12 - kcpe-kcse

The Galilean Ministry
(a) Mention eight roles of John the Baptist.
(b) Identify reasons why Jesus chose the twelve disciples.
a) Give four similar instructions given by Jesus to both 12 disciples and 72 disciples when he
sent them out on a mission
b) What was the impact of Jesus miracles in his ministry
Identify challenges that John the Baptist faced in his ministry
a) Give six reasons why Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan Luke 3:21-22).
b) State three ways in which the life of John was similar to that of Elijah of Old Testament
(a) Identify five reasons why Jesus appointed the twelve disciples
(b) What are the qualities of a disciple as stated in the sermon on the plain Lk 6:20-26
(c) Give six reasons why many people still reject the gospel of Jesus
a) Explain what John the Baptist taught about Jesus.
b) State reasons why Jesus was tempted .
c) Identify lessons Christians learn about Jesus from his temptation in the wilderness.
a) Identify five main divisions of the Sermon the plain.
b) What are the teachings of Jesus on the qualities of true discipleship from the sermon on
the plain?
c) Mention seven ways in which Christians demonstrate true discipleship today
Explain Seven teaching of Jesus on watchfulness and readiness for the Kingdom of God in
Luke 12: 35-59
(a) State the reasons for choosing of disciples by Jesus
(b) Identify the conditions Jesus set for his followers
(c) What role can Christians play in the national elections
a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus according to Luke 5:1 -11
b) How did Jesus demonstrate the teachings in the sermon on the plain in his ministry
c) Why do Christians find it difficult to apply the teachings of the sermon on the plain
in their lives
a) What were the four major challenges faced by John during his ministry?
b) Outline seven methods adopted by Jesus to overcome the challenges he faced during
his ministry
c) What five features in Jesus teachings on the plain (Luke 6:17-49) that a Christian may
learn and practice?
Give six reasons why people find it difficult to accept the word of God today
a) Describe the activities in the house of Simon when Jesus was invited (Luke 7:36-50)
b) What lessons do Christian learn from the visit of a sinful woman in Simon’s house?
c) State five ways in which a Christian can eradicate discrimination in the society today
(a) Identify the area of conflict arising from Jesus Galilean ministry
b) State the obstacles Christian’s leader may face in their missionary work
a) Explain four teachings of Jesus on the sermon on the plain Luke6:17-49.
b) Give six reasons why Christians fail to live according to Jesus’ teaching on the sermon
on the plain.
State four duties of discipleship revealed in Luke 9:51-62
(a) Explain the reasons for Christian baptism
(b) State lessons that Christians learn bout Jesus in his temptations in the wilderness
(a) Why did the missionaries translate the Bible into African local languages?
(b) Explain four ways in which the translation of the Bible into African languages led to African
mass evangelism.
Explain seven teachings of Jesus on the cost of discipleship.
a) Outline ways in which John the Baptist prepared for the coming of the Messiah
b) What challenges did John the Baptist face in his ministry?
c) In what ways are the church leaders preparing the people for the second coming of Christ
a) Describe the call of the first disciples of Jesus (Lk 5:1-10)
b) Outline Jesus’ teaching on true discipleship
c) Give reasons why Christians accept suffering as part of discipleship
Identify four incidences Jesus used to teach his disciples on the way to salvation
(Lk 18:15, 19:27)