Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 1 Advertisement Notice For 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS (“ACCESS”) is the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) designated mental health Authority established to plan, coordinate, develop policy, develop and allocate resources, supervise, and ensure the provision of community based mental health and mental retardation services for the residents of Anderson and Cherokee Counties, Texas. Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS (“Local Authority”) is seeking proposals for the provision of DSHS Resiliency and Disease Management Service Package 3 services, an integrated rehabilitative team service delivery model provided to adults, which includes Pharmacological Management, Rehabilitative Services, Medical Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Supplemental Nursing Services, Supported Employment, and Supported Housing for identified individuals with mental illness or co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders who seek services at the Local Authority. The services requested shall be performed in Anderson and Cherokee Counties. 17 18 19 20 21 Proposers will need to be able to provide services in both Counties due to the wide-spread geographic distribution of these consumers and to be able to access services and supports which may not be equally available in the two Counties, e.g. housing and public transportation. 22 23 24 25 The initial contract period shall commence approximately 60-90 days after the contract award and continue through August 31, 2010 with an option to renew for an additional one year period based on satisfactory performance. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Copies of the RFP Document may be obtained via internet at, written request, or faxed request for mailed copy or picked up at 913 N. Jackson Street, Jacksonville, Texas. Questions regarding the RFP #10-001 should be directed to Karen Pate at (903) 586-5507 or at Please submit sealed: one (1) original (clearly marked) and four (4) copies of your proposal to: Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS ATTN: Karen Pate 913 N. Jackson Street Jacksonville, TX 75766 Contact Number: (903) 586-5507 page 1 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 41 42 43 INTERESTED PARTIES MUST RESPOND TO THE RFP BY 10.00 a.m., Monday, August 10, 2009 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS WITHIN THE RFP DOCUMENT. 44 45 46 47 48 The Local Authority appreciates your time and effort in preparing this proposal. All proposals must be received at the specified location before opening date and time. The official time shall be determined by the time/date stamp when received at location. Faxed responses shall not be accepted. Proposals received after above date and time shall be returned unopened. 49 page 2 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 July 2009 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS as the Local Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority Request for Proposals Resiliency & Disease Management Service Package 3 for Adults Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS (Local Authority) is the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) designated mental health Authority established to plan, coordinate, develop policy, develop and allocate resources, supervise, and ensure the provision of community based mental health and mental retardation services for the residents of Anderson and Cherokee Counties, Texas. The Local Authority’s Mission is: People can count on ACCESS: To work hand in hand with those around us to assure a choice of effective, efficient programs and caregivers, and To offer excellent services that enhance quality of life. The Local Authority’s Values are: Service to the customer. Respect for the individual. Respect for the Dignity of risk. Pursuit of Excellence in all that we say and do. Commitment to personal Integrity in every facet of every relationship. Pursuant to Texas Administrative Code §412.55 and 412.754, the Local Mental Health Authority has the authority to acquire community services for individuals with mental illness by certain procurement methods. This Request for Proposals (RFP) requests proposals from interested persons and organizations (Proposers) for the purpose of entering into one or more contracts (Contracts) to provide services (Services) to persons with severe and persistent mental illness in Anderson and Cherokee Counties (Proposals). The individuals to be served under this arrangement must meet the DSHS definition for the Priority Population for Mental Health, which is included as Attachment A, and must also reside in either Anderson County or Cherokee County (Consumers). The goals of any/each Contract awarded under the RFP are: 1. To provide needed community mental health services as described in Attachment B. 2. To develop a network of providers that allows for more consumer choice. page 3 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 July 2009 3. To identify, implement and evaluate successful Services based on Consumer outcomes so that these efforts can be replicated. 4. To create meaningful collaborations between the Local Authority and the health care providers in the community. 5. To provide quality clinical care and achieve the desired outcomes at the most efficient cost possible. Successful Proposers will provide Services that build upon and augment existing community resources and that provide for or enhance an existing continuum of care for Consumers. The Local Authority will use a pre-defined process to review all proposals at “arms-length”, to insure that there is no conflict of interest. Preference will be given to Proposers that are able to provide Services that address the issues of consumer choice, quality, clinical decision making, price and ultimate cost-benefit while assuring adherence to existing standards of care and service definitions. Target Population The target population for this RFP consists of individuals with mental illness who have been identified by the Local Authority as Priority Population, in accordance with the definitions established by DSHS. (See Attachment A.) Designation of an individual as a member of the Priority Population must be made by the Local Authority and documented in that individual’s record. Eligible Proposers Proposers must be eligible to do business in Texas, and be registered with the Texas Secretary of State to the extent required by Texas law. Professionals must hold valid Texas licenses and/or certifications to the extent required to perform any individual component of the Services. In the situation where a consortium of providers is applying, a single entity responsible for the services delivered must be identified and the financial agent must be an organization with a demonstrated ability to manage funds. Minority Owned Businesses: Historically Underutilized Business and/or Minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race color, creed, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. Local Authority Responsibilities and Transition Goals The Local Authority ‘s responsibilities will include, but are not limited to, making appropriate referrals for services, reviewing claims and paying for appropriate, authorized services rendered by the Successful Proposer. The Local Authority is also responsible for utilization management and quality assurance. The Local Authority ensures that the services address the needs of the Priority Population as required by the State Authority, and page 4 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 that those services comply with the rules and standards adopted under Section 534.052 of the Health and Safety Code. The Local Authority directs its activities based on its mission and values which can be found on page 4 of this RFP. 156 157 158 159 160 161 Local Authority’s capacity for Adult Service Package 3 fluctuates between 68 and 78 consumers and the Local Authority proposes to procure 25% of that number, or, a caseload of between 17 and 20 consumers. Proposer may propose either a fee-for-service rate setting methodology that will utilize prevailing Medicaid rates, minus 10% for Local Authority costs to provide administrative oversight and billing of the “under arrangement” Medicaid Rehabilitative services covered by the contract, or a case-rate. 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 DSHS general revenue funds are used as a payor of last resort. It is expected that patient mix will include indigent as well as Medicaid eligible consumers and Medicaid Rehabilitation will be a major revenue source to support overall services and maximize general revenue allocated. A minimum of 50% of the persons served should be Medicaid Eligible – Medicaid applications and eligibility will be pursued for all potential eligible persons. The Local Authority will be assessing the potential for eligibility and assisting consumers in completing a Medicaid application during the intake process. The successful Proposer must be able to assist with applications for all consumers already in the service system, those that become eligible or those who require clinical information and support from the service provider for a pending application or appeal once in service. The Local Authority will be responsible for determining a client meets the Priority Population definition. The Local Authority must complete a Uniform Assessment on each client and identify the services to be provided. Clients determined to need these services will be offered a choice of providers from the Network. All services must be authorized by Utilization Management staff. An Authorization Number will be given specifying the number and type of services approved for each client. This number must be included on any bills for services/claims submissions. Quality Management staff will perform regular reviews of clinical services and program standards. 172 173 174 175 176 Fluctuations in numbers of consumers eligible for referral to Proposer will be affected by consumer choice and clinical needs of the consumers. Proposers should also consider that future expansion beyond current proposed capacity may be impacted by the inclusion of additional providers as the network of available providers expands over time. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Due to the rural nature of the two Counties, the wide geographic distribution of consumers, and lack of public transportation, Proposers must demonstrate their willingness to provide services in-vivo and in non-traditional settings and will need to consider locating services in centrally located areas to maximize consumer access. In addition to the costs of transporting staff and consumers, Proposers should consider the longer amounts of staff time involved in covering the rural Counties when developing its reimbursement page 5 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 184 185 methodology. Proposers should also consider the need for bi-lingual staff since a growing number of consumers in the two Counties are Spanish speakers. 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 In the event that the Local Authority and Proposer enter into a Medicaid Under Arrangement contract, the Local Authority will provide Medicaid billing, accounts receivable and accounts payable services, with documentation of same, for all “under arrangement” rehabilitation services. Proposer will be responsible for timely provision of all clinical documentation to support billing, billing units and type of service per consumer in compliance with Medicaid regulations, and DSHS and Local Authority requirements. To ensure successful transition of consumers to the selected Provider(s), the Local Authority has established the following timeframes: Develop a provider list: Verify provider information: Post Provider list to website and distribute to consumer and advocacy groups Conduct provider forums to allow providers to share information with consumers; LARs; other stakeholders Develop internal procedures and forms for consumer selection of providers Develop consumer information materials relating to selection of providers Train internal staff on consumer selection procedures Ensure external providers are trained on consumer selection requirements and procedures Implement provider selection procedures for new intakes Implement provider selection procedures for current clients (in conjunction with treatment plan reviews) Develop and implement continuity of care plans for transitioning individual clients to new providers Consumer transition complete 10/28/2009 8/11/2009-10/26/2009 10/28/2009-11/6/2009 11/9/2009-11/20/2009 5/29/2009-8/10/2009 10/28/2009-11/9/2009 10/28/2009-ongoing 10/28/2009- ongoing 2/1/2010 11/9/2009 - ongoing 10/28/2009 - ongoing 2/1/2010 Successful Proposers must have the ability to transition, at a minimum, 50% of the individuals receiving procured services and choosing Provider within the first 45 days. Thereafter, Proposer will transition consumers into services at a rate of 25% per month until applicant’s capacity is reached or utilization/referral is not indicated. Local Authority and Proposer will ensure continuous consumer access to services so there is no disruption in level of care or in quality of services provided during the transition of consumers from the Local Authority to the Successful Proposer. page 6 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 July 2009 Successful Proposer Responsibilities The Successful Proposer(s) shall maintain all records regarding treatment and/or services to Consumers under this Contract for a period of six (6) years, and must allow the Local Authority immediate access during regular business hours to such records upon request. Successful Proposer(s) will be required to comply with all state and federal laws regarding the confidentiality of consumers’ records and nondiscrimination. Successful Proposer(s) must comply with all applicable requirements of the Local Authority’s then-current contract with DSHS. Successful Proposer(s) must also agree that their names may be used, along with descriptions of the facilities, care, and services in information distributed by the Local Authority in the list of its providers. Successful Proposer(s) will actively assist in the disbursement of Consumer and advocate satisfaction surveys. Successful Proposer(s) must develop a method to resolve disagreements with consumers and stakeholders which will include consumer involvement. The process for Consumer appeals and dispute resolution must be approved by the Local Authority. Successful Proposer(s) will be responsible for peer review and quality management. Successful Proposer(s) must agree to mediation or dispute resolution if unable to resolve disputes with the Local Authority. Successful Proposer(s) must conform to all guidelines set forth in the Provider Manual which is available for review upon request. Successful Proposer(s) will cooperate and assist with and will not at any time prevent or hinder a consumer from changing providers. Proposal Instructions Proposers must follow the attached outline for submissions to facilitate objective review. Proposals must be received no later than 10:00 a.m., August 10, 2009 (Proposal Submission Date). Proposals must be sent to Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS, Attention: Karen Pate, Network Development at 913 N. Jackson Street, Jacksonville, TX 75766. Proposals may be sent by regular mail or special carrier. Proposals may not be faxed. Five (5) copies of the proposal (an original and 4 copies) and three (3) signed signature pages are required. Proposals will be time and date stamped upon receipt by the Local Authority. Proposals must be received sealed. Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the Proposal Submission Date, provided that Local Authority is notified of any such withdrawal in a writing signed by the Proposer certifying authenticity. Alterations may be made before the official opening time provided such alterations are provided in writing and signed by the Proposer certifying authenticity. Local Authority reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals, to waive technicalities, and to accept any advantages deemed beneficial to the Local Authority and its clients. It is our intent to evaluate proposals, and negotiate costs and/or services in order to achieve the best value for Local Authority consumers. The negotiation process will be done in a confidential manner with no disclosures being made to other Proposers until after the Contract is awarded. page 7 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 July 2009 Contract Award Timetable: Activity _________ Date/Time ____________Location RFP Issuance 7/10/2009 913 N. Jackson Street Jacksonville, TX Technical Assistance Workshop 7/17/2009 9:00-11:00 a.m. 913 N. Jackson Street Proposals Due 8/10/2009 10:00 a.m. 913 N. Jackson Street Jacksonville, TX Bid Opening 8/10/2009 11:00 a.m. 913 N. Jackson Street Jacksonville, TX Negotiation and Interview Period 9/29/2009 – 10/26/2009 Site visits 9/29/2009 10/26/2009 Proposer sites Awards Announced 10/27/2009 913 N. Jackson Street Jacksonville, TX Contract Start Date 2/1/2010 Successful Proposer(s) sites Jacksonville, TX Proposal Outline Throughout this Proposal Outline, provide detailed information regarding the scope of the Proposer’s business. Questions fall under the following sections: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. Business Demographics Organizational Structure Quality Management/Utilization Management Services Budget/Financial Risk Profile Managed Care Profile Information System Statement Billing Requirements Rate Schedule Assurances Document page 8 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 July 2009 Three Attachments are provided as information regarding the Local Authority which may assist in developing the Proposal. Attachment A -- Priority Population Definitions Attachment B -- Service Descriptions and Information Attachment C -- Criteria for Scoring Please be sure to answer every question. If the question does not apply to the Proposer, simply and clearly document “N/A”. Scoring and evaluation is based on completed questions. ALL unanswered questions will be considered omissions. Please limit responses to each question to one double spaced page if possible. Answer all questions in the order of this proposal outline. Use the forms attached or prepare responses in the same format. Clearly designate each item in the document as it appears in this outline (by number, letter, and question). Place tab dividers at the beginning of each section (Roman Numerals) to match those shown above in this Proposal Outline section. The document should be double spaced, type size at least 10 pitch. The Local Authority reserves the right to review only completed Proposals. The Local Authority reserves the right to hold subsequent face to face or telephone interviews for clarification and/or negotiation purposes. Interviews will not be solicited for the purpose of completing incomplete proposals. Multiple omissions and/or incomplete responses may result in disqualification. All supporting documentation should be attached to the appropriate section of the Proposal and in the order described in this Proposal Outline section. Questions regarding this proposal should be mailed or faxed to Karen Pate at 913 N. Jackson Street, Jacksonville, TX 75766, fax#: (903)586-4234. Questions should reference the line number from the RFP. Amendments including questions and answers will be distributed to all those known to have received a copy of the RFP from the Local Authority. Proposers must acknowledge receipt of the amendments and consider these in the final proposal. False statements by any Proposer may disqualify the Proposal. The Local Authority reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and reopen the RFP process in total. Interviews or site visits may be conducted to further evaluate competitive proposals, to negotiate rates, and to select one or more Proposals for award. In this situation, no Proposer will be given information, support, or resources that will give the Proposer a competitive advantage over the other Proposers. Each Proposer who submits a complete Proposal but is not awarded a Contract will be notified in writing that the proposal is no longer being considered. Following Contract award, the contents of all proposals may be made available upon written request. Therefore, any information contained in the proposal that is deemed to be proprietary in nature must clearly be so designated in the proposal. Such information may still be subject to disclosure under the Public Information Act page 9 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 363 depending on opinions from the Attorney General’s office. page 10 July 2009 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 I. July 2009 Business Demographics Name ___________________________________________________________________ Title of Business ___________________________________________________________ SS# _________________________ and/or Tax ID ____________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________________________ County ________________________________________ Zip Code __________________ Business Phone _________________________ Fax # ____________________________ Website address____________________________________________________________ Contact Person ____________________________________________________________ Title ____________________________________________________________________ Phone # ______________________________ Fax # ______________________________ Billing Address if Different From Above (include Street, City, State, and Zip Code) _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Billing Manager ___________________________________________________________ Phone # _______________________________ Fax # _____________________________ Other Business Locations in this Market Area: (include Street, City, County, and Zip) 1. ______________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________ Provide a map of locations which specifies the Services provided, capacity and languages spoken (by Service) at each location - Label as Exhibit IA. Other Owners/Partners: Name % Ownership If corporate, list organization 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________ Type of organization (i.e., non-profit corporation, limited liability company, general partnership, etc.) : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Provide a copy of Provider’s Articles of Incorporation and 501(c)(3) certificate, or other bylaws/governing documents as appropriate – Label as Exhibit IB. Years in Operation ________________________________________________________ Hours of Operation _______________________________________________________ page 11 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 July 2009 Certification Number if a Historically Underutilized Business: ______________________, or qualifications if HUB eligible, but not certified:________________________________ II. Organizational Structure A. Attach a copy of the organizational chart, including names, titles and vacant positions, clearly indicating who will be the main point of contact with respect to any Contract -- Label as Exhibit IIA B. List the names and business affiliations of board members or other governing body: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ III. Quality Management/Utilization Management A. List all licenses, credentials, certifications, and/or accreditations the Proposer currently holds related to the Services. Provide copies of all licenses, certifications, accreditations -- Label as Exhibit IIIA. B. Provide a copy of the staff roster and their corresponding education and license credentials. Designate if they are full time, part time, or on call. Label as Exhibit IIIB. C. Attach the Proposer’s Quality Assurance/Management Plan and Quality Management Program Reports for the last six (6) months -- Label as Exhibit IIIC. D. Describe the Proposer’s internal utilization management procedures. Describe methods for ensuring that individuals are receiving services in accordance with internal standards of care. Provide copies of recent reports to payors showing the Proposer’s performance relative to its utilization management requirements -- Label as Exhibit IIID. E. Provide a summary of the most recent consumer satisfaction surveys or other ongoing efforts to obtaining and evaluate consumer satisfaction -- Label as Exhibit IIIE. Describe how this information was obtained. page 12 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 IV. July 2009 Services A. Describe how Proposer will communicate with the Local Authority regarding the Consumer referral process, specifically what are the parameters around access. B. Describe in detail the array of Services the Proposer would offer under its Proposal. Identify units of Service, where Services are offered, who would provide Services (education, credentials, and any languages spoken, in addition to English), and the times of day and days of the week the Services would be available. Indicate the capacity of all services. Include a copy of Services schedules and descriptions -- Label as Exhibit IV. C. Describe the frequency and type of in-service training currently offered by the Proposer or provided to employees including, but not limited to, training related to patient rights and standards of services. D. Describe the Proposer’s experience in working with Medicaid and in providing services for persons with severe and persistent mental illness over the last five years. How have services been made accessible for those who are difficult to reach, either due to geography or dissatisfaction with the service delivery system? E. Describe the Proposer’s history of working with this population on an outpatient basis and experience of working with persons who are not compliant with treatment. Describe the ability to treat persons with disabilities and persons with multiple diagnoses of a developmental disability-mental illness-substance abuse. Detail the specific population the Proposer intends to serve under this Proposal. Include ages and level of severity. F. Describe the Proposer’s ability to work with persons who are hearing impaired, persons who have limited language skills and persons who speak a language other than English. Describe how the Proposer ensures cultural competency on the part of staff with regard to ethnic, racial, religious and sexual orientation differences. Include how you will meet the cultural and linguistic needs of the consumers in the Local Authority's local service area of Anderson and Cherokee Counties. G. Describe or attach policies and procedure which describe any process the Proposer presently has to receive communication from clients, family members and advocates, and to receive and resolve complaints and grievances. H. Describe any process to transition consumers from the Proposer’s services as their level of functioning improves. I. Describe the facility(ies) proximity to public transportation or the Proposer’s ability to facilitate access to public transportation. J. Describe how you will engage and involve consumers, legally authorized representatives, and families at the policy and practice levels within your organization. page 13 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 K. Describe any transition goals for Local Authority employees, if applicable. L. Describe the transition plan you intend to utilize for new Consumers referred by Local Authority to your services. M. Describe where and when you will provide Services within the Local Authority's local service area, and how persons with disabilities will be able to access those Services. V. Budget/Financial A. Indicate the percentage of revenues by source for last year (based on either calendar or fiscal year -- whichever data are more current) as indicated below. Create the following table: Legend: A = Admission / = Divide Label as Exhibit VA1. R = Revenue T = Total Example: A1/TA = % of Medicaid admissions of total admissions. R1/TR = % of Medicaid revenues of total revenues Number of Total % Admitted % of Revenue Admissions Revenue by Payor by Payor Medicaid A1 R1 A1/TA R1/TR Medicare A2 R2 A2/TA R2/TR Insurance A3 R3 A3/TA R3/TR PPO/ HMO A4 R4 A4/TA R4/TR Govt. Direct A5 R5 A5/TA R5/TR Champus A6 R6 A6/TA R6/TR Self Pay A7 R7 A7/TA R7/TR Grant A8 R8 A8/TA R8/TR Indigent/Charity A9 R9 A9/TA R9/TR Other A10 R10 A10/TA R10/TR Total 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 July 2009 TA TR 100% 100% Attach copies of the Proposer’s last three years audited financial reports -- Label as Exhibit VA2. B. If the respondent is a corporation that is required to report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, it must submit its two most recent SEC Forms 10K, Annual Reports. If any change in ownership is anticipated during the twelve (12) months following the proposal due date, the respondent must describe the circumstances of such change and indicate when the change is likely to occur. C. Does Proposer own or lease current business properties? If leasing properties, note the upcoming expiration date of the leases. page 14 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 July 2009 D. Describe any arrangements to subcontract part or all of these services. All subcontracts must be approved by the Local Authority, at its sole discretion. Name all proposed subcontractors and provide information on their staff credentials, licenses and certifications. E. If an individual, are any Child Support Payments delinquent? If so, explain in detail. VI. Risk Profile A. Attach a copy of your Risk Management Plan - Label as Exhibit VIA. B. Is Proposer currently under investigation, or had a license or accreditation revoked, by any state/federal/local authority or licensure agency, within the last five (5) years? If yes, explain in detail. C. Does anyone working for Proposer providing direct care or in management have any felony convictions? If yes, explain. Describe the process, if any, for checking on previous convictions of employees or applicants for employment. Attach any policies and procedures regarding the hiring and retention of persons with criminal histories -- Label as Exhibit VIC. Are criminal history checks done on all Proposer staff annually? D. Has Proposer had any judgments or settlements entered against it in the last ten (10) years? If so, explain in detail. E. Has either the Proposer or any of its employees had any validated fraud, client abuse, client neglect, or rights violations claims in the last three (3) years? If so, explain in detail. Describe the process, if any, for checking on previous confirmed fraud, client abuse, client, neglect, or rights violations of employees or applicants for employment, such as through CANRS, the Nurse Aide Registry, and the Employee Misconduct Registry. Describe or attach any current polices and procedures regarding client abuse, client neglect, or rights violations and the training of staff on these issues -- Label as Exhibit VIE. F. Has Proposer been placed on vendor hold within the past five (5) years by any funding agency or company? If yes, explain. G. Does Proposer have a Letter of Good Standing which verifies that it is not delinquent in payment of Texas State Franchise Tax? Corporations that are non-profit or exempt from Franchise Tax are not required to have this letter, but instead must submit a 501C IRS Exemption form from the Comptroller Office. Attach and label as Exhibit VIG. H. Is Proposer currently held in abeyance or barred from the award of a federal or state contract? Has this occurred in the last 5 years? If so, explain. page 15 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 July 2009 I. Has Proposer ever filed bankruptcy? If yes, describe in detail. J. Has Proposer ever defaulted on any business lease arrangement? If so, describe in detail. K. Provide a Certificate of Insurance showing proof of minimum liability insurance coverage (property and vehicles, including riders) and including directors’ and officers’ professional liability, errors and omissions, general liability, workers compensation and medical malpractice insurance as follows: SCHEDULE: Professional Liability General Liability Worker’s Compensation $1,000,000 $1,000,000/3,000,000 In accordance with Texas Statutory Requirements A Certificate of Insurance naming Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS as an additional insured shall be provided prior to start of work. Provide the name of Workers’ Comp carrier if Proposer has Workers’ Comp coverage or self funding documents if self funded. Label as Exhibit VIK. 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 L. Attach any policies and procedures regarding medical records security – Label as Exhibit VIL. VII. Managed Care Profile A. Describe your background and depth of experience with all of the managed care companies (including Medicaid Managed Care and CHIP) with which Proposer currently contracts or has previously contracted. Include the duration of any relationships, numbers of clients served and specific services provided to managed care companies. B. Provide Proposer’s Medicaid Provider number(s). suspended or revoked? If so, explain. Have these ever been C. Provide Proposer’s Medicare Provider number(s). Have these ever been suspended or revoked? If so, explain. D. Has Proposer ever been dropped from a managed care network? If so, explain. E. Submit contact information from at least three (3) entities for which Proposer has provided services similar to the Services requested by this RFP within the past two years -- Label as Exhibit VIIA. F. Describe any contracts, Memoranda of Understanding, or employment relationships Proposer has with other state, city or county agencies in the Your County health care community. page 16 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 July 2009 VIII. Information Systems Local Authority uses the Anasazi Client Database, in conjunction with a VPN connection for external network access. Anasazi is a dataflex database that runs on a Novell platform. Proposers will be required to use Anasazi Client Database to enter services, demographic information, assessments, progress notes, and treatment plans directly into this system on a daily basis. Proposers must be able to connect to the Anasazi Client Database system using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). This will require that Proposer ensure connectivity with the Local Authority through purchase and maintenance broadband connections. Proposer will be required to comply with LMHA timeliness standards for data entry. Local Authority will provide a license for entry into the Anasazi Client Database to the Proposer with a monthly maintenance fee of $100 per month. It will be understood that the Anasazi Client Database may only be used for consumers of Local Authority for services provided under contract. The Proposer will be required to use the TAS (Texas Application Specialists) Risk Management System to directly enter all medication errors/adverse drug reactions; deaths; suicide attempts; serious injuries; confirmed abuse, neglect, or exploitation allegations; allegations of homicide/attempted homicide/threat with a plan for any Local Authority consumer. Requirements for the Proposer are: Use of Anasazi Database for all data entry within the Local Authority’s contract including demographics, services, progress notes, treatment plans, and required assessments. Use of the TAS (Texas Application Specialists) Risk Management System for reporting risk management incidents immediately following the report of any risk management issue. Minimum computer requirements: Intel or AMD 1.6 GHz Processor or better 512 MB RAM 1 GB Free Hard Drive Space Monitor capable of 1024x768 Resolution Mouse Keyboard Windows XP SP3 or higher with the required security options enabled Antivirus Software – current version with updates performed weekly page 17 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 Broadband Connection requirements: 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 July 2009 Minimum 1.5 Mb speed upload and download speed capability. Proposer should respond to the following questions: Describe the proposed service provider’s Information System. Include dates of last upgrades, current capabilities, service type or programs, and the ability to interface with other information systems. o Can the proposed service provider’s information system report the following categories of data? IX. Basic Demographic Information Admissions and Discharges dates to services Date, Number, type, and duration of services (using ACCESS MHMR service codes) Describe or attach the proposed service provider’s disaster recovery plan and data backup procedures. Label as Exhibit VIIIA. Describe proposed service provider’s Internet access and E-mail capabilities. Describe how the proposed service provider’s would handle confidential electronic communications with Local Authority. Describe the preferred format for error correction reports. Statement Provide a statement detailing why Proposer’s services best meet the needs of persons with mental illness (Priority Population). Identify any best practices Proposer is currently utilizing in delivering services similar to the Services sought under this RFP. List any workload measures or data collected and used that pertains to positive outcomes for this population. Describe training provided to the family members of persons who meet the definition for the Priority Population. Describe how Proposer links services or provides continuity of care with other providers. Describe how Proposer collaborates and shares data with other providers and any limits on this sharing. State the current organizational mission, values and ethics. Cite any contradictions that may exist between the Proposer’s mission and that of the Local Authority. Attach a copy of the mission, values and ethics -- Label as Exhibit IX. page 18 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 X. July 2009 Billing Requirements The Proposer will not submit a claim or bill or collect compensation from Local Authority for any service for which it has not been approved, or contracted with to provide. Proposer is responsible for collecting the designated co-payment from the client. Proposer may not submit a claim or bill or collect compensation from a client greater than the co-payment established by the Local Authority. Proposer will be responsible for direct billing of third-party insurance, including Medicaid card services, for consumers having third-party coverage. Proposer must coordinate benefits for consumers such that all other possible sources of payment must be pursued and denied or exhausted prior to billing the Local Authority. Local Authority will reimburse Proposer for “clean” claims for authorized services provided to consumers having no other third-party coverage and which meet all Medicaid, DSHS, and Local Authority requirements and are supported by timely submission of supporting service documentation. Proposer agrees that compensation for providing services not covered by its proposal will be solely between the consumer and the Proposer. The consumer must be informed in writing, before any services are provided, that the Local Authority is not responsible for payment for such services. Consumers are responsible for payment for those services only if the consumer consents in writing to the provision of such non-covered services. For services to be billable, the following requirements must be met and omission of any element could result in claim denial: Current diagnosis by a Physician Uniform Assessment – RDM (UA-RDM) completed by a QMHP-CS Symptom Rating Scales completed by a QMHP-CS UA – RDM data entry into DSHS WebCare Treatment Plan completed by a QMHP-CS Determination of Medical Necessity by a LMHA LPHA Service provision by a QMHP-CS or LPHA Document service that meets RDM Fidelity requirements Document service that meets Medicaid documentation requirements: o Name of the individual to whom the service was provided o Name the type of service o A summary of the activities that occurred o State the specific skill(s) on which client was trained o State the specific methods used to provided training o Date, start & end time, and location o Correlate the specific treatment plan goal that was the focus of the service o State the progress or lack of progress in achieving treatment plan goals o Signature of the staff member providing the service & credential o Submission of claim/event data elements as detailed above, in format that meets DSHS Event Data rule requirements, utilizing same business day/next business day reporting requirements. page 19 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 XI. July 2009 Rate Schedule For each Service identified below, describe Proposer’s proposed rates. Services are described in Attachment B. Please indicate whether rates shown are on a fee-for-unit-ofservices basis or case rate. Describe the methodology for setting these rates, including how administrative overhead is allocated. Provide a detailed proposed budget summary for the services. Describe Proposer’s process for collecting a Consumer’s MAP, co-pays, deductibles, etc. Proposed rates will not exceed the Medicaid Card and Medicaid Rehabilitative Services rates, minus 10% reserved by the Local Authority, as delineated in the chart below, to cover its administrative costs for oversight functions necessitated by a Medicaid Under Arrangement risk-bearing contract. Services Resiliency & Disease Management Adult Service Package 3, to include: Service Description Initial Dx. Review (MD, Ph D., APN) Billing Code Medicaid Unit Price Medicaid Unit Price Less Admin Fee 90801 131.25 118.13 Pharmacological Mgmt - MD 90862 45.54 40.99 Administration of Injection 96372 8.00 7.20 H0034 H0034HQ 11.58 1.93 10.42 1.74 H2017 31.52 28.37 Crisis Intervention Services H2011 31.33 28.20 Support Housing, (Rehab) H2017 31.52 28.37 Support Employment, (Rehab) H2017 31.52 28.37 766 Rehab Services Medication Training and Supports Individual - Adult Group - Adult 767 Psychosocial Rehab Individual 768 page 20 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 July 2009 Proposer will be responsible for continuing to serve individuals whose level of care changes, including crisis services. Access to crisis services beyond crisis intervention services covered by this proposal must be coordinated through, and authorized by, the Local Authority. Proposer agrees to provide all pharmacy services to individuals who are without third-party payor to include paying for medications and assisting individuals in obtaining patient assistance through pharmaceutical companies to defer costs (Patient Assistance Programs). The contracted provider will be responsible for providing consumers with prescribed medications which exceed the consumer’s traditional Medicaid benefits (exceed three prescriptions a month), Medicare “donut hole” coverage, and medications prescribed which are not covered by the consumer’s benefits. The contracted provider will provide these services under the guidelines set forth in the Texas Health and Safety Code and Texas Administrative Codes, as applicable to the prescriber and to DSHS funded services. Proposers may include additional “value added” services within their proposals, but funding for such services must be clearly identified. page 21 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 789 790 791 792 793 XII. Assurances Document 794 795 2. No attempt will be made by the Proposer to induce any person or firm to submit or not to submit a proposal, unless so described in your response document. 796 797 3. The Proposer does not discriminate in its services or employment practices on the basis or race color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, veteran status, or age. 798 799 4. All cost and pricing information is reflected in the RFP response documents or attachments. 800 801 5. Proposer accepts the terms, conditions, criteria, and requirement set forth in the RFP. 802 803 6. Proposer accepts the Local Authority’s right to cancel the RFP at any time prior to Contract award. 804 805 7. Proposer accepts the Local Authority’s right to alter the time tables for procurement as set forth in the RFP. 806 807 808 8. The Proposal submitted by the Proposer has been arrived at independently without consultation, communication, or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition. 809 810 811 9. Unless otherwise required by law, the information in the Proposal submitted by the Proposer has not been knowingly disclosed by the Proposer to any other Proposer prior to the notice of intent to award. 812 813 10. No claim will be made for payment to cover costs incurred in the preparation of the submission of the Proposal or any other associated costs. 814 815 11. Local Authority has the right to complete background checks and verify information. 816 817 12. The individual signing this document and the Contract is authorized to legally bind the Proposer. 818 819 13. The address submitted by the Proposer to be used for all notices sent by the Local Authority is current and correct. 820 821 822 823 14. No employee of the Local Authority or DSHS, and no member of the Local Authority’s Board will directly or indirectly receive any pecuniary interest from an award of the proposed Contract. If the Proposer is unable to make the affirmation, then the Proposer must disclose any knowledge of such interests. 824 825 15. That the Respondent is not currently held in abeyance or barred from the award of a federal or state contract. Proposer assures the following: 1. That all addenda and attachments to the RFP as distributed by the Local Authority and designated by the checklist have been received. page 22 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 826 827 828 16. That the Respondent is not currently delinquent in its payments of any franchise tax or state tax owed to the state of Texas, pursuant to Texas Business Corporation Act, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 2.45. 829 830 831 832 833 834 17. Proposer shall disclose whether any of the directors or personnel of Proposer has either been an employee or a trustee of Local Authority within the past two (2) years preceding the date of submission of the Proposal. This requirement applies to all personnel, whether or not identified as key personnel. If such employment has existed, or at term of office served, the Proposal shall state in an attached writing the nature and time of the affiliations as defined. See Attachment C. 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 18. Proposer shall identify in an attached writing any trustee or employee of Local Authority who has a financial interest in Proposer or who is related within the second degree by consanguinity or affinity to a person having such financial interest. Such disclosure shall include a complete statement of the nature of such financial interest and the relationship, if applicable. Moreover, Proposer shall state in an attached writing whether any of its directors or personnel knowingly has had a personal relationship with employees or officers of Local Authority within the past two (2) years. 843 844 19. No former employee or officer of DSHS, DADS, and/or Local Authority directly or indirectly aided or attempted to aid in procurement of Proposer’s service. 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 20. Proposer shall disclose in an attached writing the name of every Local Authority key person with whom Proposer is doing business or has done business during the 365 day period immediately prior to the date on which the Proposal is due; failure to include such a disclosure will be a binding representation by Proposer that the natural person executing the Proposal has no knowledge of any key persons with whom Proposer is doing business or has done business during the 365 day period prior to the immediate date on which the Proposal is due. 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 21. Under Section 231.006, Family Code, the vendor or applicant certifies that the individual or business entity named in this contract, bid, or application is not ineligible to receive the specified grant, loan, or payment and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this certification is inaccurate. For purposes of the foregoing sentence, “vendor or applicant” shall mean Proposer; contract, bid or application shall mean the Proposal; and “this contract” shall mean any Contract awarded to the Successful Proposer. 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 _____________________________ Signature Authority for the Provider __________________________ Title of Organization page 23 _______ Date Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 July 2009 Attachment A Mental Health Priority Population Definition The Priority Population for mental health services as defined by DSHS consists of: * Children and adolescents under the age of eighteen who have a diagnosis of mental illness who exhibit severe emotional or social disabilities which are life-threatening or require prolonged intervention. * Adults who have severe and persistent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, major depression, manic depressive disorder, or other severely disabling mental disorders which require crisis resolution or ongoing and long-term support and treatment. The following information must be used to operationalize these definitions to determine if an individual meets this definition. Only the Local Authority may determine an individual is a member of the Priority Population. Service Determination In targeting services to the Priority Population, the choice of and admission to services is determined jointly by the person seeking services and the Local Authority. Criteria used to make these determinations are the diagnosis, the level of functioning of the individual (GAF Score), the needs of the individual, and the availability of resources. DSHS Funding Funds appropriated by the Legislature for mental health services may be spent only to provide services to the Priority Population. Successful Proposers who wish to offer services to people other than those in the Priority Population may do so using nondepartmental funds. page 24 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 907 908 909 910 911 July 2009 (Attachment A cont.) Guide to Operationalizing the Mental Health Priority Population Population If the person is ... less than Children 18 years old less than 18 years old less than 18 years old Adults 18 or older 18 or older And has a ... And ... And ... Then the person is ... DSM-IV diagnosis other than or in addition to: * substance abuse * mental retardation * autism or * pervasive developmental disorder DSM-IV diagnosis other than or in addition to: * substance abuse * mental retardation * autism or * pervasive developmental disorder DSM-IV diagnosis other than or in addition to: * substance abuse * mental retardation * autism or * pervasive developmental disorder DSM-IV diagnosis of: * schizophrenia * schizoaffective disorder * bipolar disorder, or * major depression DSM-IV diagnosis other than those listed above except a sole diagnosis of substance abuse or mental retardation has a functional impairment (GAF of 50 or less either currently or in the past year) initially eligible for DSHS state-funded MH services. has been determined by the school system to have a serious emotional disturbance initially eligible for DSHS state-funded MH services. is at risk of disruption of the preferred living situation due to psychiatric symptoms initially eligible for DSHS state-funded MH services. initially eligible for DSHS state-funded MH services. has a GAF rating of 50 or less -current 912 page 25 needs ongoing MH services initially eligible for DSHS state-funded MH services. Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 July 2009 Attachment B RDM Service Package Definitions And Service Descriptions For Adult Service Package 3 Most public mental health services in Texas are delivered as part of a “service package”. The Resiliency and Disease Management (RDM) Guidelines are used to assign each applicant (consumer) for services to a service package based on their clinically assessed level of need. This assessment has several parts: the Uniform Assessment (UA) including Texas Recommended Assessment Guidelines (TRAG) results; a determination of medical necessity for treatment; and authorization for services by the Local Authority. Each service package requires a minimum number of various types of units of service to be delivered by the provider. 926 Adult Service Package 3 Definition: 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 Service Package 3 (SP-3) must utilize a team approach to providing more intensive rehabilitative services for the individual. Services in this package are generally intended for individuals who enter the system of care with moderate to severe levels of need (or for those whose LOC-R has increased) who require intensive rehabilitation to increase community tenure, establish support networks, increase community awareness, and develop coping strategies in order to function effectively in their social environment (family, peers, school). This may include maintaining the current level of functioning. A rehabilitative case manager who is a member of the therapeutic team must provide supported Housing and COPSD services. Supported Employment services must be provided by both a Supported Employment specialist on the team and the rehabilitative case manager. 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 The general focus of services in this package is to stabilize symptoms, improve functioning, develop skills in self-advocacy, and increase natural supports in the community and / or sustain improvements made in more intensive service packages. Service focus is on amelioration of functional deficits through skill training activities focusing on symptom management, independent living, self-reliance, non-job-task specific employment interventions, impulse control, and effective interaction with peers, family, and community. Services are provided in outpatient office-based settings and community settings. 946 Service Descriptions 947 Basic Services: 948 949 950 951 952 953 1. Integrated Rehabilitative Teams This service package is a service delivery model that provides the defined services in an integrated treatment team structure. All persons served in SP-3 must at a minimum receive the following services unless the service is refused or is clinically contra-indicated (with documentation of the reason noted in the individual's medical record): page 26 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 954 955 956 957 958 July 2009 a. Pharmacological management services Supervision of administration of medication, monitoring of effects and side effects of medication, assessment of symptoms. Includes a 30-minute psychiatric evaluation every 180 days. 2. Rehabilitative Services, which include: 959 960 961 a. "Medication Training & Support" that is education on diagnosis, medications, monitoring and management of symptoms and side effects (also referred to as "TIMA Patient and Family Education Program"). 962 963 964 b. "Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services" (also referred to as Rehabilitative Case Management) provide a variable level of integrated support to individuals assigned to this package. Includes: 965 966 967 968 969 970 i. Assistance in accessing medical, social, educational, or other appropriate support services, as well as linkage to more intensive services if needed, in addition to monitoring (monthly or weekly as needed), assessment of service needs, service planning and coordination, administration of TIMA scales, and other TIMA medication management functions. 971 972 3. A basic level of rehabilitative services addressing daily and independent living skills to persons on their caseload. 973 4. Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance use Disorder services. 974 5. Medical: 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 a. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Medication related services – services to provide training regarding an individual's medications in order to increase the individual's compliance with medication treatment. These include training in self administration of the individual's medications, the importance of taking one's medications as prescribed, determining the effectiveness of the individual's medications, identifying side-effects of the individual's medications; and 982 983 984 985 986 b. Supplemental Nursing Services Provided in support of services provided by the physician, including but not limited to taking vital signs, weight monitoring, blood draws; etc. (Note: These services do not include nursing services that are incidental to a physician's office visit.). 987 988 989 990 Specialty Services/Add-Ons 1. Supported Employment Provides individualized assistance in choosing and obtaining employment at integrated work sites in jobs in the community of one's choice, and supports page 27 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services July 2009 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 provided by identified staff who will assist individuals in retaining employment and/or finding other jobs as necessary. This includes "Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services" related to addressing the symptoms of the mental illness affecting the individual's ability to obtain and retain employment, as well as non-billable vocational specific training. Need for Supported Employment is indicated by a score of 3-5 on Dimension 5: Employment Problems of the TRAG. For a subset of the population served in SP3 who have a need for Supported Employment, the following additional service will be provided based on selection by the individual and the treatment team. 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 2. Supported Housing Provides individualized assistance in choosing and obtaining integrated housing in the community of one's choice and supports provided by designated staff who shall assist individuals in retaining housing and/or finding new housing as necessary. This includes "Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services" related to addressing the symptoms of mental illnesses affecting an individual's ability to obtain and retain housing, as well as non-billable housing specific support services (e.g., locating housing, assistance with moving). Need for Supported Housing is indicated by an allowable score on Dimension 6: Housing Instability of the TRAG (see "Add-on Service Criteria for SP-3"). For individuals who are a subset of the population served in SP3 and who have a need for Supported Housing, the following additional service will be provided based on the individual's preference and the conclusions of the treatment team. 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 3. Crisis Intervention Services These are individual interventions provided by staff members other than members of the consumer's therapeutic team (SP-3 Team) in response to a crisis in order to (a) reduce symptoms of severe and persistent mental illnesses or serious emotional disturbances and (b) to prevent admission of an individual to a more restrictive environment. This service may be delivered to anyone who is having / experiencing a mental health crisis. This service does not require prior authorization. [NOTE: When members of the SP-3 Team address a crisis situation, the services are billed as Psychosocial Rehabilitation} 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 Qualifications of Providers of SP3 Services (Services Must Be Provided by Staff With the Following Minimum Qualifications) 1. Pharmacological management = MD (psychiatrist), RN, PA, Pharm.D., APN 2. Rehabilitative Services = QMHP, Licensed medical personnel, CSSP, or Peer Provider (consult Program Rules for specific credential requirements), 3. Medical = Medical related services - Licensed medical personnel 4. For providers serving persons with co-occurring psychiatric and substance abuse disorder, competencies for serving this population must be demonstrated as defined by DSHS standards. 5. Supported Employment = Employment Specialist - QMHP or CSSP page 28 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 July 2009 6. Supported Housing = QMHP or CSSP To view the RDM Clinical Guidelines including the service package definitions and service descriptions for the service package(s) or discrete service specified in this RFP go to: For more information, see the RDM Program Manual (PDF, 659 KB) at Manual.pdf page 29 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 July 2009 Attachment C Criteria for Scoring the RFP On-site visits may be conducted of selected facilities associated with this RFP. The Local Authority may interview selected Proposers who submit complete proposals. Points will be awarded to each section of the RFP up to the total shown below. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. Section Business Demographics Organizational Structure Quality Management/Utilization Management Services Budget/Financial Risk Profile Managed Care Profile Information System Statement Rate Page Assurances Document TOTAL: Total Possible Points * * 20 40 30 30 25 15 15 25 __ * 200 * These sections must be submitted and complete. While no specific points are awarded, failure to include these may result in the proposal being rejected as incomplete. The content of these sections will be considered in light of the effect on the functioning of the Proposer’s organization with regard to Quality Management/Utilization Management, Services, Risk, and Rates. Scoring will be based on defined procedures for reviews. The scoring for each section will reflect the reviewers’ judgments of the adequacy of the Proposer’s response as it relates to services to be provided to the Priority Population. The scores of all the reviewers will be combined and reviewed by the Local Authority’s RFP Evaluation Committee. The RFP Committee will review the proposals with regard to the following factors: access for the consumers choice for the consumers quality for the consumers costs The Local Authority will review the process as well as the scores to insure fair and impartial review of all Proposals. The Committee makes recommendations to the Local Authority’s Board of Trustees regarding the award of Contract(s). The negotiation process will attempt to elicit bids that provide the best value for the public dollar. All negotiated Contracts must be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to award and implementation. page 30 Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS RFP – DSHS Resiliency & Disease Management SP3 Services 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 July 2009 Appeals and/or Protest. Any Proposer wishing to protest or appeal the selection process must do so within 7 days of the proposal award. Protests or appeals must clearly state with specificity the grounds upon which the award selection is being challenged. Send via certified mail to: Anderson-Cherokee Community Enrichment ServiceS ATTN: Karen Pate 913 N. Jackson Street Jacksonville, TX 75766 Proposals submitted become the property of Center and will not be returned to the Proposer(s). page 31