the hungry? Should they restrict the preaching part to inside their church
buildings and keep out of politics?
6. With reference to above three passages from the gospel of Mark write what
you think it means to be a disciple of Christ today. What would you expect a
disciple to be like?
The true family of Jesus
Biblical Reading - Mark 3:31-35
Key vocabulary
True family
Those who follow the teaching of Jesus
This passage needs clarification since Jesus’ words could be misunderstood.
By no means is Jesus eliminating the importance of family. He himself respected and
obeyed His earthly parents during His early years. Also while He was hanging from the
cross he allocated John the disciple with the responsibility of taking care His mother
showing that He cared for her.
With His statement He makes two points:
1. Our family is important but obeying God is even more important
2. Apart from our biological family anyone who obeys God becomes our
Cost of discipleship portrayed in this passage
To most people around the world, family is the most precious relationship they
have. It is their whole life. Jesus is asking here to put our relationship with God even
higher than our family. There will be times where the will of God and the beliefs or
expectations of the family will come into contradiction. Jesus is not telling us to
mistreat our family, but when moments like this come our priority is to do God’s will.
1. With a lie that seems harmless, your family will gain an extra piece of land from
your grandfather’s inheritance. That piece of land is worth a lot and you need
the money. If you don’t lie that piece of land goes to your mother’s sister
whose family is already richer than yours. The family expects that you will use
the lie but instead you are thinking of saying the truth. What would you do?
2. Your father and mother are expecting that you will go study medicine.
Meanwhile you feel a calling of leaving everything behind, study about God,
and devote your life into helping others. What would you do?
Be ready to answer
1. Do you think that serving God is more important than loving your family? Give
2 reasons why you agree? And 2 reasons why someone may disagree with
2. Do you think religious commitment can or should override family
commitment? 2 reasons for your opinion and 2 reasons why somebody may
disagree with you.
3. Explain how this passage portrays the cost of discipleship? Give 3 points.
4. Why is this passage important for Christians today?
5. How might having to leave your family or go against what your family wants,
in order to follow God instead cause problems for Christians today? This might
especially be the case if a Christian has non Christian parents.
Resource sheet 1.3:
True family
Read the following and answer the questions below.
Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was born on 26 August 1910, in Macedonia. However,
she later considered 27 August to be her true birthday because that was the day
she was baptised.
Agnesë’s father Nikollë Bojaxhiu was involved in Albanian politics. In 1919,
however, he died after a short illness – Agnes was just eight years old. After her
father’s death, her mother raised her as a Roman Catholic. Agnesë became
fascinated by stories about the lives of missionaries – Christians who taught their
religion to non-Christian communities around the globe. By the age of 12, she
had decided to devote her life to Christian service and at the age of 18 she left
home to join an order of missionary nuns called the Sisters of Loreto. Having
said goodbye to her mother, she never saw her again.
How do you think Agnesë’s family felt about this? What things do you think they said to her
she left?
Why do you think she considered her true birthday to be the day of her baptism?
Do you think this is what Jesus meant in Mark 3:31–35? Give reasons for your answer.
True Greatness
Biblical Reading: Mark 9:33-37
Key vocabulary
Self sacrifice
True greatness
Putting other people’s needs before your
The teaching of Jesus that service of
others is true greatness
After following Jesus for quite some time now the disciples started thinking
they became very important (they were with Him during miracles, they casted out
demons, etc.). So they start discussing who of them is the greatest. In contrast with all
the common understanding about being great and leading people Jesus gives them
an answer they didn’t expect. Authority is not about ruling, it’s not about
commanding, it’s about service. The first, the ruler becomes the servant. And that not
only because he needs to set an example but because when everyone puts the
needs of the others first then the whole body functions perfectly.
He then uses a child as an image. The child is used as an image because:
1. in the society it wasn’t esteemed very high(not enough knowledge,
not enough experience) so Jesus takes advantage of that to tell them
“you have to become like this, not considered important but actually
be the most important”. A child embodies the future of the world, the
new creation.
2. it symbolises simplicity. A child is not concerned with what the older
people are concerned with, authority, power, importance. There is
simplicity in its thinking.
Cost of discipleship portrayed in this passage
Being a true follower won’t turn you into a VIP always but you will need to
reject all the classic ideas of authority we have in our mind and become a servant of
all. In Christianity the leader needs to give up all his authority and start serving. No
matter what the others are saying, no matter how educated the leader is, no matter
if the others will welcome him.
Imagine a group travelling somewhere to offer its voluntary services. After an
extremely tiring day, when everybody in the team is exhausted and ready to
collapse, the leader of the team (while everybody is resting) prepares food and
serves everybody instead of asking other to do it.
Be ready to answer
‘Jesus said ‘If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the
servant of all. What do you think he meant by this?
There are lots of ways to serve other people. You do not necessarily have to
become like Mother Tereza. Do you agree? Give 2 reasons for your
‘Only those that are servants of others can be truly great’ DO you agree?
Give 2 reasons for your answer. Give 2 reasons why someone may disagree
with you.
What is the cost of discipleship shown in this passage. Write 3 points.
What is a disciple? Do you think Jesus expected too much from his disciples?
Give two reasons for your point of view
Explain why the teachings about true greatness may cause problems for some
Christians today.
Resource sheet 1.4a:
True greatness pub quiz
Why might each of the following be considered great? (1 mark)
Discussion questions
What makes people great?
Is greatness to do with what you achieve?
Is greatness connected to how much money you earn or have?
Is it about the effect you have on others’ lives or changes you make in history?
Is it to do with being remembered? Doing great deeds? Fulfilling your dreams? Being
idolised by others?
Can you be ‘great’ and not famous – or by being ‘great’ will you attract fame?
Who is the ‘greatest’ person who ever lived?
Resource sheet 1.4b:
Jesus’ idea of true greatness
What does this mean? What was Jesus saying to the disciples?
Why might this teaching cause problems for Christians today?
How does this ‘greatness’ compare to what makes people great today? Think back to the
starter activity.
Which of the people in resource sheet 1.4a do you think Jesus would think are ‘great’? Why?
The rich man
Biblical Reading: Mark 10:17-31
Key vocabulary
The commandments
The collection of 10 laws given by God
The eye of the needle
A metaphor used by Jesus to show that
wealth makes it difficult to enter the
kingdom of God
The story is divided in two main parts. The discussion between Jesus and the
rich man (v.17-23) and the discussion between Jesus and His disciples (v.24-31). The
first part is self explanatory and doesn’t need any comments.
The second part needs some clarification. Jesus doesn’t mean that there will
be no rich people in heaven. He just says that it is hard for them to follow God
because to become rich it is extremely self consuming. He clarifies that when
someone turns to God, everything is possible (v.27). He doesn’t also say that heaven
will be filled with poor people. You don’t enter heaven based on your salary.
Jesus also refers to His disciples. He explains that anyone who left anything
behind for His sake he/she will be rewarded.
A verse difficult to understand
Verse 25 “… a camel going through the eye of the needle…” It is believed that Jesus
didn’t say what we exactly read in our translations but scholars give us two options:
1. “camel” here might mean a very thick robe, like the one sailors use to tide a
2. “the eye of a needle” is a reference to a city gate, that was extremely small
and a camel couldn’t go through it
Cost of discipleship portrayed in this passage
That we need to leave anything that would hold us back from following Jesus
with all our heart. This is not just a reference to rich people. It’s a calling to anyone
who attaches him/her self with anything that occupies their whole being. God is
asking for total devotion.
Imagine you are an adult and after studying and living abroad for 10 years
you decide to return back to Cyprus and start your own business. You try that and
you succeed. To succeed though you devote all your time into running the business.
That leaves you with no time to think about, to search and to follow God.
Be ready to answer
1. What is the cost of discipleship shown in this passage? Write at least 2 points.
2. What is the importance of this passage for Believers today?
The tenants
Biblical Reading: Mark 12:1-12
What is a parable?
This is the first parable we come across in the gospel of Mark. A parable is a
short story from everyday life events that has a spiritual meaning. In a parable you will
find parallelisms but that does not mean that everything stands for something in every
parable, every time.
Explaining the specific parable
Most of Jesus’ parables had references to the Jewish religious leaders. In this
 the man who planted the vineyard = God
 vineyard = people of Israel / believers
 tenants = religious leaders / teachers of the law
 slaves going to tenants = prophets / God’s people
 Son = Jesus the Christ
God chose the people of Israel in order to bring salvation to all the people of
this earth. He did His best when He chose them. Then the religious leaders took over.
The people became disobedient so God sends the Prophets to remind the people to
turn to Him. Religious leaders rejected them one by one at the end God sends His
Son. The r-leaders did not hesitate to kill Him as well. So the original owner of the
vineyard (God) will return and put the r-leaders into judgement.
A verse difficult to understand
Verse 10 might be hard to understand. It is actually a reference from the Old
Testament. In those days when builders were to start building a new house, they were
setting the best stone at one of the house corners. That stone needed to be perfect.
All four sites of it needed to be totally straight. Using that as a guide the builders
would build the four external walls of the house. If the cornerstone, as it was called,
was not perfect then the house walls wouldn’t be straight.
The builders here are the r-leaders who see Jesus and instead of accepting
Him as the Messiah they reject Him. But He was the most important “stone”.
Cost of discipleship portrayed in this passage
The prophets, even though faithful and obedient to God, as they go to the
vineyard to give God’s message they are treated badly or killed. This comes to a
climax with Jesus himself even though He is the Creator of us all, He is killed by His
Many believers today might go through the same experience as teaching
about God is not always welcomed in different countries, different cultures.
1. A man of God, who lives faithfully, tries to pass on God’s teachings to people
who live in a place that is totally materialistic. These people find the teachings
of this man stupid and they call the man “funny”. He soon becomes an
outcast in a society that needs the message he bears the most.
2. A woman leaves everything behind, (family, friends, people she loves, a good
job, her comfort zone, etc.) and goes to China to spread the teachings of
Jesus. There she is arrested, tried and executed for doing something that is
forbidden according to the Chinese law.
Be ready to answer
1. Explain how the parable of the tenants is significant for Believers today
2. What is the cost of discipleship shown in this passage? Comment on at least 2
Resource sheet 1.6a:
Crack the code!
Use the following code to find the key words and then write their definition next to them.
1. 11 8 18 10 8 23 13 15 18
This word is ................................................................................
The glossary definition is ...................................................................................................................
An example of a sentence using this word would be ................................................................................
2. 13 15 24 8
This word is ................................................................................
The glossary definition is ...................................................................................................................
An example of a sentence using this word would be ................................................................................
3. 19 17 12 15 / 6 1 5 8 13 26
This word is ................................................................................
The glossary definition is ...................................................................................................................
An example of a sentence using this word would be ................................................................................
4. 19 17 12 15 / 16 17 15 1 19 22 15 18 18
This word is ................................................................................
The glossary definition is ...................................................................................................................
An example of a sentence using this word would be ................................................................................
5. 19
15 / 19
This word is ................................................................................
The glossary definition is ...................................................................................................................
An example of a sentence using this word would be ................................................................................
Now make up your own puzzle using the key terms from this section and try it out on a fellow student.
Resource sheet 1.6b:
For your information only!
Christ you know I love you.
Did you see I waved?
I believe in you and God
So tell me that I’m saved.
Christ you know I love you.
Did you see I waved?
I believe in you and God
So tell me that I’m saved.
Jesus I am with you.
Touch me, touch me, Jesus.
Jesus I am on your side.
Kiss me, kiss me, Jesus.
Simon Zealotes
Christ, what more do you need to convince you
That you’ve made it, and you’re easily as strong
As the filth from Rome who rape our country,
And who’ve terrorized our people for so long.
Simon Zealotes
There must be over fifty thousand
Screaming love and more for you.
And everyone of fifty thousand
Would do whatever you asked them to.
Keep them yelling their devotion,
But add a touch of hate at Rome.
You will rise to a greater power.
We will win ourselves a home.
You’ll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
You’ll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
You’ll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
You’ll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
Forever Amen! Amen! Amen!
A spirit cast out by Jesus
Biblical Reading: Mark 9:14-29
The disciples are faced with a task, a challenge that seems too big for them to
handle. Their problems are that:
(a) they could not cast out the demons from the demon possessed boy
(b) the people around them, looking for that opportunity began to intimidate them.
Because the disciples were seen with Jesus it was expected of them that they could
act in the same way He did. And when this could not happen there was confusion
and argument in the crowd. The disciples learned that miracles and the work
required from them to do is done only by submitting themselves to God and trusting
him to do whatever He pleases. It was not some magic trick.
Problems of discipleship portrayed in this passage
1) Disciples might be looked down upon since the people in the world could
easily say if the disciples who were so close to Jesus could not do that miracle
because they lacked the faith, then how much more faith is required from a
person today and who could have such a faith.
2) People in the world might doubt that disciples could do anything today, since
the disciples themselves failed to do it.
3) Disciples might be asked to perform certain miracles but if God does not lead
them to do them then everyone will be disappointed and the miracles will of
course not happen.
To help you study
Read the story and be able to say it in your own words.
 What are the boys’ symptoms? What is the disciples’ problem?
 Why couldn’t the disciples cast out that demon?
 What had they not understood? What did they need to learn?
 How does Jesus respond to that problem?
 What is the reaction of the evil spirit to Jesus?
 What is Jesus’ conversation with God the Father?
 What is the miracle?
 What is Jesus’ teaching to the disciples?
Be ready to answer
1. How are the problems of discipleship shown in the above story (state 2
problems they disciples faced)?
2. Explain why the story of the curing of the demon possessed boy caused
problems for the disciples then. Give 3 reasons for your answer.
3. Why this teaching causes problems for some Christians today (give 4 reasons)?
4. “There is no such thing as demons. All these people are just mentally
a. Do you agree with this statement? Give two reasons to support your
b. Give two reasons why some people may disagree with you.
Resource sheet 1.7:
What’s this all about?
Try to work out what this means:
Dette kan være
hard for du –
hvordan føler
du dem?
The parable of the sower
Biblical Reading: Mark 4:1-20
Key vocabulary
The kingdom
Different soil
The rule of God in people’s lives
= God or people who teach God’s truths
= the Word of God
= the human heart
The first soil – along the path
These are people who they hear from one ear and automatically let the Word
go out from the other ear! They hear but they do not care at all from the beginning.
The birds are an image of Satan who takes the Word away.
Second soil – rocky place
At the beginning they accept but very quickly they forget. At the beginning
they say “this is interesting” but then someone calls them and starts taking to them
about something else and they have already forgotten about what they’ve heard.
Third soil – among the thorns
The people who accept the Word, start living a life that pleases God but then
they start working more hours because they want more material goods to buy, or a
more luxurious life, or they are attracted by something that destructs them and they
quickly forget everything.
Fourth soil – the one that produces crop
All those people who hear the Word, and start loving and obeying God no
matter what may come in life.
Problem of discipleship portrayed in this passage
1. If a person does not remain in God and maintain his relationship with God he/she
could very easily get carried away by other things and forget about God.
2. Discipleship is something you need to work on all the time. It is not something you
acquire and keep until you die.
3. The temptations are out there ready to drag anyone with them. It is a man’s free
choice to go for God or against God. This is a problem because being a follower
of God is not as easy as one may think.
To help you study
Read the story and be able to say it in your own words.
 What are the different kinds of soil?
 What happens to the seed in each soil and why?
Be ready to answer
1. Do you think that soils/hearts that are not ready to receive the seeds/message
now can be cultivated/changed to become more accepting? Give 2 reasons to
support your opinion and 2 reasons why someone might disagree with you.
2. Explain why Mark’s account of the parable of the sower causes problems for
Believers today?
3. What are 3 of the problems of discipleship shown in this passage?
4. Do you think it was wise of Jesus to warn his disciples that their message might not
be received well? Give 2 reasons for your answer and 2 reasons why someone
may disagree with you.
5. Explain how the four different types of people described in the parable may still
be relevant for people today.
Resource 1.8:
Mark scheme
Explain why Mark’s account of the parable of the sower causes problems for Christians today.
(8 marks)
The main reasons are:
According to Mark, Jesus treats the parable as an allegory when scholars say that is not
how Jesus used parables.
According to Mark, Jesus said that he told everything in parables so that the crowds would
not understand what he meant.
According to Mark, Jesus did not want sinners to understand because he did not want
them to repent and be forgiven (which seems to contradict all his teachings about coming
to call sinners to repentance).
Jesus explained the parable to disciples because even they did not understand what it
It tells disciples that the way ahead may be difficult and that people may persecute them
for their message.
Level 1
Little understanding of the issue shown, typically by:
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
giving a brief reason
not explaining but only describing the issue.
Basic understanding of the issue shown, typically by:
using two brief reasons
or a developed reason.
A developed understanding of the issue shown, typically by:
using three brief reasons
or a fully developed reason
or two reasons with one developed.
A clear understanding of the issue shown, typically by:
using four brief reasons
or two developed reasons
or three reasons with one developed
or a comprehensive explanation using one reason.
Once a level is awarded for content, the quality of English will decide if the higher or lower
mark is awarded.
Jesus, the disciples and service
Biblical Reading: Mark 10:41-45
Two disciples (James and John) came to Jesus asking Him to give them high
positions in heaven. The other disciples are upset with them for such a request. And
we can all guess why. Why should the two of them get the positions of authority next
to our Master and not us? So they are angry with them.
Jesus calls them all together to help them understand the new way of things.
They were trying to understand heaven with human standards but He wanted to lift
their sight higher. He wanted them to realise that as his followers they needed to
define life in a different way. In the world those that are leaders have complete
authority and do whatever they want with those in their control. If you are in charge
you give orders and others serve you.
However as followers of God they needed to change that mindset. If you
want to be first, the greatest, you need to become the servant of others. Looking out
for the needs and interests of others as you would your own. Considering others better
than yourself and going the extra mile to help them, serve them. This attitude
however should flow out of an understanding and a heart that those around me are
people whom God created and I am not better than them. That although I do not
deserve it yet God loves me and cares for me and he chose to give up his life so as to
save me. I should be learning from him and be ready to go to that extent for the
people around me even though I think they might not deserve it.
Jesus answers James and John by pointing them to a life of suffering. So in
verse 38, when he showed James and John the way to glory, he said that they would
need to drink His cup and share his baptism, namely, death. If you want the kind of
honour you are asking for, you must follow Me in My suffering and death.
Jesus took the form of a servant and humbled himself, even to the point of
death. “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Humility serves. Humility gets down low and lifts others
up. Humility looks to the needs of others and gives time and effort to help with those
needs. Humility measures everything it does by whether it serves the good of other
Problem of discipleship portrayed in this passage
1. the disciples were arguing about who was the greatest
2. their understanding of greatness was different than that of Jesus
3. even though they were with God himself they had not lifted their eyes from
the earthly matters nor changed their mindset.
To help you study
Read the story and be able to say it in your own words
 What is the comparison Jesus is making with the rulers of the world and his
 What is the example He sets?
Be ready to answer
1. ‘Only those who are servants of others can be truly great.’ Do you agree?
Give 2 reasons for your answer. Do you disagree? Give 2 reasons for your
2. Explain why the teaching of Jesus on service might be a problem for disciples
3. What are 3 problems of discipleship shown in this passage?
4. “Every Disciple should serve” – Do you agree? Give 2 reasons for your answer
and give 2 reasons why someone might disagree with you.
“if you want to be the greatest you must be the servant of all.”
What is the comparison Jesus is making with the rulers of the world and his
disciples in this passage? What do people in the world do and what
should the disciples do? What is the example He sets?
6. Can Jesus’ model of leadership function in our society today?
a. Give two reasons to support your argument
b. Give two reasons why someone may disagree with you.
1.10 Are the disciples really failures?
Biblical Reading: Mark 14:27-42
Peter is very confident that whatever happens he will never abandon Jesus. And
Jesus simply tells him that that very night he was going to deny that he even knows his
Lord. Later on some of the disciples are with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane to
pray. Jesus gives them specific instructions on what he expects them to do – sit here
while I pray, stay here and keep watch, watch and pray. However the disciples find it
very hard to stay awake and wait for Him while He is praying further away. Jesus
points out to them that although the spirit might be willing however the flesh/body is
weak meaning that although the disciples might have the desire to do what is right
before God, their sinful nature was pulling them the opposite direction. When our feet
are not firmly grounded in God and faith in Him then we will very easily be carried
away by what our sinful ‘nature’ desires. The only antidote for this is to keep our focus
on God, His character and how He wants us to live our life.
Problem of discipleship portrayed in this passage
1. Disciples need to be careful not to fall into temptation
2. Followers of Jesus need to recognize their failures and not be too confident in
3. The disciples failed to stay awake, keep watch, wait for their master and pray
4. Failed to understand the seriousness of the situation
5. Failed to support Him when He needed them.
To help you study
Know the story and be able to say it in your own words
 What does Jesus tell Peter James and John as they arrive in
 As Jesus goes away to pray what do the disciples do?
 What does Jesus mean by ‘the spirit is willing but the body is weak’?
 What can you learn about discipleship from this passage?
Be ready to answer
1. What are the problems of discipleship portrayed here? Comment on at least 2
2. The Christians to whom Mark was writing this story were facing persecution.
How might this story have helped them? Write and explain your answer in 3
3. How might Christians today benefit, or be encouraged from this passage?
Write 3 points.
Peter denies knowing Jesus
Biblical Reading: Mark 14:66-72
Key vocabulary
Peter’s denial
The way Peter said he was not a follower
of Jesus after the arrest of Jesus
Before the arrest of Jesus Peter is so confident that he will go with Jesus even to
death. After the arrest we find him denying that he even knows Jesus. Why that
change? Too often he has been criticized for fear. And maybe he was afraid. He
could see what was happening to Jesus and he was afraid he would be arrested and
crucified like his master. However there is more to it than that. He experienced a Jesus
who was so powerful as to calm the stormy sea, who fed the 5000 thousand out of a
basket of food, who walked on water with him, who raised dead people back to life
and healed people who were blind from birth. Was he convinced that this man was
the Son of God? You bet. Was he convinced that this man could do the impossible?
With no doubt. Then why did this man allow a bunch of soldiers to arrest Him, whip
Him and crucify Him on a cross. If He was truly the Son of God why didn’t he escape
their questions, their beatings, even death itself. Peter could not accept the fact that
his master, the one in whom he believed could be chained and beaten and
crucified. He shrunk from fear and confusion.
We can brag about our beliefs when all is well and we are facing no
opposition. However there are times when admitting what we believe makes us feel
uncomfortable. We are ashamed to admit before friends that we have certain life
values and standards based on our faith in God and we think ‘what are they going to
think of us’. At the same time we are doing that, we declare we are not ashamed to
deny God himself. If we could only realise how great God is and what He suffered for
us we would be rushing to admit our pride for being called His children and not be
Problem of discipleship portrayed in this passage
1. Peter, a faithful follower of Jesus, denies him in His most crucial moments.
2. We cannot be too sure for our commitment to God. We can only be
confident that He will be there when temptation hits our door and provide us
with the way out
To help you study
Know the story well enough to say it in your own words.
 In the presence of whom did Peter deny that he knew Jesus?
 What happened when he heart the rooster crow twice?
Be ready to answer
1. What are some problems of discipleship you can find in this story?
2. Do you think Peter was a failure? Give 2 reasons to support in you opinion and
2 reasons why someone may disagree with you.
3. (a) Name the two stories that people use to support that Peter and the other
apostles were failures? (b) If you had to defend them and say they were not
failures what two arguments would you use? (5p.)
Resource sheet 1.11a:
Peter’s powerful promise!
Read the following Bible verse again – you should remember information from last week’s
lesson to help. Or refresh your knowledge by re-reading pages 22–23 of the Student Book.
‘“You will all fall away,” Jesus told them, “for it is
written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will
be scattered.’ But after I have risen I will go ahead of
you to Galilee.”
‘Peter declared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.”
“I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “today – yes
tonight – before the rooster crows twice you yourself
will disown me three times.” But Peter insisted
emphatically, “Even if I have to die with you, I will
never disown you.” And all the others said the same.’
(Mark 14:27–31)
Write an account of this from Peter’s point of view. Concentrate on explaining how you felt
and why you promised this. Explain why you felt you were able to keep this promise.
Resource sheet 1.11b:
I am not worthy
Reply to this letter from a modern Christian, using Peter’s story to help her.
Resource sheet 1.11c
Exam-style questions
(a) What is Peter’s denial? (2 marks)
(b) Do you think Peter was a failure?
Give two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)
(c) Explain how Peter’s denial of Christ could help Christians today. (8 marks)
(d) ‘Jesus expected too much from his disciples.’
In your answer you should refer to Mark’s gospel and Christianity.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
Section 1: Discipleship
Look at the following table. How would you rate your understanding of this topic? Use
the following code to judge your status:
Knowledge and
I understand this fully
I am confident I can
answer most questions
on this
I need to do a lot
more work on this
Can you:
• give your opinion on the topic with reasons?
• give the opinion of someone who would disagree with you and give the reasons
they would have for their opinion?
My understanding is
Content covered
 How the nature of
discipleship is shown in the
call of the first disciples
 Why this is important for
Christians today
 How the nature of
discipleship is shown in the
sending out of the Twelve
 How this affects ideas
about Christians living
 How the costs of
discipleship are shown in
the true family of Jesus
 Why this teaching causes
problems for some
Christians today
 How the costs of
discipleship are shown in
true greatness
 Why this teaching causes
problems for some
Christians today
Can I give my
Can I give an
My understanding is
Content covered
 How the costs of
discipleship are shown in
the rich man
 Why this teaching causes
problems for some
Christians today
 How the costs of
discipleship are shown in
the parable of the tenants
 How the problems of
discipleship are shown in
the spirit cast out of the
 Why this teaching causes
problems for some
Christians today
 How the problems of
discipleship are shown in
the parable of the sower
 Why Mark’s account
causes problems for
Christians today
 How the problems of
discipleship are shown in
Jesus and service
 What this means for
Christians living today
 How the problems of
discipleship are shown in
the failure of the disciples
 How this might both help
and cause problems for
Christians today
 How the problems of
discipleship are shown in
Peter’s denial
 How this might both help
and cause problems for
Christians today
Can I give my
Can I give an