Native American Area Studies

Bibliography Of Our Current Collection:
Native American Area Studies
Titles in our collection on Native American Women
Selected post-1990 titles, alphabetical by author/title
A Gathering of spirit : a collection by North American Indian women / edited by Beth
Brant (Degonwadonti). Ithaca, N.Y. : Firebrand Books, c1988.
PS 508 .I3 G27 Regular
Allen, Paula Gunn Grandmothers of the light : a medicine woman's sourcebook / Paula
Gunn Allen. Boston : Beacon Press, c1991.
E 98 .W8 A442 Regular
Allen, Paula Gunn The sacred hoop : recovering the feminine in American Indian
traditions : with a new preface / Paula Gunn Allen Boston : Beacon Press, c1992.
E 98 .W8 A44 Regular
Anderson, Karen, 1947- Changing woman : a history of racial ethnic women in modern
America / Karen Anderson. New York : Oxford University Press, 1996.
E 184 .A1 A53 Regular
Bataille, Gretchen M., 1944- American Indian women : a guide to research / Gretchen M.
Bataille, Kathleen M. Sands ; editorial assistant, Catherine Udall. New York : Garland,
E 98 .W8 B328 Regular
Belin, Esther G. From the belly of my beauty : poems / by Esther G. Belin. Tucson :
University of Arizona Press, c1999.
PS 3552 .E437 F7 Regular
Bruchac, Joseph, 1942- The girl who married the Moon : tales from Native North
America / told by Joseph Bruchac and Gayle Ross. [Mahwah, N.J.] : BridgeWater Books,
E 98 .F6 B882 Regular
Daughters of mother earth : the wisdom of Native American women / edited by Barbara
Alice Mann ; foreword by Winona LaDuke. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2006.
E 98 .W8 D38 Regular
Demos, John. The tried and the true : Native American women confronting colonization /
John Demos. New York : Oxford University Press, c1995.
HQ 1410 .Y68 v.1 Regular
Harjo, Joy. The woman who fell from the sky : poems / Joy Harjo. New York : W.W.
Norton, 1996, c1994.
PS 3558 .A626 W66 Regular
In a vast dreaming / edited by Beth Brant. Toronto, Ont : Native Women in the Arts
(Canada), 1995.
NX 513 .N3 Regular
LaDuke, Winona. The Winona LaDuke reader : a collection of essential writings /
foreword by Ralph Nader. Stillwater, MN : Voyageur Press, c2002.
E 99 .C6 L255 Regular
Leslie Marmon Silko [videorecording] / a film by MatteoBellinelli ; written by Andrea
Belloni in collaboration with Claudo Belotti ... [et al.] ; a production of TSI Swiss
Television, Lugano. Princeton, N.J. : Films for the Humanities, 1995.
Audio Visual Collection PS 3569 .I28 Z4 Audio-Visual
Mankiller, Wilma Pearl, 1945- Every day is a good day : reflections by contemporary
indigenous women / [written and compiled by] Wilma Mankiller ; foreword by Vine
Deloria, Jr. ; introduction by Gloria Steinem. Golden, Colo. : Fulcrum Pub., c2004.
E 98 .W8 M25 Regular
Maracle, Lee. Daughters are forever / Lee Maracle. Vancouver : Raincoast Books, 2001.
PR 9199.3 .M3497 D38 Regular
Mihesuah, Devon A. (Devon Abbott), 1957- Indigenous American women :
decolonization, empowerment, activism / Devon Abbott Mihesuah. Lincoln : University
of Nebraska Press, c2003.
E 98 .W8 M54 Regular
Native American women : a biographical dictionary / Gretchen M. Bataille, editor ;
Laurie Lisa, editorial assistant. New York : Garland, 1993.
Reference E 98 .W8 N278 No Loan
Reinventing the enemy's language : contemporary native women's writing of North
America / edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird ; with Patricia Blanco, Beth Cuthand, and
Valerie Martinez. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 1998, c1997.
PS 508 .I3 R38 Regular
Robinson, Eden. Monkey beach / Eden Robinson. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
PR 9199.3 .R5334 M6 Regular
Spider Woman's granddaughters : traditional tales and contemporary writing by Native
American women / edited and with an introduction by Paula Gunn Allen. New York :
Fawcett Columbine, 1990, c1989.
PS 508 .I3 S754 Regular
That's what she said : contemporary poetry and fiction by Native American women /
edited by Rayna Green. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c1984.
PS 508 .I3 T36 Regular
Wall, Steve. Wisdom's daughters : conversations with women elders of Native America /
written and photographed by Steve Wall ; editor and advisory consultant, Harvey Arden.
New York, NY : HarperPerennial, 1994, c1993.
E 98 .W8 W27 Regular
Titles in our collection on Native American History and Culture
Highly selected post-1990 titles, children’s literature and most fiction excluded,
with an emphasis on non-regional works
Alphabetical by author/title
Allen, Paula Gunn Grandmothers of the light : a medicine woman's sourcebook / Paula
Gunn Allen. Boston : Beacon Press, c1991.
E 98 .W8 A442 Regular
The American Indian and the problem of history / edited by Calvin Martin. New York :
Oxford University Press, 1987.
E 76.8 .A51 Regular
American Indian thought : philosophical Essays / edited by Anne S. Waters. Malden, MA
: Blackwell Pub., 2003.
E 98 .P5 A44 Regular
American indians : social justice and public policy / edited by Donald E. Green and
Thomas V. Tonnesen. Milwaukee, WI : University of Wisconsin System, Institute on
Race and Ethnicity, 1991.
E 91 .A45 Regular
Anderson, Terry Lee, 1946- Sovereign nations or reservations? : an economic history of
American Indians / Terry L. Anderson. San Francisco, CA : Pacific Research Institute for
Public Policy ; Lanham, MD : Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c1995.
E 98 .E2 A63 Regular
Arden, Harvey. Wisdomkeepers : meetings with Native American spiritual elders /
photographer, Steve Wall ; authors, Harvey Arden, Steve Wall ; editor, White Deer of
Autumn ; design, Principia Graphica. Hillsboro, Or. : Beyond Words Pub., c1990.
Oversize E 98 .R3 A676 Regular
Beck, Peggy V. The sacred : ways of knowledge, sources of life / Peggy V. Beck, Anna
Lee Walters, Nia Francisco (chapter 12). Tsaile, Ariz. : Navajo Community College Press
; Flagstaff : Northland, 1990, c1977.
E 59 .R3 B43 Regular
Bierhorst, John. A cry from the earth : music of the North American Indians / by John
Bierhorst. Santa Fe, N.M. : Ancient City Press, 1992.
ML 3557 .B588 Regular
Boatman, John F., 1935- My elders taught me : aspects of Western Great Lakes
American Indian philosophy / John Boatman. Lanham. Md. : University Press of
America, 1992.
E 78 .G7 B66 Regular
Browner, Tara, 1960- Heartbeat of the people : music and dance of the northern powwow / Tara Browner. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2002.
E 98 .P86 B76 Regular
Carmody, Denise Lardner, 1935- Native American religions : an introduction / Denise
Lardner Carmody and John Tully Carmody. New York : Paulist Press, c1993.
E 59 .R3 C287 Regular
Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops. 1992, A time for
remembering, reconciling, and recommitting ourselves as people : pastoral reflections on
the Fifth Centenary and Native American people / Ad Hoc Committee on the Fifth
Centenary and Native Americans, National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Washington,
D.C. : United States Catholic Conference, c1992.
E 98 .M6 C37 Regular
Catlin, George, 1796-1872. Letters and notes on the North American Indians / George
Catlin ; edited and with an introduction by Michael Macdonald Mooney. New York :
Gramercy Books, 1995.
E 77 .C38 1995 Regular
The changing presentation of the American Indian : museums and native cultures.
Washington, D.C. : National Museum of the American Indian ; Seattle : University of
Washington Press, c2000.
E 76.85 .C49 Regular
Churchill, Ward. Fantasies of the master race : literature, cinema and the colonization of
American Indians / Ward Churchill ; edited by M. Annette Jaimes. Monroe, Me. :
Common Courage Press, 1992.
PN 56.3 .I6 C48 Regular
A companion to American Indian history / edited by Philip J. Deloria and Neal Salisbury.
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2002.
E 77 .C74 Regular
Creation's journey : Native American identity and belief / edited by Tom Hill and
Richard W. Hill, Sr. Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press in association with the
National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian Institution, c1994.
Oversize E 98 .A7 C74 Regular
Daughters of mother earth : the wisdom of Native American women / edited by Barbara
Alice Mann ; foreword by Winona LaDuke. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2006.
E 98 .W8 D38 Regular
Deloria, Vine. Red earth, white lies : Native Americans and the myth of scientific fact /
Vine Deloria, Jr. New York : Scribner, c1995.
E 98 .F6 D35 Regular
Documents of American Indian diplomacy : treaties, agreements, and conventions, 17751979 / [compiled by] Vine Deloria, Jr., and Raymond J. DeMallie ; with a foreword by
Daniel K. Inouye. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c1999.
KF 8202 1999 Regular
Fisher, Ron. America A.D. 1000 : the land and the legends / by Ron Fisher. Washington,
DC : National Geographic Society, 1999.
E 77 .F55 Regular
Gill, Sam D., 1943- Dictionary of Native American mythology / Sam D. Gill, Irene F.
Sullivan. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c1992.
Reference E 98 .R3 G475 No Loan
Harvey, Karen D. Teaching about Native Americans / Karen D. Harvey, Lisa D. Harjo,
Jane K. Jackson. Washington, D.C. : National Council for the Social Studies, c1990.
E 76.6 .H37 Regular
Hirschfelder, Arlene B. Encyclopedia of Native American religions : an introduction /
Arlene Hirschfelder, Paulette Molin ; foreword by Walter R. Echo-Hawk. New York ;
[Great Britain] : Checkmark, 2000 (2001 [printing])
Reference E 98 .R3 H73 No Loan
Hirschfelder, Arlene B. The Native American almanac : a portrait of Native America
today / Arlene Hirschfelder and Martha Kreipe de Montano. New York : Prentice Hall
General Reference, 1993.
E 77 .H669 Regular
Hubbard, Jim, 1942- Shooting back from the reservation : a photographic view of life by
Native American youth / as selected by Jim Hubbard ; with a foreword by Dennis Banks.
New York : New Press, c1994.
Children's Literature E 89 .H89 Regular
Josephy, Alvin M., 1915- 500 nations : an illustrated history of North American Indians /
Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. New York : Knopf, 1994.
E 77 .J67 Regular
Justice, Noel D. Looking at prehistory : Indiana's Hoosier National Forest region, 12,000
B.C. to 1650 / Noel D. Justice. [Washington, D.C.?] : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest
Service, 2006
F 532 .I5 J96 Regular
Kennedy, Roger G. Hidden cities : the discovery and loss of ancient North American
civilization / Roger G. Kennedy. New York : Free Press ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan
Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1994.
E 98 .A63 K46 Regular
LaDuke, Winona. All our relations : native struggles for land and life / by Winona
LaDuke. Cambridge, MA : South End Press ; Minneapolis, MN : Honor the Earth, c1999.
E 98 .L3 L34 Regular
LaDuke, Winona. Recovering the sacred : the power of naming and claiming / Winona
LaDuke. Cambridge, MA : South End Press, c2005.
E 98 .R3 L33 Regular
LaDuke, Winona. The Winona LaDuke reader : a collection of essential writings /
foreword by Ralph Nader. Stillwater, MN : Voyageur Press, c2002.
E 99 .C6 L255 Regular
Lawrence, Bonita. "Real" Indians and others : mixed-blood urban Native peoples and
indigenous nationhood / Bonita Lawrence. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press,
E 78 .C2 L386 Regular
Lepore, Jill, 1966- The name of war : King Philip's War and the origins of American
identity / Jill Lepore. New York : Vintage Books, 1999.
E 87.876 .L46 Regular
Maracle, Brian, 1947- Crazywater : native voices on addiction and recovery / Brian
Maracle. Toronto ; New York : Penguin Books, 1994.
E 98 .L7 M37 Regular
Marks, Paula Mitchell, 1951- In a barren land : American Indian dispossession and
survival / Paula Mitchell Marks. New York : William Morrow, 1999, c1998.
E 98 .L3 M37 Regular
Mason, W. Dale (Walter Dale), 1951- Indian gaming : tribal sovereignty and American
politics / by W. Dale Mason. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c2000.
E 78 .N65 M39 Regular
McMillan, Alan D. (Alan Daniel), 1945- Native peoples and cultures of Canada : an
anthropological overview / Alan D. McMillan. Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, c1995.
E 78 .C2 M32 Regular
McMurtry, Larry, 1936- Crazy Horse / Larry McMurtry. New York : Viking, 1999.
E 99 .O8 C75 Regular
McNab, David, 1947- Circles of time : aboriginal land rights and resistance in Ontario /
David T. McNab ; with a foreword by Gary Potts. Waterloo, Ont., Canada : Wilfrid
Laurier University Press, c1999.
E 78 .O5 M32 Regular
Merrell, James Hart, 1953- Into the American woods : negotiators on the Pennsylvania
frontier / James H. Merrell. New York : Norton, 2000.
F 152 .M48 Regular
Nagel, Joane. American Indian ethnic renewal : Red power and the resurgence of identity
and culture / Joane Nagel. New York : Oxford University Press, 1996.
E 98 .E85 N34 Regular
Native America in the twentieth century : an encyclopedia / edited by Mary B. Davis ;
assistant editors, Joan Berman, Mary E. Graham, Lisa A. Mitten. New York : Garland
Pub., 1996.
Reference E 76.2 .N36 No Loan
Native American checklist. Oakland, CA : Bookpeople, 1992.
Z 1209 .N278 Regular
Native American Series [videorecording] / Barr Films ; Peter Pan Industries, Inc. ; Parade
Video ; Chariot Productions ; produced by Gary Goldsmith ; written, directed and edited
by Victress Hitchcock, Gary Goldsmith. Newark, NJ : Parade Video, c1994.
Audio Visual Collection E 77 .N38 Audio-Visual
Native American testimony : a chronicle of Indian-white relations from prophecy to the
present, 1492-1992 / edited by Peter Nabokov ; with a foreword by Vine Deloria, Jr. New
York, N.Y. : Penguin, 1992.
E 93 .N2 Regular
Native American women : a biographical dictionary / Gretchen M. Bataille, editor ;
Laurie Lisa, editorial assistant. New York : Garland, 1993.
Reference E 98 .W8 N278 No Loan
The Native Americans : an illustrated history / introduction by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. ;
text by David Hurst Thomas ... [et al.] ; edited by Betty Ballantine, Ian Ballantine.
Atlanta : Turner Pub. ; Kansas City, MO : Distributed by Andrews and McMeel, c1993.
E 77 .N278 Regular
Native Americans / edited by Donald A. Grinde, Jr. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, c2002.
Reference E 93 .N32 No Loan
The Native North American almanac : a reference work on native North Americans in the
United States and Canada / Duane Champagne, editor. Detroit, Mich. : Gale Research,
Reference E 77 .N37 No Loan
The new warriors : Native American leaders since 1900 / edited by R. David Edmunds.
Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
E 89 .N48 Regular
Nichols, Roger L. Indians in the United States and Canada : a comparative history /
Roger L. Nichols. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 1999.
E 77 .N55 Regular
Norgren, Jill. The Cherokee cases : two landmark federal decisions in the fight for
sovereignty / Jill Norgren. Norman [Okla.] : University of Oklahoma Press, c2004.
K 8208 .N67 Regular
On fire with faith [videorecording] : the conquistadors, the missionaries, the Native
Americans - their story, our legacy. Washington : United States Catholic Conference,
Audio Visual Collection BX 1412 .O5 Audio-Visual
Page, Jake. In the hands of the Great Spirit : the 20,000-year history of American Indians
/ Jake Page. New York : Free Press, 2004, c2003.
E 77 .P14 Regular
Pevar, Stephen L. The rights of Indians and tribes : the basic ACLU guide to Indian and
tribal rights / Stephen L. Pevar. Carbondale, IL : Southern Illinois University Press,
KF 8210 .C5 P514 Regular
Philbrick, Nathaniel. Mayflower : a story of courage, community, and war / Nathaniel
Philbrick. New York : Viking, 2006.
F 68 .P44 Regular
A race at bay : New York times editorials on "the Indian problem," 1860-1900 /
[compiled by] Robert G. Hays ; with a foreword by Paul Simon. Carbondale : Southern
Illinois University Press, c1997.
E 98 .P9 H39 Regular
Rethinking Columbus : teaching about the 500th anniversary of Columbus's arrival in
America / [Bill Bigelow, Barbara Miner, and Bob Peterson [editors]]. Milwaukee, WI :
Rethinking Schools in collaboration with the Network of Educators on Central America,
E 119.2 .R438 Regular
Rethinking Columbus : the next 500 years / edited by Bill Bigelow and Bob Peterson.
Milwaukee, Wisc. : Rethinking Schools, c1998.
E 119.2 .R438 1998 Regular
Sacred ground [videorecording] / Freewheelin' Films Ltd. Los Angeles, CA : Distributed
by Wood Knapp Video, 1991, c1977.
Audio Visual Collection E 98 .F6 S12 Audio-Visual
Spider Woman's granddaughters : traditional tales and contemporary writing by Native
American women / edited and with an introduction by Paula Gunn Allen. New York :
Fawcett Columbine, 1990, c1989.
PS 508 .I3 S754 Regular
Statistical record of Native North Americans / Marlita A. Reddy, editor. Detroit : Gale,
Reference E 98 .P76 S797 No Loan
The story we tell [videorecording] / produced by Tracy Heather Strain ; Independent
Television Service. [San Francisco, Calif.] : California Newsreel, c2003.
Audio Visual Collection E 184 .A1 R12 v.2 Audio-Visual
Treat, James. Around the sacred fire : a native religious activism in the Red Power era ; a
narrative map of the Indian Ecumenical Conference / James Treat. New York : Palgrave
Macmillan, 2003.
E 98 .R3 T74 Regular
Viola, Herman J. After Columbus : the Smithsonian chronicle of the North American
Indians / Herman J. Viola. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Books ; New York : Orion
Books, 1990.
E 77 .V795 Regular
Vizenor, Gerald Robert, 1934- Manifest manners : narratives on postindian survivance /
Gerald Vizenor. Lincoln, Neb. : University of Nebraska Press, 1999.
E 98 .S67 V58 Regular
Waldman, Carl. Encyclopedia of Native American tribes / Carl Waldman ; illustrations
by Molly Braun. New York, N.Y. : Facts on File, c1988.
Reference E 76.2 .W164 No Loan
Wall, Steve. Wisdom's daughters : conversations with women elders of Native America /
written and photographed by Steve Wall ; editor and advisory consultant, Harvey Arden.
New York, NY : HarperPerennial, 1994, c1993.
E 98 .W8 W27 Regular
Weatherford, J. McIver. Indian givers : how the Indians of the Americas transformed the
world / Jack Weatherford. New York : Fawcett Columbine, 1990, c1988.
E 59 .I53 W43 Regular
West, Elliott, 1945- The contested plains : Indians, goldseekers, & the rush to Colorado /
Elliott West. Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c1998.
F 591 .W45 Regular
Weyler, Rex, 1947- Blood of the land : the government and corporate war against first
nations / by Rex Weyler. Philadelphia, Pa. ; Gabriola Island, B.C. : New Society
Publishers, 1992.
E 93 .W49 1992 Regular
White, Phillip M. American Indian chronology : chronologies of the American mosaic /
Phillip M. White. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2006.
E 99 .W47 Regular
White, Richard, 1947- The middle ground : Indians, empires, and republics in the Great
Lakes region, 1650-1815 / Richard White. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge
University Press, 1991.
E 99 .A3 W587 Regular
York, Geoffrey, 1960- People of the Pines : the Warriors and the legacy of Oka / by
Geoffrey York and Loreen Pindera. Boston ; Toronto : Little, Brown, 1992.
E 99 .M8 Y67 Regular