Mind Mapping Technique to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Word Problem in Primary 5 Classes in Brunei Muara District. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter deals with the background of Brunei Darussalam’s education system, information about the proposed study, its importance in education and the issues involved which are formulated as research questions. The need for such study is strengthened by the fact that there has been no previous study involving the use of mind mapping technique in the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary schools in Brunei Darussalam. The proposed study aims to study the effects of mind mapping techniques on the pupils’ attitudes and achievement in mathematics of three groups of Primary 5 level pupils in Brunei Muara district. Teachers need to be equipped with a variety of mathematical tasks for their pupils to enhance their learning. Mind mapping is catching the attention of educators today as one of the alternatives to the traditional approach. A mind map may be one of the easiest ways to put information into our brain and to take information out of our brain – it’s a creative and effective means of note-taking that literally “maps out” your thought. The new mathematics syllabus is highlighting the use of diagrams, illustrations, and pictures to convey mathematical ideas in a vivid and interesting way (Curriculum Development Department, CDD 2006). Wikipedia (2008) defines a mind map as a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea. It is used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organisation, problem solving, decision making, and writing, in line with the demand of the new curriculum syllabus. Arithmetic word problems are introduced in the new Mathematics Syllabus for Primary Schools from Primary 1. Word problems are taught in almost every topic. They are thought to 1 represent an important bridge between the child’s developing computational skills and the application of these skills in real-world contexts. The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the mathematics curriculum hoped to cultivate the children’s interest in maths and enriching their learning experiences. One of something of the new National Education Systems for the 21st Century (SPN 21) Curriculum features is more learning with ICT. Since 1999, the Government of His Majesty the Sultan has been funding on the implementation of ICT in the teaching and learning in schools and in response to his titah (excerpt) at the APEC Summit, “…To prepare our young people for the challenges ahead, information technology is essential for learning and teaching…”. His Majesty’s Titah at the APEC SUMMIT 2000 ICT improves the way mathematics should be taught and enhances students understanding of basic concepts. However, the until April 2008, the implementation of the integration of ICT into Mathematics teaching and learning Brunei Darussalam Education System The Government of Brunei Darussalam is giving free education to all Brunei citizens who attend government schools and educational institutions. At the primary level, pupils go through a year at pre-school before proceeding to lower primary (primary 1 – 3) and later to upper primary (primary 4 – 6). The overall aim of primary education is to give children a firm foundation in the basic skills of literacy and numeracy as well as to provide opportunities for their personal growth and character development. Subjects taught at the lower primary level are: Bahasa Melayu (including Jawi script), English Language, Mathematics, Pelajaran Am (General Studies), Pengetahuan Agama Islam (Islamic Religious Knowledge), Pendidikan Jasmani (Physical Education), Lukisan (Art) and Sivik (Civics) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Starting the year 2008, Mathematics in the lower primary is now taught in 2 English as the medium of instruction. The Ministry of Education (MOE) had decided this in order to improve the proficiency of the language of the primary school children as research studies conducted in Brunei Darussalam have concluded that one of the main causes for children’s poor performance in mathematics can be attributed to their weakness in the English Language. The new mathematics syllabus asserted that children should be actively involved in learning mathematics through the use of a variety of representations. In the very early years, concrete materials will help children to develop basic mathematical concepts. Later, diagrams, real world examples, verbal representations, ICT, and symbolic representations will help children to move from concrete to more abstract ways of thinking. The book further stated that the use of diagrams, illustrations and pictures helps to convey mathematical ideas in a vivid and interesting way, helping to build the connection between symbolic and concrete models. It aims to mould and develop the students’ character and thinking ability, whilst encouraging creativity, independence and social skills. Mind map is a uniquely appropriate learning tool. It harnesses the full range of the cortical skills – word, image, number, logic, colour and spatial awareness – in a single, uniquely powerful technique. In doing so, it gives the freedom to roam the infinite expanse of the brain. At the end of upper primary, students are to sit for the Primary School Assessment or Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (PSR) before entering the lower secondary level. On 24th January 2008, the Ministry of Education had issued an order to provide for compulsory education where the main objective is to ensure that all children between the ages of 6 years and below 15 years who satisfy such condition for receiving primary and lower secondary education are formally registered and receiving appropriate education in school (Public Relation Unit, MOE). Arithmetic, the most elementary branch of mathematics, used by almost everyone, for tasks ranging from simple day-to-day counting to advanced science and business calculations 3 (Wikipedia, 2008) is essential in our everyday life. From young to old, arithmetic is applied by everyone everyday. Mathematics in the classroom is a branch of study that deals with logic, decision-making, deductions, assumptions, precision, clarity of thought and the ability to solve problems in a calculative manner by following a series of steps. Studies establish that people are frequently unable to use in one context mathematics which they have acquired. Most teachers teaching Mathematics still use traditional, “skill drill” methods and spent considerable time and effort looking for exercises as part of their lesson plans as reported in research carried out by Khoo, 2001; Lim 2000; Noridah 1999; Zaitun 1995. Many studies had shown that rote learning and memorisation do not enhance mathematical understanding. Learning which has been achieved by rote and without a link into a network of knowledge does not facilitate recall (Orton, 2004). The Data Analysis presented by the Primary Eduction Section, Department of Schools (Figure 1.1) shows the performance of Mathematics in Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (P.S.R.) since the year 2003 till 2007 has not been encouraging for the Brunei Muara district (Analisis Peperiksaan PSR – Source BPR). The schools in the Brunei Muara districts have never achieved the national target of 85% in mathematics. Consequently, the use of mind mapping technique and ICT in solving word problems hopefully will give some shed some light into promoting the teaching and learning of mathematics in primary schools in Brunei Darussalam and hopefully will improve the result and achieve the national target. 4 PERATUS BAGI PELAJARAN “MATHEMATICS” TAHUN 2003 – 2007 PERATUSLULUS LULUSPSR PSR BAGI MATA PELAJARAN "MATHEMATICS" TAHUN 2000 HINGGA 2007 100% 90% 80% PERATUS LULUS 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 2003 10% 2004 0% BRUNEI I BRUNEI II (A) BRUNEI II (B) BRUNEI III BRUNEI IV TUTONG I TUTONG II BELAIT TEMBURONG 2003 68.23% 75.87% 76.92% 78.61% 77.12% 77.64% 72.76% 90.07% 68.91% 2004 59.97% 69.30% 69.56% 68.19% 70.11% 72.05% 63.21% 81.06% 56.79% 2005 77.59% 84.52% 79.89% 80.42% 79.26% 85.34% 83.09% 88.87% 77.65% 2006 73.27% 82.07% 79.26% 81.22% 79.08% 85.97% 81.25% 90.80% 77.46% 2007 70.67% 75.81% 78.35% 77.95% 77.00% 82.85% 75.93% 88.39% 74.74% 2005 2006 2007 KAWASAN Figure 1.1: PSR Percentage Passes for Mathematics 2003 – 2007 Unit Section This year, PSR mathematics papers will be set in accordance to the new syllabus that has been implemented since 2006 for the Primary VI classes throughout the country. In previous PSR mathematics papers, word problems constituted about 20% (10 out of 50 questions) in Paper I and 55% (22 out of 40 questions) in Paper II 2007. For the year 2008, the Examination Department had prepared Sample P.S.R. Mathematics Paper I and II to be distributed to all government primary schools in this country. The sample papers also allocated quite a number of word problems; about 32.5% (13 out of 40 questions) on Paper I and 40% (12 out of 30 questions) on Paper II. This study hopes to assist in the teaching and learning of mathematics in the classrooms of primary schools in this country. The importance of problem solving has been 5 taken into great consideration in the new mathematics syllabus for all primary children in Negara Brunei Darussalam. Word problems have raise concerns by many educators and teachers. There have been several studies of how children solve problems and the errors they made. Mathematical concepts have no meaning outside their social context and in the context of mathematics word problems. A mathematical problem is defined as a problem because it causes much effort in getting an answer. “To have a problem means to search consciously for some action appropriate to attain some clearly conceived but not immediately attainable aim. To solve a problem means to find such an action” (George Polya, 1945). One of the challenges faced by teachers of mathematics at any level is dealing with five misunderstandings that often arise (Cook, 2001): (i) mathematics is essentially computation, (ii) the important outcome in mathematics is the right answer, (iii) mathematics problems have only one right answer, (iv) that there is only one right way to solve a problem, and (v) that the teacher and the book should not be questioned. 6 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) now stresses tasks that engage students in problem-solving and math reasoning; quality rather than quantity should rule the day in problems that are thought-provoking, using problems that also challenge students' curiosity. Good problem-solvers not only have these strategies as part of their repertoire, but also have two other characteristics: a positive and determined attitude about problem-solving, and awareness in the sense of understanding how they solved the problems (Lochhead & Zietsman, 2001). This latter point is addressed through teaching students to do metacognition. Many of the steps in solving problems generate from Polya (1957) who described a general problem solving plan 7 consisting of four interrelated steps, (i) understand the problem; (ii) make a plan; (iii) carry out the plan; and (iv) evaluate the result. Souviney (1994) elaborated the four steps as below: Step 1: Understand the Problem Relate given facts and conditions to the problem goal. Coordinate current problem with previously solved problems. Step 2: Select a Strategy Guess-and-test Substitute simpler values Divide problems into subtasks Conduct an investigation Design a model Draw a sketch Make a systematic list Make a table Construct a graph Reduce to a simpler case Search for a patter Construct a general rule (function) Work backward Add something to the problem situation Step 3: Carry Out the Strategy Persistently follow through with the solution strategy Maintain accurate records of the data collected Relate progress to Steps 1 and 2 Step 4: Evaluate the Results If the solution is found, refine the results and try to relate them to other problems. If a solution is not found, re-evaluate understanding and seek a new solution strategy. Problem Statement The New Mathematics Curriculum 8 The new mathematics curriculum focuses on helping children to learn mathematical concepts with understanding. In the teaching and learning of mathematics there is a greater emphasis on problem solving and the use of ICT. The new mathematics curriculum aims to stimulate children’s interests in mathematics and encourage good learning habits, the ability to solve mathematical problems and think clearly and logically (CDD, 2006). Thus, using mind mapping technique may help to enhance this aim as mind mapping uses both sides of the brain (Buzan, 1976), letting them work together and thus increases productivity and memory retention. This is accomplished by representing logical structures using artistic spatial image that the individual creates, thus connecting imagination with structure and pictures with logic. In the one of mathematical processes of mathematical thinking and problem solving, pupils are expected to be able to draw diagrams, classify, visualize, rearrange, simplify problems and solve parts of the problem. Mind mapping is a far more effective way to achieve clarity and solutions in problem solving. It helps to examine the problem as an opportunity to express skills and develop the pupils’ creative ability. Mind mapping approach addresses the issues of varying learning styles (Benyahia, 2005). This may enhance the compatibility of teaching and learning, thereby making the learning environment more enjoyable and more productive for students. It also practises the activation of multiple brain faculties that may help students learn better and have longer lasting effects. The proposed study aims to investigate the effectiveness of mind map approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics, particularly in word problem of the upper primary classes in primary schools. Mathematics classes in Brunei Darussalam usually taught in a traditional way with pupils fully dependent on their teachers’ teaching. Emphasis is placed laid on correct answers rather than understanding. The writer has not encounter any study that use mind mapping technique in primary mathematics problem solving in this country. Thus, it may be helpful to use mind mapping techniques to compare the effects of teaching pupils using three 9 mind mapping techniques and one traditional teaching on pupils’ achievement in response to the new mathematics syllabus. The writer proposes to apply: 1. WOI Pupils are to draw mind maps using coloured pens/pencils on papers (Without ICT) 2. WOT Pupils are to draw mind maps on ICT using blank map (ICT Without Template) on Mind Manager software WT Pupils are to draw mind maps on ICT using a Decision Making template (ICT With Template) on Mind Manager software (see Appendix ) 3. The system of Education in Brunei Darussalam is an examination-oriented and the mindset of the teachers in the classroom and the pressure they feel is to cover the whole syllabus before the examination month to allot ample time for the pupils to do revision in drill and practice method. Hence the teachers’ primary concern is for the pupils to pass the examination without applying the various methods and approaches available in the teaching and learning in the classroom. One of the aims of the mathematics curriculum is to stimulate and develop the children’s ability to solve mathematical problems and think clearly and logically and interpret and communicate mathematical ideas (CDD, 2006). This study explores the mind mapping technique in the enrichment of teaching and learning, thereby making the learning environment more enjoyable and productive for the pupils. Mind mapping hopefully will improve pupils’ academic achievement and attitude. Objectives of the Main Study This study will examine the performance of Primary 5 pupils in three government schools in Brunei Muara district using the mind mapping approach in solving word problems. The purpose of this study is to determine whether mind mapping technique could promote active learning and enhance their academic achievement among a sample of Primary 5 pupils in three primary schools in Brunei Muara district. It is hoped that the finding of this study will improve 10 the teaching and learning of primary mathematics in Brunei Darussalam in particular in solving word problems, which is one of the main concerns today. Research Questions This study examines the effects of mind map strategies as compared to the traditional teaching approach which serves as the control group in mathematics achievement and attitude. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following research questions: 1. Do the pupils in the Experimental Groups perform better than in the Control Group solving word problem? 2. Do the pupils from the “Without ICT” Experimental Group perform better in word problem solving than the two “ICT” Experimental Groups? 3. Do the pupils of the “ICT Without Template” Experimental Group perform better in word problem solving than the “ICT With Template” Experimental Group? 4. To what extent does gender affect pupils’ performance in Mathematics between the Experimental and the Control Group? Conceptual Framework of the Research Mind mapping was first developed by Tony Buzan, a mathematician, psychologist and brain researcher, as a special technique for taking notes as briefly and as interesting to the eye as possible. Since then, it turned out to be practicable and convenient in many different ways other than just simple note taking. Mind maps have, among other things, been used in education but rarely yet in mathematics. Brinkmann (2003, p.35) identified some important uses of mind mapping in mathematics education as below: 1. Mind maps help to organise information. 2. Mind maps can be used as a memory aid. 11 3. Mind maps can be of help to repetition and summary. 4. A mind map may summarize the ideas of several students. 5. Mind maps help meaningfully connect new information with given knowledge 6. New concepts may be introduced by mind maps 7. Mind maps let cognitive structures of students become visible 8. Mind maps foster creativity 9. Mind maps may show the connections between mathematics and the “rest of the world”. This study is based on the hypothesis that pupils will acquire a better attitude and higher academic performance being taught the mind mapping technique in their learning to solve word problems in primary mathematics. The researcher will introduce SMARTEC by Kelvin Lee (2006) to the teachers who will be teaching the experimental groups. Details of SMARTEC will be elaborated in Chapter 3. Figure 1.2 provides a sketch of a framework of the proposed study which has the three coeducational school settings: School A, School B and School C. Each school has a control and experimental group. The experimental groups, namely School A (Without Using ICT- WOI), School B (Using ICT Without Template - WOT) and School C (Using ICT With Template - WT) will be taught the topic of word problems using the mind mapping approaches for six weeks whereas the control group from each school will be taught the same topic using the normal teaching method. Both control and experimental groups will be given pre and post mathematics achievement tests on word problems. From the achievement test, the difference in the adjusted post test mean scores will be used to compare the performance of the control group of each school and between the three schools. Gender, age and attitudes of the pupils will be examined to see the differences and relationships to the pupils’ performance in mathematics. “Without ICT” mind map means the pupils will be drawing the mind map using coloured pens or pencils on papers, whereas the “Without Template” ICT mind map means the pupils will 12 drawn mind map on a blank page on the Mind Manager software. “With Template” ICT mind map is where the pupils create the mind map on a ready template. The Mind Manager software will be installed by the writer in the three chosen schools in advance. The teaching and learning of the two groups using the Mind Manager will be conducted in ICT Laboratory, whereas the group without using ICT will be conducted in a classroom with LCD Projector available to show the PowerPoint Presentation. The same lesson plans will be used in the teaching of the traditional group. 13 Control Group A School Gender B Experimental Group G B G High Age Groups Instrument I Confidence Test Instrument II Achievement Test Instrument III Attitude Test B B A C B G B G Middle B C G B Low Word Problem Pre-Test Word Problem Post-Test Mind Mapping Approaches Teaching Strategies, Checklist, Interviews Normal Teaching Method Instrument I Confidence Test Instrument II Achievement Test I. WOI II. WOT III. WT Word Problem Post Test Word Problem Post Test WOI WOT Notes: B = Boys G = Girls Gain (mean score) High = Age 12 and Above Middle = Age Between 10 and 12 Low = Age 10 and Below Difference WOI = Without ICT WOT = Without Template WT = With Template Figure 1 : A theoretical framework of the proposed study 14 WT G Definition of Terms Word Problems. Word Problems are characterised as “problems where usually a certain real situation is described and the task of the solver is to determine answers to the asked questions” (Kuřina, 1989). A characteristic feature of a word problem is the use of words in the description of the problem. … A word problem should somehow refer to real-world context, that is, word problems are opposed to purely mathematical problems (Semadeni, 1995). Mind mapping teaching and learning. This is the teaching strategy used in this study. The strategies are (a) “Without ICT” mind maps, (b) “Without Template” ICT mind maps, and (c) “With Template” ICT. Teacher presents the lesson accordingly. Pupils use group work to prepare mind map using (a) coloured pens/pencils using word or pictorial format (b) Mind Manager Blank Map, and (c) Mind Manager template. Traditional Teaching Method. Pupils to whom a teacher presents the lesson using whiteboard. Teacher talks most of the time and pupils are passive learners. They are also known as the Control Group Achievement Tests. This refers to the knowledge and skills developed in word problem solving. There are fifteen questions based on the fourteen types (Change, Combine or Compare) type of question. Attitude Tests. Attitude covers a person’s opinions, beliefs and feelings towards a subject. Attitude towards mathematics was measured by a questionnaire modified from Noor Kartimala (2006), measuring the students mathematics attitude scale using 24 items and scored using 4-point scale. There are three variables which form the three subscales; Enjoyment of Mathematics; Perceived Values of Learning Mathematics; and Social Activities in Learning Mathematics. Significance of the Study 15 The findings of this study hopefully may benefit the primary mathematics teachers, curriculum developers, schools inspectors, school administrators and pupils of primary schools in Brunei Darussalam on the effectiveness of mind mapping teaching technique in a constructivist approach to teach word problem in mathematics in primary schools in this country. The findings of this study may hopefully be valuable to teachers and educational authorities to improve pupils’ mathematics performance and perceptions of mathematics; to improve teachers’ teaching skills, training needed to be knowledgeable and creative. The outcome of this study may also benefit school inspectors in supervising teachers who specialise in mathematics and curriculum developers in planning the primary mathematics curriculum in the use of ICT. This study hoped to provide valuable insights for the Examination Department in setting PSR papers. It is also hoped that the outcome of this study may influence primary mathematics teachers to inculcate positive pupils’ attitude towards mathematics. 16