GRADE 5 SLE’S/ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS/GUIDING QUESTIONS Essential Questions How does growth impact a nation and its people? Guiding Questions What conflicts resulted from expansion? How did westward expansion impact Arkansas? How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to the growth of our nation? Geography G. 1.5.1 Classify locations as absolute or relative. G. 1.5. 3 Distinguish between the major regions of the United States and evaluate their interdependence. G.3.5.1 Recognize factors that influence migration (e.g., employment, natural resources) G. 3. 5.2 Define push-pull factors History H. 6.5.6 Identify important people and events during Arkansas’ Territorial period (e.g. Robert Crittenden, James Miller, relocation of government) H. 6.5.7 Analyze the impact of the American Industrial Revolution Cotton gin reaper steam engine H. 6.5.18 Describe the causes of the War of 1812 and analyze the effects it had on the nation H.6.5.24 Explain how westward expansion contributed to the growth of the United States (e.g., Wilderness Road, Louisiana Purchase, Gadsden Purchase) H.6.5.25 Trace the Lewis and Clark expedition and discuss its impact on the new nation H.6.5.26 Describe the causes and effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830 (e.g., Trail of Tears) Educational Services: Social Studies UNIT: WESTWARD EXPANSION LESSON FOCUS (5 WEEKS) ACTIVITIES/MATERIALS Introduce Westward Unit Use Interpreting Posters Activity to Introduce Westward Expansion Unit Growth of the United States: Louisiana Purchase “Exploring the West” SE p. 426-432 Lewis & Clark Econ Lesson -Critical Thinking Skills: “Make a Thoughtful Decision” SE p. 434-435 Lewis & Clark Scarcity War of 1812 Effects of Expansion “Expanding Borders” SE p. 436-441 Nationalism SE p. 438-439 -Social Studies in Action p. 103 “American Hymns”/ “The Language of Liberty” AR Activity Book p. 75 “Territorial Arkansas” (Model Timeline & Discuss) Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears Territorial Arkansas Further Expansion: Texas Independence, Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail, Mexican-American War “From Ocean to Ocean” SE p. 444-451 People of the West Google Earth Activity- Mormon Trail Adventures in Law & History Vol 1 Unit III Introductory Lesson p. 85-98 Gold Rush 2011 ASSESSMENTS AR Activity Book p. 73 “The Lewis & Clark Expedition” p. 86 “Scarcity” Homework & Practice p. 105 “Make A Thoughtful Decision” AR Activity Book p. 76 “The Indian Removal Act” p. 74 “The War of 1812” Document Based Questions p. 33 “Quote by Andrew Jackson” People of the West Google Earth Activity Adventures in Law & History Vol 1 Handout C p. 98 PAGE 16 GRADE 5 UNIT: WESTWARD EXPANSION SLE’S/ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS/GUIDING QUESTIONS LESSON FOCUS Government C. 5.5.6 Research national symbols and explain their significance using primary and secondary sources (e.g. Pledge of Allegiance, Lady Liberty) C.5.5.7 Identify significant examples of patriotic music from various periods of United States history C. 5.5.15 I.D various organizations from U.S. History through which citizens rights were affected: women’s suffrage, Chinese immigration Industrial Revolution Inventions Railroads (5 WEEKS) ACTIVITIES/MATERIALS “New Ideas and Inventions” SE p. 452457 AR Activity Boo p. 93 “Arkansas Entrepreneurs” (Compare to inventors/innovators of the past) ASSESSMENTS Document Based Questions p. 35 “Table of Industrial Revolution Innovations” Economics E. 7.5.2 Recognize that choices have both present and future consequences. E.7.5.3 Identify the causes of scarcity and why scarcity of resources makes it necessary to make choices E. 8.5.1 Research the role that entrepreneurs have played in the development of the economy of Arkansas. E. 8.5.2 Discuss the impact additional capital goods (e.g., tools and machines) have on productivity. E.9.5.2 Examine the reasons for using a financial institution for saving money: interest (rate of return) safety E.9.5.11 Identify methods used to reduce or eliminate competition (e.g., trademarks, patents, copyrights, natural monopolies, government licenses) E.9.5.12 Identify the various marketing techniques: advertising mail order catalog increasing demand for goods and services Educational Services: Social Studies 2011 PAGE 17 GRADE 5 UNIT: WESTWARD EXPANSION (5 WEEKS) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Tradebooks “We Were There, Too” “Black Frontiers: A History of African American Heroes in the Old West” By Lillian Schlissel “Children of the Wild West” By Russell Freedman “Death of the Iron Horse” By Paul Goble “Gold Fever!: Tales from the California Gold Rush” By Rosalyn Schanzer “Laura’s Album: A Remembrance Scrapbook of Laura Ingalls Wilder” By Williams Anderson “Voices of the Alamo” By Sherry Garland “You Wouldn’t Want to Be an American Pioneer: A Wilderness You’d Rather Not Tame” By Jacqueline Morley Online Resources (contact Laura Beth Arnold at for passcode, if needed) -The Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark Expedition, War of 1812 and the Star Spangled Banner, The Indian Removal Act, Westward Hope, The Gold Rush, The War with Mexico, Homestead Act, The Frontier Communication, & The Territories Become States Go West Across America with Lewis and Clark Textbook Resources Additional Resources Photo Analysis Worksheet Written Document Analysis ELP Student Learning Expectations ELPSS.G.1.3-5.1 ELPSS.G.1.3-5.4 ELPSS.H.3.3-5.1 ELPSS.H.3.3-5-2 ELPSS.H.3.3-5.3 ELPSS.C.2.3-5.1 ELPSS.C.2.3-5.2 ELPSS.E.4.3-5.1 ELPSS.E.4.3-5.2 ELPSS.E.4.3-5.3 Educational Services: Social Studies 2011 PAGE 18 GRADE 5 Educational Services: Social Studies UNIT: WESTWARD EXPANSION 2011 (5 WEEKS) PAGE 19