WATSON SCHOOL OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA WILMINGTON Field Experience Requirements Elementary Education* *The following are the field experience requirements for Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 and are subject to change. Not all courses are offered every semester. Elementary Education Block EDN 334-001, EDN 336-001, EDN 348-001, EDN 339-200 TBA, Taylor, Walker Students must enroll in all four courses concurrently. Students will meet in classes and/or field experiences four mornings each week. All field experience requirements can be completed during the blocks of time spent in the classroom. Specific field experience requirements for these courses can be found below. Elementary Education Mini-Block EDN 322-001, EDNL 322-200, EDN 340-001, EDNL 340-200 Hargrove, Fox Students must enroll in all four courses concurrently. Students will meet in classes and/or field experiences four mornings each week at a local elementary school. Specific field experience requirements for these courses can be found below. EDN 292 (-004,-802, -810, -820, -830) Elem School Program & Practice Walker • Type of classroom: 2 elementary school classrooms that model different philosophical perspectives •Total field experience hours: 8 hours (4 in each classroom) Description: Student should shadow a teacher; interview the teacher to gain insights into issues at the elementary school. Look at how she/he plans. What outside pressures does she/he feel? Look at issues of diversity, classroom management, philosophical underpinnings of programs and practices in the school. Use the protocol developed in Module 2. Submit a list of the top ten significant concepts you’ve learned through your visits to the school. EDN 292 (-800, -801) Spanish for Educators Trujillo • Total field experience hours: 12 Lessons taught: 2 – 30 minute long sessions per week recommended • Description: The 2 goals of this field experience are to help NES child to improve his reading skills in English and for the tutor to learn 5 new words or phrases each tutoring session from the student. The tutor will meet monthly with tutee's Teacher when children are not in classroom to talk about the goals and progress of student. They will develop assessment and goals based on the Language Arts Standard Course of studies. EDN 319 (-001, -002, -003, -800) Meet Needs of Special Students In Elementary Schools Lanunziata/Sutton • Type of classroom: General education (not special education), with mainstreamed special needs children • Total field experience hours: 10 1 • Description: Requirements include direct observation, but students are encouraged to interact with individual students or groups when possible. Students are instructed to keep a daily log of observations, interactions, etc. while observing in the classroom. Students will collect data and examine the instructional environment, classroom/behavior management techniques, learning styles, and individual learning characteristics. EDNL 322 200 Math Laboratory Hargrove • Total field experience hours: 10 (2.5 hours per week) • Description: This lab is designated for students enrolled in the math/literacy mini-block. To fulfill the requirements for ENDL 322-200, students will be assigned to a classroom at a local elementary school where they will work with individual students as well as small groups and the whole class. EDNL 322 800 Math Laboratory Walker/Chandler • Total field experience hours: 10 • Description: 10 hours of one-on-one math tutoring with the same child. One hour per week is preferred. All of the lesson plans and reflections are submitted to the Ed Lab. Students should consult with the teacher regarding concepts and skills to be taught during the sessions and submit the letter, the reflection paper and the log of their teaching hours. Manipulatives should be used. EDN 334 (-002, -003) Social Studies Curriculum/Instruction (K-6) Henry • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 3 • Lessons taught: 3 • Description: Students will be required to complete- a log of dates and times spent in the school; reflective observations descriving three social studies lessons /activities (1 page per observation); reflective comments on each of the three social studies lessons you taught (1 page per lesson); and a summary of your field experience (1 page) EDN 334 004 Social Studies Curriculum/Instruction (K-6) Needham Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 3 • Lessons taught: 3 • Description: Students will be required to complete: 1. a log of dates and times spent in the school 2. a list of all lessons observed and taught with a brief, 2-3 sentence description of each 3. one formal observation paper 4. one formal reflection of a lesson they taught 5. summary of what they gained from the field experience in conjunction with the methods course. EDN 334 800 Social Studies Curriculum/Instruction (K-6) Webb • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 3 • Lessons taught: 3 • Description: Students will be required to complete- a log of dates and times spent in the school; a list of all lessons observed and taught with a brief, 2-3 sentence description of each; one formal observation paper (teacher taught); one formal reflection of a lesson (student taught); and an evaluation by partnership teacher 2 NOTE: If you are unable to teach Social Studies, or are teaching limited Social Studies during this semester, please notify us immediately so that an alternative placement may be made. EDN 334 (-802, -810, -820, -830)Social Studies Curriculum/Instructuion (K-6) McNulty • Total field experience hours: 8 • Lessons observed: as many as possible; 1 written up • Lessons taught: as many as possible; 1 written up • Description: Students will be required to complete- a log of dates and times spent in the school totaling at least 8 hours; a list of all lessons observed and taught with a brief, 2-3 sentence description of each; one formal observation paper (teacher taught); one formal reflection of a lesson (student taught); and an evaluation by partnership teacher NOTE: If you are unable to teach Social Studies, or are teaching limited Social Studies during this semester, please notify us immediately so that an alternative placement may be made. EDN 336 (-001, -003, -800) Teaching Science (K-6) Taylor/Sutton/Zinner • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed and analyzed: 3 • Lessons taught: 2 • Description: Students will observe 3, then teach 2 elementary science lessons. AIMs activities are acceptable. Lessons should follow constructivist/inquiry methods. EDN 336 (-002, -004) Teaching Science (K-6) Lambert • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 3 • Lessons taught: 1 • Description: Students will observe and analyze 3, then teach 1 elementary science lesson. AIMs activities are acceptable. Lessons should follow constructivist/inquiry methods. EDN 339 (201-210) Apprentice Field Experience Walker • Total field experience hours: 4 per week • Description: Students will visit the same classroom each week for a 4 hour block of time (either 8 am 12 pm or 10 am -2 pm, on the same day each week). During this block of time, the student will complete all field experience requirements for other courses. In most cases, a UNCW instructor will visit and monitor field experience work. EDNL 340 (-200,-801) Literacy Laboratory Fox/Brinkley/Tinknlenberg •Total field experience hours: 20 hours (approximately) • Description: University Students will Tutor a K-6 student (Tutee) in Reading Instruction. The Student will prepare lesson plans for each tutoring session which must be approved by the Participating Teacher and the Literacy Lab Instructors. The Student will determine the Instructional Reading Level of the Tutee by administering an Informal Reading Inventory. The lessons will include phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, writing activities, and other literacy skills practice which will be compiled into a Literacy Folder. Before the final tutoring session, the Student will write two letters (for the Tutee’s parent and teacher) recommending activities to assist with continued progress in Reading. EDN 348 (-001, -002, -801) Teaching Communication Arts (K-6) • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 4-5 3 Walker /Gruber • Lessons taught: 5-6 • Description: We would like students to be able to experience as much of the language arts as possible. They can do reading/writing conferences, conduct reading/writing workshop, conduct literature response groups, teach from language arts or reading textbooks, teach mini-lessons, teach spelling, teach handwriting, teach aspects of grammar or punctuation, work with a small group, teach a direct instruction lesson, teach a scripted lesson, etc. EDN 348 003 Teaching Communication Arts (K-6) Bramley • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 3 (with a one page typed observation for each lesson observed) • Lessons taught: 3 (using NC 6 pt. lesson plan on Taskstream with a lesson reflection) • Description: Students will be required to complete a log of hours kept and signed by partnership teacher, write a (typed) 1 page overall summary, provide classroom assistance when appropiate, and turn in an evaluation from partnership teacher. We would like students to be able to experience as much of the language arts as possible. They can do reading/writing conferences, conduct reading/writing workshop, conduct literature response groups, teach from language arts or reading textbooks, teach mini-lessons, teach spelling, teach handwriting, teach aspects of grammar or punctuation, work with a small group, teach a direct instruction lesson, teach a scripted lesson, etc. The main focus of the experience should be for the student to use what he/she knows about teaching the language arts to help students grow in literacy proficiency. EDN 348 (-004, -802, -810, -820, -830) Teaching Communication Arts (K-6) Potts Total field experience hours: 10 (minimum) Lessons observed: 4-5 Lessons taught: 5-6 (Detailed lesson plans and reflections) ( Video of one lesson with peer and self-reflection) Engage in a social action project related to connecting school and community Description: Students need to experience as much of the language arts curriculum in the classroom as possible. Engage in reading/writing conferences, conduct reading/writing workshop, conduct literature response groups, teach from language arts or reading textbooks. Teach mini-lessons with small group, or whole group in spelling, handwriting, aspects of grammar or punctuation. Use a variety of instructional strategies. Complete a detailed signed log of activities. The main focus of the experience should be for the student to use what he/she knows about teaching language arts to help students grow in literacy proficiency. EDN 349 (-002,-003,-800) Teaching Health & Phy Ed (K-6) Dixon • Type of classroom: Regular education classroom (not PE) • Total field experience hours: 10 • Lessons observed: 5 • Lessons taught: 5 • Description: Students will observe 5 lessons, then teach 5 lessons addressing health objectives from the NC Standard Course of Study. In classrooms where this is not possible, the student should integrate health objectives into other subject areas. EDN 414 (-001, -002,-800,-801) Experiencing The Cultural Arts Wheat /Johnson • Type of classroom: Regular education classroom & elementary art or music classroom 4 • Total field experience hours: 3 • Lessons observed: 2 - 1 arts specialist and 1 lesson observing the children they will teach in the general classroom • Lessons taught: 1 Description: Students will observe 1 lesson in an elementary art or music classroom, and then teach a lesson in the general classroom that integrates visual art, music, drama, or dance with another subject area. EDN 495 004 Integrating Arts in Elementary Education Wheat • Type of classroom: Regular education classroom and elementary art or music classroom • Total field experience hours: minimum 8 • Lessons observed: as many as possible, minimum 4 • Lessons taught: as many as possible, minimum 2 • Description: Description: Students will observe in elementary art & music classrooms as well as in the general education classroom. Students should teach a minimum of two lessons in the general classroom that integrate visual art, music, drama, or dance with another subject area. 5