Photosynthesis Part I TA: Deepti Lab 5: Photosynthesis Part I: Spinach Leaf Disc Assay Spectrum of visible light: _____________ nm to ______________ nm Part A: Preparation of equivalent light transmittance solutions at 50% transmittance The final dye solution prepared will be for the whole class and shared. Prepare dye solution using 150 ml of sodium bicarbonate solution in a large beaker and specific dye (recommendations provided by TA- Instructions on the TA table) Set the wavelength specified by TA for maximum transmittance for that specific dye solution (Instructions for the suggested wavelengths on the TA table) Recheck calibration of Spec 20 using the blank Take the prepared dye solution and measure the transmittance Now add more dye or bicarbonate to make the dye solution have a transmittance of 70% To adjust transmittance add dye or sodium bicarbonate To decrease transmittance you need to add more ___________ To increase the transmittance you need to add more ____________ The dye solution should have a transmittance of 50%.......This is your final dye solution. Part B: Experimental Set-Up Keep everything in the drawer and in the dark. Keep the lights on the table turned off. Beaker 1: sodium bicarbonate (control/ comparison): 20 ml Color Experiment: Use beakers with the same diameter Beaker 2: blue dye solution: 20 ml Beaker 3: green dye solution: 20 ml Beaker 4: yellow dye solution: 20 ml Beaker 5: red dye solution: 20 ml Drug Experiment Beaker 6: DCPIP solution: 10 ml bicarb + 1 drop/ ml DCPIP (10 drops) Beaker 7: Diuron or DBMIB solution: 10 ml bicarb + 1 drop/ml Diuron (10 drops) or 1.5drop/ml DBMIB (15 drops) Beaker 8: Combination of DCPIP and drug used in beaker above (diuron or DBMIB): 10 ml bicarb + 1 drop/ ml DCPIP (10 drops) + diuron (10drops) or DBMIB (15 drops) Beaker 9: sodium bicarbonate (control/ comparison): 20 ml (if possible). Put that in the dark. Stir the solutions and keep in dark in the drawer. Photosynthesis Part I TA: Deepti Part C: Spinach leaf discs: You need 5 discs per beaker. A few may not be good to use……so cut 8 per beaker. Cut out discs using the punch provided (Do not keep the spinach leaves outside…they wilt and then cannot be cut) Put the discs immediately into a Petri dish with bicarb. When all the discs have been cut…..then transfer them all into a syringe with bicarb in it. Do not damage the discs. Use a spatula provided to transfer the discs. Now insert the plunger and point the syringe skyward and push out all the air. Put your finger over the syringe tip and pull back on the plunger to create a vacuum within the syringe. Pull back a little at a time so as not to damage the discs. While still under vacuum remove your finger from the syringe tip. As the vacuum is released, the leaf discs fill with the bicarb buffer. Repeat until all the discs sink in the buffer. Pour the discs into a Petri dish Part D: Final Set-Up Now transfer a fixed amount of discs in each beaker (5 or 6). You may need to tap the discs for them to sink (surface tension of the water) Turn on the light on the table Immediately now put all the beakers under the light. Note the time Part E: Observing the photosynthetic efficiency in different colors of light and in the presence of different drugs Note the number of discs that rise to the surface. Time Started: Number of discs that rise to the surface 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min 5 min 10 min Bicarb buffer Blue dye Green dye Yellow dye Red dye DCPIP DCPIP + PART E: Clean Up Wash out all the beakers and wash the spinach discs down the drain Dispose the herbicide treated solutions in marked containers in the hood 15 min 20 min