The Scarlet Letter Review

The Scarlet Letter Review
By Kenzie Fisher 10/30/07 B3
The Scarlet Letter is a must read for every woman, particularly since the women’s
liberation movement has liberated women from the branding that took place with the
Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne illuminated the injustice to women during the Puritan era of
the 1700’s in New England. Hawthorne is able to capture the complex nature of human
love and relationships. He keeps the reader in suspense and reveals the imperfection of
casting judgment.
Adultery is an act between two people, yet Hester is the one that must suffer
openly. Her strength and isolation drive Dimmesdale crazy. It’s tragic all of what she
has to go through and what is tragic is she goes about it on her own. The novel gives a
feminist view of how a woman can take care of herself and a child without the need to be
considered accepted by the people in the town. The worst of all is Hester’s lover is a man
of high church standing, Dimmesdale. Preaching about the ills of adultery Dimmesdale is
guilty himself. Hester’s husband, Chillingworth, a doctor, takes care of Dimmesdale.
The book takes the reader out of their comfort zone. It makes them feel torn
between right and wrong. The reader feels sympathy for Hester and her child Pearl, but
then again being reminded that what Hester did was wrong. Even today, the idea of
adultery is not looked upon lightly. Although people of today are used to it because it
happens so frequently it is still a touchy subject.
There is a great kind of forbidden love story in this book. It’s like an unhappily
married woman cannot divorce and marry the man she truly loves who is looked highly
upon within the church.
An added suspense is presented in the book. The reader never truly knows what’s
going to happen. They never know if Dimmesdale will reveal to the town that he is
Hester’s lover or if they will ever be able to be happy. The reader is always in wonder.
The symbolism is astounding, there is so much. First the “scarlet letter’s”
meaning changes from adultery to able, because the people see a helping side to Hester
not only her crime. Pearl her self is a symbol for Hester’s love.
Good summary , nice job showing your opinion and feelings
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