Honores Spanish IV 2012-2013.doc

Honors Spanish IV
Profesora Marshall
Syllabus 2012-2013
St. Augustine Preparatory School
Course Overview
The Honors Spanish IV program provides language and cultural experiences selected to
advance the intermediate language student to a proficient one in their verbal, syntactical,
grammatical, and written expression. Each student will be actively engaged in thinking and
learning processes which include extensive involvement in Spanish-only conversations in
conjunction with readings from authentic Spanish and Latin American Literature, clips from
current media, cinema, and genuine genres of music as a context in which to learn more
measurable academics such as grammatical rules, history, geography, and vocabulary. The
primary goal of the program is to create a community of learners who develop the linguistic
skills and cultural understanding to interact successfully in a multi-cultural global society.
The Honors Spanish IV is comparable to a college/university Spanish language course. As of
2009 is has been given dual credit status with Camden Community College. It encompasses
oral and aural skills, reading comprehension, grammar, and composition.
Course Objectives - At the completion of the course students will be able to …
1. Understand and interpret written and spoken Spanish on a variety of topics.
2. Present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners.
3. Reinforce and further their knowledge of the subject through materials presented in the
target language; Spanish websites, newspapers, authentic texts, etc.
4. Show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal
enjoyment and enrichment.
5. Speak, read, and write with ease; open to improvisation.
6. Express themselves with accuracy, fluency, ease and flow.
Kanter. “Encuentros maravillosos: Gramática a través de la literatura. 2nd edition.”
Prentice Hall, 2011.
“Look I can Talk More!” workbook, “¡Mírame, puedo hablar más!” cuaderno de
trabajo, Blaine Ray, Sky Oaks Productions, Inc.
Basic Class Procedure
We are covering 14 chapters. WE WILL NEED TO MOVE RAPIDAMENTE!!!! We
will spend 2 weeks on each chapter, including:
all exercises in text,
“¡Mírame, puedo hablar más!” stories,
your original stories,
newspaper articles and presentations,
poster creations
testing (two days-interviews and essays and written test)
Every day there will be either a dictado quiz or an “ejercicio de precalentamiento”
at the beginning of class. Be seated immediately and review for the quiz or
complete the warm-up in your blue books. Begin text or workbook exercises in
your marble notebook as soon as you have a “free” moment.
Every day there will be student presentations in class. They may be to present a
newspaper article, teach a grammar point, speak about a topic related to the
chapter, or present their poster, story or dialogue. Assignments will be given the
first day of the week the class meets. You are on call to give the presentation any
day after that.
Every two weeks you will present a memorized “diálogo” in class. You will stand in
front of the class and perform the dialogue WITHOUT ANY NOTES. It will have
been memorized. You may bring props or use Profe’s. Points will be deducted if
the props distract the actors or the audience from the performance. You will be
graded on pronunciation, believability, creativity and understandability.
The Honor Code will be handwritten by you on all tests and quizzes. Ten points
will be deducted from any paper or blue book in which it does not appear. After
September, the honor code will be written by you in Spanish:
Como miembro de la hermandad de la Preparatoria de San Agustín,
prometo ser una persona de integridad. Ni daré ni recibiré ninguna ayuda
no autorizada en cualquier trabajo académico.
Procedure for labeling assignments
For labeling homework or any other assignments, please write your name, date,
period, and assignment in the upper right corner of your paper and the words, “Doy
mi palabra de honor” (“I give my word of honor”). You will also write this promise on
each page of the blue book dictado quizzes, By writing this on your paper, you are
giving your word of honor that you have not given or received specific information
related to the quiz or test.
You will be peer grading quizzes and homework assignments. The HONOR CODE
applies. If a peer asks you to cheat for him and you do, you are BOTH in violation.
Before you begin peer grading you will write “Doy mi palabra de honor” and sign
your name on your peer’s paper.
A Note About Translation Programs
Do not use any computer translation programs for work in this class. Any use of these
programs will be considered a violation of the Honor Code and will be penalized as
such. Translation programs do not work and are immediately detectable. They are no
substitution for learning a language.
Course requirements
 It is mandatory that Spanish be spoken.
 Participation of 20 points weekly for 100%.
 Text, materials and writing utensils must be brought to class daily.
 Check Profe’s wiki page daily for assignments.
The following are prohibited in class:
 Computer use in class
 Cell phones visible or audible
 Food or drink of any kind
Class work & ongoing assignments
Major projects and presentations
Homework and Quizzes
Chapter Tests
Ongoing Assignments
Ongoing assignments are due at the beginning of the first meeting of every week.
Resumen de noticias / Palabra del día
(Written Current Events Summary / Word of the Day)
Each student will select (or be assigned) a country and will follow current events in
that country throughout the year. Every week, students are expected to find and read
one Spanish-language article having to do with their country. There will be two
components to the news piece.
I. Written assignment to be turned in:
 Read the article several times and look up any unfamiliar words on
www.wordreference.com ONLY. See me for help if needed.
 Write a short “resumen de noticias” paragraph (150-250 words) in
Spanish summarizing the main point(s) of the reading. Use the current
event rubric as a guide for the information you need include. LABEL all
information according the rubric. The handwritten, double-spaced,
paragraph must be turned in with a copy of the article. USING AN ONLINE TRANSLATOR IS AGAINST THE ST. AUGUSTINE PREP. HONOR
CODE and all penalties will apply.
II. Speaking presentation (not by READING but by TELLING US ABOUT) the
“Resumen de noticias” presenting the information in the order of the rubric. Before
beginning the presentation, the student will write one (1) vocabulary word and its
definition(s) on the board as well as a usage sentence. The word should be one that
was unfamiliar before reading the article. Students are then responsible for the new
vocabulary and can expect to see it on a vocabulary quiz.
During most class meetings, a few students will be asked to present their “resumen de
noticias” to the class. They must speak for approximately 3-5 minutes and although
students may use notes, all remarks must be given extemporaneously and in Spanish.
Drawings, sketches, notes on the whiteboard, especially words the class doesn’t know
are required. Although students will be selected at random, each student will have
many opportunities to give a “noticia.”
Although students are not restricted to these sources, the following websites are
BBC en español http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/Spanish/news
CNN en español www.cnnenespañol.com
Radio Naciones Unidas www.un.org/radio/es
Red Mundo Latino www.mundolatino.org/prensa
El mundo www.elmundo.es
La Nación www.nación.com
Univisión www.univision.com
Major Projects and Presentations
Monthly Essays / Papers
Each month, students will write a 250-500 word essay.
Midterm / Final Presentation
During the last weeks of the Fall and Spring semesters, students will give a 20 minute
power point presentation in Spanish on their “noticias del día” country. The
presentation should provide a brief overview of the country’s history, followed by an
extensive discussion of major current events. Students will also be required to turn in
a 3-6 page paper on their presentation topic.
Midterm / Final Exam
At the end of each semester, students will take a written midterm exam covering
vocabulary and content from readings in Encuentros maravillosos, “¡Mírame, puedo
hablar más!” and elsewhere. The exams will be cumulative.
Students who miss class for any reason are expected to find out the homework from a
classmate or the class website, complete the assignment before the next class, and
participate actively upon their return. Any questions about material covered when the
student was absent must be clarified before the next class meeting, either before
school, during break, or via email, and will not be re-taught during class.
Course Planner
Semester 1
Week 1
Encuentros maravillosos (EM), Capítulo 1: “El otro”, Jorge L
Luis Borges.
Select country for resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Ensayo: “¿Qué hiciste durante las vacaciones? (200-250 palabras)
Week 2
EM 1: Presente del indicativo; pretérito, voz pasiva con se
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test
Week 3
EM 2: “Un perro ha muerto”, Pablo Neruda
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “¡Qué casualidad!”
Week 4
EM 2: imperfecto; presente perfecto; pluscuamperfecto
los usos de ser y estar
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 5
EM 3: “Viajes”, Julio Cortázar
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “La chica social”
Week 6
EM 3: verbos reflexives; complementos directos e indirectos;
verbos como faltar, gustar, importar, molestar y parecer
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 7
EM 4: “Nada menos que todo un hombre”, Miguel de Unamuno
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “El restaurante elegante”
Week 8
EM 4: presente del subjuntivo; subjuntivo después de verbos o
expresiones de voluntad, duda, negación y emoción;
presente perfecto del subjuntivo
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 9
EM 5: “El niño al que se le murió el amigo”, Ana María Matute
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “Los perros olímpicos”
Week 10
EM 5: futuro; futuro perfecto; condicional; condicional perfecto;
el uso de se y el complemento indirecto con eventos inesperados
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 11
EM 6: “La peste del insomnio”, Gabriel García Márquez
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “El carro de la familia”
Week 12
EM 6: imperfecto del subjuntivo; pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 13
EM 7: “Como agua para chocolate (fragmento)”, Laura Esquivel
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “Los dos esposos”
Week 14
Mid-Term Review
Semester 2
Week 1
EM 7: mandatos; otros usos del subjuntivo;
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 2
EM 8: “Romance de la luna, luna”, Federico García Lorca
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento “El robo”
Week 3
EM 8: tiempos progresivos; infinitivo; por y para
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 4
EM 9: “La casa de los espíritus (fragmento)”, Isabel Allende
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Palabras que confunden
Cuento “La excursión”
Week 5
EM9: Lo que, lo cual; lo + adjetivo; más usos del subjuntivo
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 6
EM 10: “Balada de los dos abuelos”, Nicolás Guillén
“Caminante, son tus huellas”, Antonio Machado
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento, “las citas con la doctora”
Week 7
EM 10: “Peso ancestral”, Alfonsina Storni
las preposiciones que se emplean con ciertos verbos
pronombres después de una preposición
subjuntivo después de expresiones indefinidas
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Week 8
EM 10:Las preposiciones que se emplean con ciertos verbos
pronombres después de una preposición
subjuntivo después de expresiones indefinidas
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 9
EM 11: “Carta a un desterrado”, Claribel Alegría
“Día de las madres”, Daisy Zamora
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Cuento, “El hermano mayor”
Week 10
EM 11: “Soy un ser peligroso”, Antonio Curis
adjetivos y pronombres posesivos
comparativos y superlativos
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Week 11
EM 11: adjetivos y pronombres posesivos
comparativos y superlativos
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 12
EM 12: “Las ruinas circulares”, Jorge Luis Borges
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Week 13
EM 12: Las palabras interrogativas; las palabras exclamativas;
Los adjetivos y pronombres demostrativos
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 14
EM 13: “Rebelde”, Juana de Ibarbourou
“En paz”, Amado Nervo
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Week 15
EM 13: Los pronombres relativos
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 16
EM 14: “El ahogado más hermoso del mundo”, Gabriel García Márquez
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Week 17
EM 14: La verdadera voz pasiva; el uso del artículo definido; el género de
los sustantivos
resumen de noticias / palabra del día
Chapter Test/Essay
Week 18
Presentations and Final Exam Review
St. Augustine Prep – Honor Code
The Honor Code Pledge, its explanation, procedures and sanctions for violations are outlined below.
The student’s signature of the pledge, as well as the parents’ acknowledgement of this, will be kept on
file in the Office of the Dean of Student Leadership. The Pledge is to appear on every test for the
student to sign. Faculty may, if they chose, require students to sign the pledge on any other
assignment as well.
As a member of the St. Augustine Prep Brotherhood, I pledge to be a person of integrity. I will neither
give nor receive unauthorized assistance in any academic exercise.
St. Augustine Prep’s mission is to educate the whole person: body, mind and spirit, according to the
gospel values of Jesus. As a Catholic-Augustinian school, St. Augustine Prep strives to uphold Christian
values and to emphasize the Hermit Brotherhood. Responsibility, respect for self and others, regard for
the welfare of the community, pride in accomplishments, and the rights of everyone, involve each of us
being persons of integrity whose actions demonstrate this commitment.
Any actions, whether intentional or unintentional, which disregard honesty, diminish the integrity of
both the individual and the community. Moreover, such actions do not give the faculty the opportunity
to evaluate the student fairly or offer assistance when it is needed. They also deprive the student of a
valid learning experience which is crucial to educating the whole person.
While a member of the St. Augustine Prep Brotherhood, each student is expected to conduct himself
with integrity and to uphold the Honor Code. Though not exhaustive, the following represent examples
of actions which violate the Honor Code:
1. Cheating: copying work or giving your own work to another (including homework);
unauthorized use of study aids or collaboration during testing; obtaining or distributing copies of
testing materials; giving or receiving information regarding a test before, during or after a test.
2. Plagiarism: representing others’ ideas or expressions, whether published or unpublished, as
your own without proper citation of credit.
3. Falsifying data/citations: buying, selling, giving or receiving term papers, notebooks, or the like
from any source, including the Internet.
4. Fabricating academic documentation: e.g. letters of reference or recommendation.
5. Lying to an administrator or teacher: during investigations of academic dishonesty.
In issues concerning the Honor Code, the faculty member will initially speak with the student to
ascertain the facts. The details of this conversation, as well as the facts which are discussed, will be
reported in writing. All materials pertinent to the situation will be given to the Dean of Student
Leadership. The Dean will meet with the student to make a determination regarding the upholding of
the Honor Code Pledge. If at this meeting it is determined that the student has violated the Honor
Code, the appropriate remedies apply. Violations will be reviewed at the weekly Executive Session of
the President’s Cabinet.
While a student at St. Augustine Prep in cases where it is determined that a student has violated the
Honor Code, the following will apply:
1. For a first offense – the student receives a zero on the assignment with no opportunity for
make-up. The student’s parents are advised that the student has violated the Honor Code.
2. For a second offense, all penalties as in #1 above, plus a two-day in school suspension. In
addition, the student must relinquish any/all leadership position ( e.g. class or club officer,
athletic captain) for a period of one calendar year from the date of the second offense. In
addition, the student is ineligible for any extracurricular activity ( athletic participation, prom,
trips, etc.) for 30 days from the date of the second offense.
3. For a third violation, all penalties as in #1 above, and dismissal from St. Augustine Prep.
Note: Sanctions are cumulative throughout a student’s tenure at St. Augustine Prep. (Three strikes in
four years).