
Name: _________________
Character Metaphors
Jones – Czar Nicholas 11, the old government
Old Major – Karl Marx, (some elements of Lenin) philosopher of change
Moses – Raven, Mr. Jones “special pet”, spy, claims to know about
Sugarcandy Mountain
Snowball – Trotsky (rival of Napoleon / Stalin), education, windmill
Napoleon – Stalin, dictator of farm
Boxer, Clover- Carthorses, Boxer Rebellion in China, represents
proletariat (unskilled labor class in Russian society)
Squealer -Pravda (Russian newspaper) link between Napoleon and other
Mollie – opposed to new government, hair ribbons, eat sugar
Benjamin – elderly donkey, unchanged since rebellion
Dogs- KGB, bodyguards of Stalin
neighbour of Animal Farm, allies in World War 11 (excluding
Name: ___________
Preface Notes
1. When Orwell says “We were lucky to get out of Spain alive” What does
he mean?
2. Why had he gone to Spain?
3. What is Animal Farm an attack on?
4. Is Animal Farm ever a utopia?
5. Give a brief biography of George Orwell.
6. Why did Orwell have a hard time publishing it in Britain?
7. What was Orwell’s intention for writing the book?
How was it
8. What was he appalled to find out when he returned to England?
9. What was the unpredictable factor in the Soviet Union?
10. Read the introduction.
Respond and summarize it on the back.
Name: ________________
Animal Farm Chapter One Notes
1. Old Major blames man for all the problems the animals face.
Write an excerpt from his speech on page 29.
2. What is his solution on page 30?
3. On page 31 Old Major gives some advice and a rule, write it.
4. All animals are _______________________________________________
5. Write your verse to the song.
6. Now write your interpretation of the song or your verse.
7. Old Major is a character metaphor for
Name: _______________
Animal Farm Chapter Two Notes Page 1
What does Old Major’s death represent?
Who is Mr. Jones a character metaphor for?
Compare Napoleon and Snowball (page 35)
What is animalism?
How do the animals feel about a revolution/rebellion?
their questions.
How do you know?
(page 36)
(page 36)
Sugar candy Mountain is _________________
Describe the rebellion on pages 38-39.
How do the animals initially react?
List some of
Name: ________________
Animal Farm Chapter Two Cont.
Why would there be a lithograph of Queen Victoria in Mrs. Jones’s
(page 41)
What does Snowball change the name of the farm from and to?
What are the seven commandments?
List them (page 43)
What does Napoleon consider the most important priority in their
new society?
(page 44)
In your opinion what could be some possible upcoming conflicts?
Name: _____________
Animal Farm Chapter Three Discussion
What animals assume leadership?
Why? (page 45)
Describe the work the animals are doing?
Describe the flag of the Farm. (page 48)
What two animals are in conflict?
Snowball takes on what responsibility?
How does education/reading play a role in the newly formed society?
Who do they represent?
(page 49)
Why does it seem ironic or unfair?
On page 51 Snowball changes one of the commandments to make it
Which commandment?
To What?
Name: ______________
Animal Farm Chapter Three Cont.
What does Napoleon do with the new puppies:
(page 51)
Describe this as an element of foreshadowing.
Write a literary response with quotes and paraphrased examples
describing why the consumption of milk and apples by the pigs is
(page 52-53)
Refer to Napoleon’s reasoning.
Animal Farm Chapter Four Notes
1. What instructions did Napoleon and Snowball give the
(page 54)
2. Why would the other farmers be afraid of the rebellion?
What is that an historical metaphor for? (page 55)
3. What lies or rumors did the farmers spread about Animal
Why? (page 55)
4. Why wouldn’t the farmers allow “Beasts of England” to be
(page 56)
5. Describe Snowball’s attack strategy to defend Animal
(page 57)
6. Snowball” The only good human being is a _________human
being”. (page 59)
7. How do the animals celebrate their victory? (page 59)
Name: _________________________
Animal Farm Chapter Four Notes cont.
8. What two awards were handed out?
(page 59-60)
9. What was the battle called? (page 60)
10. List a cause and effect example in the book so far.
Name: ______________
Animal Farm Chapter Five Notes
1. What is Mollie accused of? (page 61)
How does she respond?
happens to Mollie? (page 62)
2. Describe the conflict between Napoleon and Snowball?
3. What does Snowball want to build?
Describe it?
(page 63)
How does Napoleon
4. What are some of Snowball’s reasons for building the windmill? (page
5. What are some of the political slogans used?
(page 65)
6. How does Napoleon’s and Snowball’s reaction to defense of the farm
mirror Stalin and Trotsky’s approach to communism? (page 66)
7. What happens during the vote for the windmill?
How does this also
mirror history? (page 66)
8. What new pronouncements are made after the expulsion of Snowball?
(page 68)
Name: ________________
Animal Farm Chapter Five Cont.
1. What are the reactions to the expulsion of Snowball?
2. Give some excerpts from Squealer’s speech?
(page 69)
(page 68)
How does
this mirror history? ______________________________________________
3. __________and __________are more important than bravery. (page 70)
4. How do they discredit Snowball?
(page 70)_________________________
5. Napoleon is always __________________(page 70)
6. I will work _______________(page 71)
7. Describe the ritual that the animals perform before entering the
barn? (page 70-71)_________________________________________________
8. What does Napoleon change his mind about? (page 71)
9. How does Squealer explain it? (page 71)
What are tactics? (page 72)
What conclusions are you already drawing about Orwell’s author’s
purpose? Why? Back it up.
Name: _____________
Animal Farm Discussion Chapter Six Notes
1. Describe what would happen to the animals that refused to work on
Sunday afternoons? (page 73)______________________________________
2. What problems did the animals face when trying to move the
limestone? (page 74)
3. What kind of worker is Boxer?
How do you know? (page 74)
4. What announcement does Napoleon make?
What does this really
represent? (page 76)
5. How do the animals react? (page 76)
6. Who is the intermediary between Animal Farm and the outside world?
(page 77)
7. When the animals start to question the hypocrisy who is blamed?
How does Squealer explain it away? (page 77)
8. How do human beings feel about the farm now?
the evidence of that?
(page 78)
What is
9. What are some of the rumors being spread about the business
agreements? (page 78)
10. Where do the pigs move?
How is that explained away? (page 79)
Name: _____________
Animal Farm Discussion Chapter Six Notes Cont.
Find 10 prepositional phrases and write them (with page #s).
Name: _______________________
Animal Farm Chapter Seven Notes
1. What is the real problem with the windmill?
2. Which animals refuse to give up hope?
(page 84)
(page 84)
3. Why are they facing starvation? Why do they feel it necessary to
conceal this information? (page 85)
4. How does Napoleon use Mr. Whymper? (page 85)
5. How does he conceal the food shortage? (page 85)
6. How is Mr. Whymper deceived?
(page 86)
7. What new requirement is placed on the hens, why?
How do they react?
(page 86)
8. Describe the new attempt at revolution by the hens?
Napoleon’s reaction? (page 86-87)
What is
9. What agreements are being made by Napoleon with the other farmers?
How does Squealer spin this? (page 87)
10. What are the latest rumors about Snowball?
(page 87-88)
11. What does Napoleon declare about Snowball?
(page 89)
12. What is allegory?
How is this book the very definition of the term?
Name: _______________________
Animal Farm Chapter Seven Notes Cont.
1. How do the animals react?
(page 90)
2. How does Squealer explain away questions about Snowball’s heroic
efforts in battle?
(page 90)
3. What is Boxer’s response?
(page 91)
4. What does Napoleon award himself?
5. Who do the dogs attack?
(page 91)
(page 92-93)
6. Napoleon forces some of the pigs to “confess”.
Stalin’s show trials during The Great Purge?
How does this mirror
What confessions are
made? (page 92)
7. What is their punishment?
(page 93)
8. How do the hens and the sheep respond?
(page 93) Why?
9. What is Boxer’s reaction? Clover’s?
(page 94-95)
10. Beasts of England is now forbidden.
(page 96-97)
11. Find three similes.
Use page numbers.
What is it replaced with?
Name: _______________________
Animal Farm Chapter Eight
1. What is the commandment changed to that Muriel read?
2. Give the new titles for Napoleon.
(page 98)
(page 99)
3. Write a verse to the poem entitled Comrade Napoleon.
(page 100)
4. What new precautions were taken to protect Napoleon?
(page 100)
5. What does Napoleon announce?
6. What does whimper declare?
7. Describe the attack?
(page 104)
How is this ironic?
(page 106)
(page 106)
8. What happens to the windmill?
(page 108)
9. How do the pigs celebrate the “victory”? (page 111)
10. What change is made to the fifth commandment?
(page 113)
Name: _______________________
Animal Farm Chapter Nine
1. What is a readjustment?
(page 115)
2. What must the other animals do if they see a pig on the path? (page
3. What is a Spontaneous Demonstration? (page 117)
4. In April Animal Farm declares itself a ____________. (page 118)
5. Who reappears on the farm?
What does this really represent?
6. What happens to Boxer?
(page 120-121)
7. What is written on the side of the van that takes Boxer away? (page
8. What does Squealer say about Boxer’s death? (page 125)
9. Where did the pigs get the money to buy the new crate of whiskey
(page 126)
10. Who is the true protagonist of the novel?
really represent?
your answer.
Who does this character
Find three quotes with page numbers to support
Name: _______________________
Animal Farm Chapter Ten
1. Describe some of the changes that occurred over time?
2. What does Napoleon say is true happiness?
(page 127)
(page 128)
3. What does Squealer say the pigs have to spend their time on? (page
4. Describe the life of the other animals? (page 129)
5. What drives the animals not to give up?
6. What do they hum in secret?
Why in secret? (page 131)
7. What sight terrifies the animals?
8. What new song do the sheep sing?
9. What is the new commandment?
(page 131)
(page 132)
Why is this ironic?
10. Why does Mr. Pilkington congratulate the pigs?
11. What traditions are now changed?
(page 138)
(page 136)
(page 137)
12. What visions seem to meld together?
How does this tie into the
Use a quote to support your answer.
Name: _____________________
Political Propaganda
Those who control the __________control the __________________
Propaganda- any widespread promotion of particular ideas, doctrines, etc.
AKA- Psychological________________________
Pravda- A Russian newspaper, used as a tool to spread political
List some different ads that use these techniques
Find five examples in the book that reflect these techniques (characters,
events) Write: example, explain it and page #
Write Bloom’s question for discussion
Tally of participation points_____________________________________
Describe how the book is Orwell’s instrument of propaganda?
How does that fit into the author’s purpose?
Name: _________________
Literary Response Animal Farm
The term “cult of personality” was coined after Stalin. People feared him
and also admired him. The Pravda was used to spin failures and atrocities
during the Great Purge. How does Orwell satire this in the book? What
characters represent this fear and admiration?
Write a two or three paragraph response using at least one quote and
paraphrased example explaining Napoleon’s “cult of personality”. Remember
to support your quote with an explanation, write an introduction with well
defined thesis and include conclusion.
Good Luck Comrades!
Name: ____________
Rubric For Press Conference
Self Evaluation
1. Creative
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2. Well Planned
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3. Demonstrates Book
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4. Questions/Answers
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. Introduction/Conclusion
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Teacher Evaluation
1. Creative
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
2. Well Planned
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3. Demonstrates Book
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
4. Questions/Answers
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
5. Introduction/Conclusion
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
What would you rate yourself overall? Why? (1-10) 10 being best
What specifically did you do to help your group?
Total points: