Civilization Essay.doc

World Studies I
Ancient Civilizations Essay Format
Task: To conclude our study of Ancient Civilizations you will have the opportunity to dig deeper into the
history and culture of a civilization of your choice. Your task will be to research, then write the introductory
paragraph and outline a historical essay that answers the question below;
ESSAY QUESTION: What are three FACTORs (can be an idea, event, development, decision,
person, etc.) that strengthened or weakened the _____________ empire/civilization causing it to
Step 1 - Learning about your topic & writing your thesis: You will research the topic of your choosing
using relevant historical texts (i.e. classroom textbook, encyclopedia, Shorewood Databases, other online
resources, etc.) and write notes that will help you answer the question above. In your research you must
identify Historical Evidence (quotes, statistics, etc.) that will support your thesis statement. Your thesis
statement must answer the question above by stating a Claim and supporting it with 3 pieces of evidence. Other
- Your notes will be scored based on quality NOT quantity and reviewed at checkpoints in our
research process.
- Your notes will be organized by source and you will include a completed Works Cited in MLA
format on the due date of the final essay.
- Your notes will be turned in on the due date of your final essay.
Step 2 – Writing you historical argument: Follow the requirements outlined in detail for each section.
 ATTENTION GRABBER -- Grab the attention of the reader with an interesting/intriguing & related first
sentence. (Related trivia, quote, thoughtful idea)
 INTRODUCE TOPIC -- Introduce the topic and provide brief factual background on your topic (if your topic
requires more detail to be understood – i.e. Roman architectural styles, Greek religious rituals, the Punic wars,
etc. – you may use the first body paragraph to explain the facts of your topic more fully)
 THESIS STATEMENT – A ONE sentence, concise and well thought out thesis statement.
 ROAD MAP -- Provide a preview of the main arguments (should be the topics of developmental /body
paragraphs you have to prove your thesis) of your essay.
TOPIC SENTENCE/ARGUMENT --The first sentence of each body paragraph needs to
clearly introduce the topic of that paragraph and how it connects to the thesis.
EVIDENCE FOR THAT ARGUMENT -- Then lay out your evidence – primary sources,
historical detail, quotes & summaries – make sure all of your evidence actually belongs
under this particular topic.
 Make certain you Parenthetically Cite your sources of evidence! Refer to backside
for more information on Citing Sources.
ANALYSIS/EXPLANATION OF EVIDENCE -- Besides just showing your evidence, you need
to EXPLAIN how your evidence relates back to your thesis! How does this prove/connect to
your thesis? THINK – “This evidence means/shows/supports that…”
TRANSITION – Connect the ideas of this paragraph to the next paragraph.
** Assume your reader is educated, but not telepathic – You need to clearly, consistently, and
constantly remind him/her what your point is and how you are proving it.
** Body paragraphs need to be organized in a logical manner – make sure they all connect to the
thesis and have a natural flow from one argument to the next.
World Studies I
Ancient Civilizations Essay Format
** If you find that you don’t have enough evidence or the right evidence to prove your thesis, you
have two choices:
1) Go and do MORE research
2) Change your thesis to better match the evidence you actually have
 RESTATE THESIS – use different words, but keep the same idea.
 RESTATE MAIN POINTS -- Summarize each of your main points, and how they have been
used to prove your thesis
 Conclude -- You now need to leave the reader with a sense of why your topic/argument is
significant. What does it teach us about the civilization? About the world? About humanity?
Try to draw on the bigger picture or lesson that one can learn from your very focused topic.
PARENTHETICAL NOTATION: (Required for the Essay or considered PLAGARISM!)
What & Why: Parenthetical Notation is a way to let the reader know which specific source (from your
Works Consulted page) you used to get that specific piece of information/that fact/that evidence. It is a way
of making your evidence legitimate and giving credit to the person(s) for their words and/or ideas. It is also
to prevent you from being accused of PLAGARISM ... this carries significant and harsh consequences!
When: You use Parenthetical Notation in the following cases 1. When you quote or paraphrase directly from a source (word-for-word).
2. When you use information that is NOT “common knowledge” or “general
encyclopedic knowledge”. (This is the most difficult to discern, for example –
Stating that the Punic Wars happened between Rome and Carthage is common
knowledge, so it would NOT need a citation. However, a theory about a cause of the
Punic Wars WOULD need to be cited.]
3. (in general) When you use someone else’s words, thinking, analysis.
* When in doubt – Cite it!
How: Here is how you parenthetically note/cite evidence –
 At the end of the sentence where you just provided someone’s idea/words
 Before the period, place a parenthesis (Author’s Last Name Page#). – no commas or marks
between Last Name and Page# - also put the number without anything extra.
 If NO Author is provided – Put an Abbreviated “Title of the Work” in quotes
 If NO Page# provided (website, video, recording etc..) put NOTHING but the author or
1) …that is how the Greeks have continued to survive” (Clark 29).
2) …water to 3000 homes for a year (“Roman Engineering” 87).
3) … Greece was experiencing a rapid and lasting change that … (“CyberGreece”).
MLA Works Cited: (Required for Essay or considered PLAGARISM)
The last item of your essay should be a complete MLA Formatted BIBLIOGRAPHY. Include all the sources you actually
used in your essay. You need a minimum of 4 sources for your Works Cited.
A couple of tips/rules of a MLA Works Cited:
1) ALPHABETIZE your list by the first letter of each entry.
2) INDENT the 2nd and 3rd lines of each entry, so only the first line is flush against the margin (like I just did
World Studies I
Ancient Civilizations Essay Format
3) Make sure each entry is completely and correctly done – refer to MLA style guide and handbook if questions
or to (for you hardcore citers).