Business Area Analysis for

Business Area Analysis for:
The Recruiting Office (Human Resources Department) of the Health
System’s Information Services Division
June 1, 1999
Date(s) of BAA:
Interviews performed Thursday, May 20, 1999 and Friday, May 28, 1999
Final Review with HR on Tuesday, June 1, 1999
Location: Executive Offices, the Health System, 11 th floor, Forbes Tower
Employment Specialist
Courier 1
Advertising Clerk
Input Specialist
HR Clerk
Fax Clerk
Business Overview
The Recruiting Office (Human Resources Department) is responsible for the receipt,
preparation and processing of recruiting documents for the Information Services Division
of the Health System. This business area is primarily a document processing center and
has no responsibility in the area of Human Resources compliance. This business area
neither screens nor recommends candidates for hire.
The recruiting documents include:
RPFs from ISD Managers
Applications from prospective employment candidates
Resumes from prospective employment candidates
Background check documents for prospective employees
Letter of job offer/rejection to applicants
Recruiting/Employment statistics reports
Preparation and processing of recruiting documents begins with an RPF
(Recruitment/Payroll Form) received from any ISD Manager. Processing the RPF is
done primarily by hand using a variety of forms and correspondence and mainly
distributed via courier. This is a paper-intensive process which necessitates the use of
many file folders and documents which are manually stored and retrieved in a
voluminous “hard copy” filing system.
Once the RPF is received by Recruiting, a paper file is assembled noting the position
opening and completed description. The HR Specialist confirms receipt of the RPF from
the ISD Manager via e-mail, and proceeds to document the job listing, posting it to inhouse and forwarding it to an ad clerk for external recruiting sources.
Applications and resumes begin flowing in after the posting occurs – which can take
anywhere from 1 – 3 weeks due to paper trail delays and mail delivery. Each application
is manually photocopied and put in a file which will be couriered to the appropriate ISD
manager for review and possible interviewing. This is an extensive, “paper intensive”
process involving much copying, filing, and couriering of applications.
HR also receives applications and resumes which are unsolicited (i.e., not the result of a
job posting). These unsolicited resumes and applications are also kept in a file requiring
storage space and clerical staff for filing duties. From RPF to letter of job offer/rejection,
HR personnel are constantly receiving phone calls regarding status of applications and
job openings.
According to the manager’s review of applicants, each applicant ultimately receives
either a letter of job offer or letter of rejection. The manager instructs HR via e-mail or
letter of his/her intentions for hiring, at which time HR produces and sends out the
requested letter. If there is a job offer, HR must fax applicant’s background paperwork to
“Just-a-fax” (background check corporation) and wait for clearance that the potential
applicant has been truthful on his/her application. Clearance can take up to two weeks to
process – and the employment offer is pending this clearance process. Once the applicant
is cleared, the applicant may continue on with the employment process which is now
outside the Recruiting Office’s domain.
Overall, the HR department is deluged with paperwork and file folders, manual
processing and couriering of personnel and recruiting documents which could, in effect,
all be electronically processed. At present, the system is bogged down by too much
paper coming in – and consequently – too much paper flowing out. This system is
inefficient due to the inherent ineffectiveness of processing every piece of the recruiting
puzzle by hand. At present, every piece of paper must go through a labor-intensive
receipt/processing/filing cycle.
Hiring and prolonged vacancy problems exist in backlogs due to the amount of
paperwork coming in that cannot be handled in an expeditious matter due to volume and
lack of appropriate numbers of staff and file space. With no on-line system of checking
on one’s application status, Recruiting Office personnel must answer a tremendous
volume of phone calls from job-seekers and current applicants on a daily basis. This
disrupts the normal workday to a great degree.
There is a built-in error factor of paper files being misplaced, misfiled or simply lost
because of the volume of paperwork circulating within and flowing out from the HR
office. These mistakes and volumes of paperwork to process undoubtedly have a
negative impact on not only the smooth functioning of the Recruiting but, more
importantly, ISD overall, as key jobs are not filled and applicants are left waiting for
notification of acceptance/rejection.
Project Definition
1. Project Name: The Recruiting Office (Human Resources Department) at
the Health System’s Information Services Division
2. Project Mission: To utilize the appropriate technology to update,
streamline, and maximize the efficiency of the recruiting process of the
Health System’s Information Services Division
1. Business Objectives
Reduce the amount of paperwork involved in the overall in-house
recruiting process by 80%.
Reduce the overall amount of time for processing applications by 50%.
Reduce the number of “call backs” by managers, applicants and
candidates concerning status of applications (including background
checks) and RPF’s by 90%.
Reduce the number of HR Employment Specialists staff from 3 to 1 full
time and 1 part-time due to reduction in paperwork and processing
needs inherent in on-line status.
Reduce the number of couriers for the HR Department from 2 full time
to 1 part-time due to on-line transfer of documents.
2. System Objectives
Increase the productivity and efficiency at which applications are
processed due to the computerization of documents and on-line
system checks.
Online database of qualified applicants.
Reduce the transaction time required for background checks due to
on-line direct transfer to “Just-a-fax” agency.
Agents Outside the Company
1. Prospective Applicant
a) Inflows
description: standard application form
media: paper/mail
volume/frequency: 500 per week
Unsolicited Resume
description: unsolicited resumes received
media: paper/mail
volume/frequency: 50 per week
Telephone call
description: unsolicited telephone call
media: telephone
volume/frequency: 250 per week
b) Outflows
Notification of Application Receipt
description: form letter
media: paper/mail
volume/frequency: 500 per week
Notice of Request for Formal Application
description: form letter
media: paper/mail
volume/frequency: 50 per week
2. Just-a-Fax Agency
a) Inflows
Completed Background Report
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume/frequency: 25 per week
b) Outflows
Request for Background Check
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume/frequency: 25 per week
3. Candidate
a) Inflows
Request for Job Offer/Rejection
description: standardized letter
media: paper/mail
volume/frequency: 25 per week
b) Outflows
Job Offer/Rejection Letter
description: customized letter
media: paper/mail
volume/frequency: 25 per week
4. Pittsburgh Post Gazette
a) Inflow
Draft of position advertisement
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
b) Outflow
1) Initial fax to request position advertisement
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
2) Confirmation to run advertisement
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
Agents Inside the Company
1. Department / Divisional Managers with Vacancy
a) Inflows
1) E-mail confirmation of RPF receipt by Recruiting
description: e-mail
media: electronic
volume: variable
2) “Courtesy Copy” letter of job offer from Recruiting Office to candidate
description: standardized form
media: paper
volume: variable
3) “Notification of Hire” e-mail from Recruiting Office
description: standardized format
media: electronic
volume/frequency: variable
b) Outflows
Recruitment/Payroll Form (RPF)
description: standardized form
media: paper/internal mail via courier
volume/frequency: 5 per week
2. Human Resource Employment Specialist
a) Inflows
Applicant package created
description: pertinent applicant information
media: paper
volume/frequency: 5 per week
b) Outflows
Confirmation of Receipt of RPF to Divisional Manager with Vacancy
description: standardized e-mail format
media: e-mail
volume/frequency: 5 per week
2) Request to Advertising Clerk to place ad in Pittsburgh Post Gazette
description: handwritten note
media: paper
volume: 5/week
3) Employment offer to applicant
description: customized letter
media: paper/mail
volume: 1 per announcement
4) “Courtesy Copy” letter for ISD Manager of employment offer to applicant
description: standardized format
media: paper/via courier
volume/frequency: 5/week
5) Peoplesoft Software System
description: input/update of hiring status/statistics
media: electronic
volume: variable
6) “Notification of Hire” e-mail to ISD Manager
description: standardized format
media: electronic
volume/frequency: variable
3. Courier
a) Inflows
1) US Mail
description: mail with applications/resumes
media: paper
volume: variable
2) Interoffice mail
description: interoffice mail with applications/resumes/personnel files
media: paper
volume: variable
b) Outflow
1) US Mail
description: mail
media: paper
volume: variable
2) Interoffice mail
description: interoffice mail with personnel files
media: paper
volume: variable
4. Advertising Clerk
a) Inflows
1) Internal request from HR Specialist to place ad
description: handwritten note
media: paper
volume: 5/week
2) Draft of position advertisement from Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
b) Outflows
1) Initial fax to request Pittsburgh Post Gazette advertisement of position
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
2) Confirmation to Pittsburgh Post Gazette to run advertisement
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
5. HR Clerk
a) Inflows
1) Internal request from HR Specialist to fax personnel information to “Just-a-Fax”
description: handwritten note
media: paper
volume: 5/week
2) “Just-a-fax” results on applicant’s background check
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
b) Outflows
Fax “Just-a-fax” to request background check on applicant
description: standardized form
media: paper/fax
volume: 5/week
1. Primary Business Functions
The Recruiting Office accepts RPF’s from ISD Managers and
processes the RPF’s for posting (in-house and external).
ISD Recruiting accepts employment applications and resumes from inhouse applicants and external applicants and establishes a file for
each applicant.
ISD Recruiting matches candidates and job openings for interviews;
forwards information file on applications to Managers; processes
results of interviews with Managers (hired/not hired).
2. Events/Triggers
Inbound Events
a) RPF’s received from ISD managers
b) Applications and resumes received from in-house and external
c) Just-a-fax response
d) Managerial request for job offer or rejection notice
Outbound Events
a) RPF posting sent to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for publication
b) Background check documents faxed to Just-a-fax
c) Letter of Rejection/Job Offer to Candidate
Peoplesoft posting per change in status of applicant/job opening
Monthly: Monthly Recruiting Office status report on:
a) Vacancy Listing
b) Terminations
c) Transfers
d) Promotions
e) Rehires
Quarterly: Quarterly Recruiting Office status report on:
a) Turnover rates (currently calculated by hand/formula)
b) Status of bonus programs
3. Roles/Functions
Employment Specialists
a) function: Accepts RPF from ISD Managers and oversees the
processes for posting and advertising to in-house and public.
b) function: Accepts employment applications and resumes from
outside and in-house applicants.
c) function: matches candidate and job openings for interviews;
processes results of interviews (hired/not hired).
Human Resource Clerks
a) function: Perform clerical duties.
b) function: Fax documents to Just-a-fax
c) function: Fax documents to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
a) function: Physically transports folders and files
Data/Subject Areas:
Position Description:
a. Position Title
b. Authorized Hours
c. OT Method
d. Hourly Rate
e. Job Status
f. Vacation Group
g. Pay Grade
h. Position/Department
Departmental Information
a. Organization Code
b. Cost Center
c. Department
d. Originator
e. Phone Number
f. Date
3. Posting/Creating/Deleting a Position
a. Account Number
b. Position Title
c. Budgeted/Not Budgeted
Pay Grade
4. Payroll/Personnel Changes (for in-house change of positions)
a. Employee Name
b. Social Security Number
c. Effective Date
d. Current/New Position Title
e. From/To Cost Center, Account Number
f. Approval signatures
Position Desired
Schedule Desired
Current Information
a. Name
b. Address
c. Social Security
d. Telephone
e. Legality to work
f. Relatives at THE
a. High School
b. College
c. Graduate School
d. Vocational/Technical/Other
Professional Registrations/Licenses/Accreditations
Office Skills
Military Service
Employment History
a. Company Name and Address
b. Position and Dates of Service
c. Reason for leaving
Green/Yellow Personnel file cover sheets:
Green (Hire Process Form)
a. Pre-Interview
b. Post Interview/Pre offer
c. Post Offer/Pre hire
d. New Hire Job
e. Status Change
f. Type “A” - Job Title/Department
g. Type “B” – Hire-by-Grant
h. Type “C” – Pre placement and orientation
Yellow (In-house Hire Form)
a. Pre Interview
b. Post Interview/Pre offer
c. Post Offer/Pre hire
d. Transfer/Demotion/Promotion
e. Status Change
f. Type “A” - Job Title/Department
Type “B” – Hire-by-Grant
Type “C” – Pre placement and orientation
JUST-A-FAX Cover Sheet:
Company requesting background check/pertinent company info
Applicant’s name
Applicant’s social security number
Individual Service Desired
a. Current/Previous employment confirmation
b. Education/Reference check
c. Workers Compensation/Criminal Records Search
d. Professional and Drivers License Check
Type of Check Desired
a. Lightning Check
b. Thunder and Lightning Check
c. Baseline Check
d. Comprehensive Package
e. Client’s Custom Package
Issues and Considerations: none
ISD: Information Services Division
RPF: Recruitment/Payroll Form