Leadership Skills Book Report Assignment

Leadership Skills Reading Book Report
Each day the book report is late, your grade drops one letter grade
Total Points Possible: 130
Find a fictional book of at least 175 pages that is appropriate for YOUR reading level.
You will need to write the book title on Mrs. Barton’s / Mr. Keener list.
*All elements of this report are to be in your own words. Credit will not be given
otherwise. Book Reports must be typed in a 12 point font using either Times New Roman
or Arial.*
Each page should have a title: “List of Characters”, “Character Analysis” etc.
Page One – Title, Author, Illustration(s)
(15 Points)
Page Two – List of Characters
(15 Points)
Simply list all of the characters that appeared in the book.
Page Three – Character Analysis
(25 Points)
Tell me about the main characters in the book. You are to include their role in the book,
a physical description of their appearance and a description of their personality. (Minimum of 4
paragraphs) You may also draw a sketch of their description instead of describing in writing.
Page Four – Chapter by Chapter Synopsis
(25 Points)
Give me 1-3 sentence summary of what each chapter was about.
Page Five – Visualization
(25 Points)
1. Make a travel brochure advertising the setting of the story.
2. Design a dust jacket for your book. Draw a picture that reflects a major plot element
of the book, as if you were designing the dust jacket of a hardcover book; Devise your
own title, followed by a colon, then “a review of name of the book being reviewed by
student’s name”; For example: The Young Abolitionist: A review of Huckleberry Finn by
Christine Meyer. The drawing should be in color. The title and lettering must be done by
3. Choose five things from the book that best shows what happened in your book and the
meanings of what your book was about. Tell why you chose each one.
4. Make several sketches of some of the scenes in the book and label them.
5. Create a mini-comic book relating a chapter of the book or your favorite scene.
**This portion must be hand drawn**
**Creative Portion*** Choose one option from your strongest areas of multiple
intelligences: Visual, Kinesthetic, written or oral. Hand draw with color! Do not copy and
paste from the internet!
VIII. Page Six + - Using your multiple intelligences
(25 Points)
1. Visual Book Reports
 Scrapbook - Make a scrapbook for one of the characters in your book. It
should be at least 5 pages long. There should be at least one item per page.
Each item needs to labeled and include a paragraph explaining its relevance.
Bind the pages together into a book. Items could include pictures, awards,
notes, report cards, souvenirs, etc.
 Collage - Make a collage with magazine pictures, clip art, illustrations, or
words about your book. Use a piece of poster board. Put a border around the
outside. Put the title of the book in the middle of the poster. Visually divide
the poster into four equal sections. Each section should be labeled and have
items that fit the category. The four sections are: characters, events,
setting, and lessons learned by people in the book (theme).
 Cartoon Squares - Create a cartoon strip for your book. Take a piece of type
paper. Use a ruler or a computer graph and create six equal size squares.
Draw a significant event from the novel in each square. * Also write three
sentences of explanation under each square. Explain what the scene shows
from the book.
 Accordion book - Choose 5 scenes from your book. Using type paper, fold the
pages like an accordion. On each page, illustrate a scene from the book.
Under each illustration, write a paragraph explaining the scene’s importance
to the novel.
2. Kinesthetic Book Report
 Song Clips - Choose at least 5 songs that fit your book or character. Pick out
clips and put them on a tape to share with the class. Tell us about the clips
and why they fit the character or what part of the book it portrays.
 Diorama - Choose a scene from your book. Get a cardboard box. Put the title
of the book and your name on the front of the box in big, colorful letters.
Put the scene on the inside. Use at least three colors. You can use any
materials: light, Kleenex, fabric, clay, cardboard, sand, figurines, etc.
Present it to the class and tell us about the book and the scene you made.
 Puppets - Create a puppet for each character and present a 1 - 2 minute
puppet show about your book. Present it live or on video for the class. You
can use others to help you. Write a paragraph explaining how your script
relates to the novel.
 Quilt - Create a paper quilt or a real quilt about your book. Think about
characters, quotes, events, lessons learned, the setting, etc. Your quilt
needs at least 10 squares on it. It should be mounted, colored, and stitched
together like a real quilt.
 Happy Meal Boxes - On the front of the box write the book title in big,
colorful letters. Decorate this side to look like the book cover. On one of
the sides, list 5 facts about the book. On the other side of the book, write 5
trivia items about the book. On the back of the book, make an activity or
game based on the book. On the inside of the box, include a surprise that
represents the main idea, lesson, or theme of the book. Include a paragraph
explaining how each section shows specific knowledge of the novel.
3. Written Book Report
 All projects should be written in blue or black ink or typed in 12 inch font,
double spaced.
 Write a diary that one of the story’s main characters might have kept
before, during, or after the book’s events. Remember that the character’s
thoughts and feelings are very important in a diary.
 Poetry - Write a poem about something in your book. It could be about the
character, the setting, events, or themes(love, happiness, self reliance,
independence, etc.) It can be any style. It should be at least 10 lines long. It
doesn’t need to rhyme.
 Newspaper Article. Choose an event in the book that could become a
newspaper article. Include a headline that captures the reader’s attention.
It will be ½ page. You need to include the 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When,
and Why. Also include a picture of the event.
 Picture book - Rewrite the story or a part of your story in picture book
format. Include colored illustrations. Add a cover with a title and
illustration. Use simple language. It’s okay to leave out some details. It
should be at least 5 - 7 pages. You need at least 3 sentences per page.
 Journal - Choose a character and keep a journal for him/her for a week’s
time period. Date each entry and sign the character’s name. You need at
least 5 entries. All of the entries together should be about 1 ½ pages. The
events must really have happened in the book. Use specific details from the
 Sequel - Write a continuation or sequel to the book. Write a paragraph
summarizing the book’s original ending. Then write a continuation of the
book. It should be 1 page.
4. Oral Book Report
 Song Clips - Choose at least 5 songs that fit your book or character. Pick out
clips and put them on a tape to share with the class. Tell us about the clips
and why they fit the character or what part of the book it portrays.
 Dance - Create a dance that ties in with a character or your book. Perform it
on a video or live in front of the class. Tell the class about the book and how
the dance ties in.
 Campaign Speech - Pretend your character is running for office. Give a
campaign speech telling about your personality, goals, abilities, experiences,
etc. Give examples from the book that support what you are saying. Speak
like you are the character and say things like “I”. It will be 2 - 3 minutes.
 Become a character - Introduce yourself (your character) to the class. You
might talk about your most interesting experiences that happened to “you”, a
crucial problem you overcame, your feelings, your good and bad qualities,
your age, appearance, personal goals, etc. Your description should take 2 -3
minutes. You can bring props or costumes if you want to.
 Book Talk - Give a 2-3 minute book talk about the book. Don’t summarize the
book. Tell us why you liked it, an exciting part, a part you connected with,
etc. Use specific details about the book.
 Act out a scene - Memorize your lines, get costumes and props. You can add
sound effects if you want to. Begin by telling us about the book and then
present your skit. It should be 3 - 5 minutes long.