physical science research project: atoms

Notebook Research (50 Points)
You will complete four research sections in your notebook from articles you have found
online. They must be related to the element you signed up for. The topics are as follows:
Page 61: General Overview of your Element and its structure (2 Paragraphs)
Page 62: Isotopes and Uses of your Element (1 Paragraph)
Page 63: History/Discovery of your Element (2 Paragraphs)
Page 64: Placement on the Periodic table (group/family/block/etc). (1 Paragraph)
Final Research Paper (50 Points)
You will complete a 1-2 page research paper. This paper will be typed, size 12 Arial Font, 1inch margins, and double-spaced. The following headings should be bolded and underlined
in your paper:
Atoms and the Electron Cloud Model: (2 Paragraphs)
General Overview of (Name of your Element): (1 Paragraph)
History/Discovery/Uses/Isotopes of (Name of your Element): (2 Paragraphs)
Periodic Table Placement of (Name of your Element): (1 Paragraph)
Conclusion: (1 Paragraph)
References (A minimum of three sources must be used and cited)
Model of Atom (50 Points)
You will make a model of your element. It should clearly show the major parts of the atom:
the nucleus which is made up of protons and neutrons, and electrons which travel around
the nucleus in a “cloud”. Your model should show that there is empty space between the
nucleus and the electrons. Label each part or make a key.
Use your imagination and creativity in selecting materials for this project. It can be
presented as a free standing model, or suspended from something like a coat hanger, or
mounted on a poster board. Feel free to use gumdrops, mini marshmallows, jelly beans,
Styrofoam balls, paints, fabric, cut paper, etc. to represent the parts of an atom. (If you
complete a poster, it cannot be on notebook or computer paper)
Presentation (50 Points)
You will work with a partner to complete a presentation about “Atoms and the Atomic
Theory” and “Your 2 Chosen Elements”. Your presentation can be completed in Powerpoint,
on poster board, or by some other pre-approved method. You will be required to give a five
minute presentation to the class as a partnership.
Notebook Research (50 Points)
Your Notebook Research will be graded primarily on completion. You will earn 10 points for
each page that meets the paragraph requirements and has a cited source. You will also
earn 10 points from using a minimum of 3 different resources to complete pages 61, 62, 63,
Final Research Paper (50 Points)
You will earn up to 10 points for each of the following categories:
1) Typed and formatted according to the instructions
2) Six headings bolded and underlined
3) Accurate Information
4) Original work. Your entire paper should be in your own words and at the 9th grade level.
You should understand everything that you put into your paper and be able to explain it to
the teacher when asked. If your classmates read your paper, they should also be able to
understand everything you typed. (Plagiarism will not be tolerated)
5.) Grammar and Clarity
Model of Atom (50 Points)
You will earn up to 10 points for each of the following categories:
1) Creativity
2) Neatness
3) Accuracy of your Atom
4) Shows understanding of the major parts of an atom
5) Completed and turned in on time
Presentation (50 Points)
You will earn up to 10 points for each of the following categories:
1) Shows a complete understanding of Atoms and Atomic Theory
2) Shows a complete understanding of the 2 chosen elements
3) The information presented is accurate and clear
4) Original work. Everything should be in your own words and at the 9th grade level.
5) Both partners present equally