Review For Final Exam - Revere Local Schools

World History A-Review for the 30 questions cumulative portion Final Exam and the WWI Section
From Enlightenment to WWI-1500’s-1920
Enlightenment Ch. 5
1. What was the Scientific Revolution and how did it bring about the Enlightenment Time Period?
2. How did Enlightenment ideas produce enduring effects on political, economic, and cultural institutions?
3. How did the Enlightenment directly change the church’s control?
4. How did the Declaration of Independence embody Enlightenment ideals?
5. Why were Enlightenment ideas influential in the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the
Latin American Revolution?
French Revolution Ch. 6
6. Know the causes of the French Revolution -debt, bread shortage, draught, King and Queen’s frivolous
spending, Enlightenment ideas, American Revolution, social class structure, taxes.
7. In what ways did the Enlightenment inspire changes that were made in France after the revolution in
8. How did the French Revolution impact Europe?
Industrial Revolution Ch. 7
9. Know the factors that led to the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain.
10. What were the social, political, and economic effects of industrialization?
11. What type of labor was used in early 19th century textile factories?
12. What was the importance of the steam and oil burning engines?
13. How did daily life change in general due to Industrialization?
14. How did Industrialization lead to revolution in Europe during the 1800’s? Who was revolting and Why?
15. Why did Karl Marx and communists despise capitalism?
16. How did transportation and communication developed as a result of industrialization raise the standard of
Revolutions in Europe and Latin America (Nationalism) Ch. 8
17. European countries who colonized Latin America
18. Reasons for Latin American Revolutions
19. What were causes of revolutions in Europe during the 1800’s?
Chapter 10-Nationalism Triumphs in Europe
20. Understand how nationalism divided empires and united countries like Germany and Italy
Imperialism Ch. 12
See imperialism study guide-#s 3, 7, 9, 16,19
WWI Ch. 14
21. What were the four main causes of WWI? Why did these causes help to create world war?
22. WWI is also known as? (3 things)
23. What countries made up the Allied Powers?
24. What countries made up the Central Powers?
25. Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand cause Austria-Hungary to offer Serbia an ultimatum?
26. Who was the first country to declare war on Serbia?
27. Why did Russia feel compelled to aide Serbia?
28. Who was the first aggressor or attacker of WWI?
29. What were the new military technologies used in WWI? What type of warfare did the new weapons lead
30. Battle on Western Front-trenches, Battle of the Marne, stalemate
31. Battle on Eastern Front-who was fighting, Battle of Tannenburg, why Russia struggled
32. Gallipoli Campaign-location and Allied goal
33. How was WWI a global war? How did colonies play a role in the fighting?
34. Why was WWI the first modern war?
35. Why was WWI a total war?
36. Who won WWI?
37. What were the human costs of WWI? (reason for large numbers of civilian casualties?)
38. How did Russian Revolution impact WWI?
39. Why did the U.S. decide to join WWI in 1917?
40. How did the U.S. majorly help the Allied victory?
41. What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?
42. Why did the terms of the Treaty of Versailles create conflicts that would carry into WWII?
43. What was the League of Nations? Why was it created?
44. Was the League of Nations successful?