Letter to Snowball

Letter to Snowball
Chapter 7 Activity
Animal Farm
Directions: You are to write a letter to Snowball from any other character on the farm, with the exception of
Squealer or Napoleon. Be sure to really write as if the letter is from that character, not from you. Decide what
types of things that character would be worried about, and mention those in your letter. Use the novel as a
reference and refer to actual events in chapters 4-7 to support your letter.
Discuss the following topics:
 What has happened on the farm since his expulsion, especially the changes
 What Napoleon has been saying about him
 Ask him to return to be their leader, give reasons for wanting him to return
 Ask for his advice with the situation at hand
Be sure to set up your letter like a proper letter:
Dear Snowball,
(indent) Make it clear why you are writing to him and discuss all of the above topics.
You should have at least four paragraphs. Be sure to indent each new paragraph.
(like this) Blah, blah, blah.
(sign with the character’s name)
Print your name underneath
Additional Notes:
 You may type or write your letter
 Double space your letter, if typing
 Total points: 35
 Grammar and spelling will count partly, so take your time
 This is due at the end of class today