
Chapter 1: The strain of that had erupted the virus near Washington D.C went into hiding
somewhere in the rain forest. The cycling went on. The cycling must always go on if the
virus is to maintain its existence. The Army, having certified that the monkey house had
been nuked returned it to the possession of Hazelton Research Products.
Hazelton began buying more monkeys from the Philippines, from the same monkey
house near Manila, and restocked the building with crab-eating monkeys that been
trapped in the rain forests of Mindanao. Less Than a month later, in the middle of
January, some of the monkeys in the Room C began dying with bloody noses.
Dan Dalgard called Peter Jahrling. "Looks like we're affected again," he said. Dan
Dalgard decides to not tell the military just for safety purposes.
“I think you should try to contact a man named Dr.Musoke." says Peter Jahrling.
“Why would I do that? I don’t even know the guy." says Dan Dalgard.
“He’s a doctor who has survived Ebola and now is studying it in Africa.”
“OK I'll give it a shot.”
"May I use your cell phone Peter?" says Dan.
"Sure and I have the nation plan so it won't cost me anything," says Peter happily.
"OK what’s the number?” asks Dan curiously.
Peter is typing on the computer to find it. "Here it is. Its 404-345-9900" says peter.
Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep Ring-Ring-Ring…Ring-Ring-Ring…Click
“Hello?” says Dr.Musoke curiously.
“Hello? Is this Dr.Musoke?” says Dan Dalgard nervously.
“Yes this is Dr.Musoke. May I ask who is calling?”
“Yes, this is Dan Dalgard of U.S.A.M.R.I.I.D. I’m calling to inform you that an outbreak
has happened in the monkey house in Washington D.C monkeys crash and bleed out of
Ebola. ”
“Why are you calling me about this? Can't your military take care of this?”
“Sir, we need a professional who has researched this virus not just some person who
holds guns at people,” said Dan sarcastically.
“Dan... Is that your name? If so why call me? It’s just an outbreak..?
“Yes, but Doctor it’s a new strain… We just found out a few days ago.”
“And I guess you want me to go out there and see what I can do?”
“Only if you are willing to pay for my plane ticket out there…”
“OK. I’ll buy your ticket and get you out here as soon as possible.”
Dr. Musoke gets on the airplane thinking of how he felt when he had Marburg,
imagining how it must feel for those poor monkeys to be infested with a hot agent. He
starts to day dream, thinking what happens if the capital of the U.S.A is taken over by
Ebola infested monkeys!
“Sir, sir, sir.”
“Ha," responded Musoke coming back into reality.
“Would you like some peanuts?" said the flight attendant.
“Yes please,” replies Dr.Musoke.
The flight attendant says, "Sounds like you were having a bad day dream."
Musoke responds," I was just thinking about a deadly virus named Ebola."
The flight attendant says "Do you mind sharing."
"Sure, it's a level 4 filovirus that is believed to have originated in a cave in Kenya
known as Kitum Cave," says Musoke.
"Ah I see," says the flight attendant.
His plane lands late in a four hour delay because of weather condition in the
Atlantic Ocean. Back at the monkey house, Dan Dalgard and the rest of the employees
are trying to find any escaped monkeys. They unsuccessful step out to get some fresh air
and then BOOM! BOOM! They are shot while stepping out of the building. The military
has turned on them believing they have already been infected.
The soldier Jim smith remembered once during his tour in Iraq he had come face to
face with a suicide bomber. The man was full of religious fervor and his training had
kicked in. This was like that instance except the person was innocent unknowing that he
carries a lethal payload that is 1000 times as deadly as a block of plastic explosive he
fired out of pure instinct. The bullets ripped through their targets with deadly accuracy
and the targets fell quickly some weakly starting to crawl back towards the monkey
house. The men in Chemturion suits went out to do their work. Jerry Jaax slowly inched
around the corner he saw the soldiers checking the vital signs of the six people they had
killed he inched back around the corner why are they doing this? he thought. the soldiers
went back to patrolling and a man in a Chemturion suit came out of the staging area and
picked up the bodies and took them away for "reprocessing".
Jaax knew what was happening though the bodies would in all probability be taken
down to the submarine and they would be "cleansed" their family would not be notified.
The Chemturion Space Unit soldier loads the corpses into a unmarked white van one of
the people is still alive and is struggling weakly one of the soldiers comes forward with
his sidearm "no!" He screamed Jerry averted his eyes just then he heard the loud report of
the gun.
Nancy Jaax was in a state of confusion why would they open fire? she thought she lay
in a pool of her own blood if i keep bleeding Ebola will be the least of my worries she
thought i have to get first aid. She first ruled out the army if they had tried to shoot her
before they would try to kill her this time she then thought of the workers in the monkey
house many have already been killed if their are others still alive they will be looking
after themselves. She then thought about self medication there has to be at least some first
aid equipment around here, she half walked half dragged herself across the floor to a
cabinet a couple of feet away she winced as her leg where she had been shot. She
gingerly supported herself against the shelf and opened it she found a lab coat that she
formed a tourniquet out of. She then searched for the blood thickening agents used by the
scientist for live monkey subject so that when they went into seizures during the death
throes after the Ebola had taken hold they wouldn't spray as much blood all over the
place. She found a single syringe of the substance and cut it down to size so that it would
have little side effect and injected herself.
Chapter 2
Dr.Musoke looked at his watch damn it he thought, the plane was just touching down on
the runway and he ran down the concourse I hope something bad hasn't happened. He
almost literally threw himself into the cab that was waiting for him at Dulles international
airport "go to Reston" he said to the taxi driver he watched impatiently as the scenery
passed by. He saw Arlington cemetery and he saw the endless rows of white crosses
stretching as far as the eye can see. I hope that we won't have to add any to here he
Jerry Jaax was getting scared the soldiers were closing in on his hiding spot. They
were talking as night fell he could see the fog as the moisture left their mouths and the
rifles glinting in the little light that was afforded by the daycare lights. He heard some of
the soldiers talking in the darkness they were talking about how they couldn't wait to
return to the fort to get to sleep. Once an officer came by to tell them to shut up and put
on their night vision goggles. Jaax then realized just in how much trouble he was in the
heat sensors will pick me up in a second if i don't move so he planned the run across the
40 feet to the monkey house. He looked one more time at the line of soldiers one by one
they flicked on the lasers attached to their rifle's and he could see small red dots playing
across the front of the monkey house.
He had heard from his army buddy's that some people would give up right when they
saw the eerie spectral dots playing across the windows of where they were hiding but i
don't have the liberty of giving up when they saw him they would shoot him plain and
simple this strengthened his resolve he knew their was no turning back after he made the
dash across but if he stayed where he was they would shoot him so he ran...
Jim saw in his night vision a single spectral shape flit across his vision and he saw all
of the beams of his squad mates beams converge on the target and they began firing at
him but by the time they began firing he was pretty much at the other side once he had
disappeared the commanding officer began cursing his head off
"How could you miss a target like that" he shouted his face reddening
"if you would have been in 'Nam you would be dead!! i don't know what's happening
to soldiers these days". He stormed off grumbling to his tent. Jerry Jaax was out of breath
he started feeling for large wet areas that would indicate a hit he felt his head and his
heart stopped he took a deep breath o.k so your still breathing he told himself way to go
!! After a few minutes he finally worked up the courage to probe the wound. He felt a
jagged furrow like a round piece of stone he sunk to the ground exhausted by his own
"Thank god thank god thank god" he murmured.
Nancy Jaax was feeling better she started limping around on her one good leg lot of
good that is going to do me with those soldiers outside she thought she slowly moved to
the refrigerator where she thought the workers may store their lunches they won't need
them anymore a little dark thought, she chuckled. She takes the door handle and yanks
four unwrapped monkey corpses fall on her
"crap!!" She screamed as they toppled out. She fell backwards she saw their dark eyes,
eyes dark and emotionless but somehow all knowing about the malicious being hiding in
their very cells. Jerry moved towards a cabinet he grabbed the handle and pulled it open
he found some wash clothes and put them in some disinfectant then wrapped it around his
head it stung
"ahhh!!" He exclaimed as the acid made contact with his cut. He started walking down
the storage area trying not to cry out in pain.
Nancy Jaax heard a far off voice, amplified by the echoes in the room
"Jerry" she screamed hoarsely she heard his pace doubles and she soon see's him and
they embrace.
Holy a man was writhing on the ground in a chemturion suit his visor was red and he
was drowning In his own blood, the officer ran out
"how the hell did the guy get Ebola" he roared his face turning beet red everyone was
looking down at the figure as he writhed
"someone help him" the officer screamed in a fit of rage.
"you will be court marshaled unless you help him".
No one helped him and he soon stopped moving and his labored breathing started
getting shallower, until finally he gave one last wheeze and moved no more . The thing
that disturbed every one was that the virus reached the man inside his suit the only thing
between the living and the Ebola virus and even that was flawed.
We are stuck in the monkey house and i am going crazy. We need to find a way out but
there is no possible way out.
"Yes there is we will figure out one,” said Jerry.
How are we going to escape without getting shot or killed? It's not possible I am going to
find my own way to leave this place.
"No don’t leave. There are soldiers waiting in a line to shoot you,” said Nancy.
I don't care. I don't want to stay in this place anymore I'm leaving ,I'm going to run out
that door and fun as fast as I can. Dan runs out the door and sees a line of soldiers but he
keeps going. The soldier’s fire and he dies instantly.
"We need to get out of here,” said Nancy scared.
"We should just run out and try not to get shot. It’s the only way,” said Dr.Musoke.
Are you crazy, do you want to end up like Dan? The only way for us to escape is for me
to sacrifice my self so that you could escape from the back door and they won’t see you.
"No you can't do that, just...just wait so we could figure this out,” said Nancy crying.
"You can't do that. It’s suicide,” said Dr.Musoke with a rough tone.
I have to do this. It’s the only way to get out of here, now go to the back door a wait until
i say run.
"Come on let's go Nancy,” said Dr.Musoke."
"I can't leave you Jerry. I can’t,"said Nancy crying.
Just go to the back door i will be okay. Now when i say run, you have to run as fast as
you can.
Jerry opens the door and runs out.
"RUN RUN HURRY!" says Jerry panic.
Jerry stops in front of the one of the soldiers who is in line. Let me out! The soldiers shot
him in the head and Jerry dies. Dr.Musoke and Nancy are out and have escaped.
Were finally free from that place and don’t be sad Nancy everything will be okay now. I
will make sure that we are safe.
After they escaped the monkey in the monkeys house starts to die because they have
succumbed the disease.
After what happened in the monkey house me a Nancy wrote a journal about what when
on in the monkey house and what happened.