Modern Worship
By Ayiesha Woods
Lets talk worship. What is it? Webster’s Dictionary defines “worship” this way:
wor·ship [wur-ship] noun, verb, -shiped, -ship·ing or (especially British) -shipped, -ship·ping.
1. Reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as
2. Formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage: They attended worship this
3. Adoring reverence or regard: excessive worship of business success.
Worship is a lifestyle. We have access to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and one of the
ways by which we can experience His presence is through worshipping Him.
I came to know Jesus as my personal savior through a worship experience. When I was twelve
years old I entered a church service and I saw, for the first time in my life, people worshipping
God. Their worship was a physical display of love and adoration for the King. That experience
left me in awe because I was raised in a very traditional worship setting in which the clapping of
hands, dancing, or an occasional shout of expressed love for God was considered irreverent. I
had never seen people dance before the Lord before. I had never seen bright, colorful banners
with the names of God brandished above the crowd of worshippers. Some people were knelt
down at pews crying out to the Lord. Others were standing with hands raised in total surrender.
The music was lively, the singers were enthused, and the experience was new to me. I watched
closely and listened closely.
That night, I told God, “These people seem to know You!” I was intrigued with their level of
intimacy with a God who I only knew as the God of my religion and the punisher of those who
don’t believe. (lol) Nevertheless, I told the Lord that night that I wanted what those people had.
Their love for God and desire to truly worship Him was evident. They were not interested in
religion or formalism. They were interested in having and maintaining a personal relationship
with Jesus.
Worship—in the form of singing, dancing, and playing music—drew me to God. The continuous
lifestyle of worship has kept me in relationship with Him. Living a lifestyle of worship simply
means to serve and honor to God in all that we do. Paying homage to Him in all that we are.
Whenever I breathe, whenever I sing, when I face the day, all I can say is, “His Love Is Alive!”
The words of this song ring true to my life and testimony because it is in everything that I can
see the love of the Father. Because of His love, I want to worship and serve Him all my life.