Introduction to CST.doc

Contemporary Scottish Theatre
Higher Drama
Contemporary Scottish Theatre is divided into four areas of study.
1. Social Political and Religious Dimensions
2. Use of History, Nostalgia and Popular Tradition
3. Issues of Gender
4. Current Productions and Issues
In this unit we will be studying the following Contemporary Scottish plays.
 Bondagers
Sue Glover
 Men Should Weep Ena Lamont Stewart
 Tally’s Blood
Annemarie Di Mambro
 One Good Beating Linda McLean
There are two possible questions for each category; out of the eight
questions in the paper you will answer only one.
So that you are as best prepared as you can possibly be for the exam we
will focus on TWO of the above categories while we are studying our
We will study the;
 Social, Political and Religious dimensions
 Issues of Gender
That are present within these texts. The higher drama exam is a closed
book exam, meaning you are not permitted to refer to the texts during
the exam. This means that each and every one of you must know all of the
texts in great detail as you are expected to refer to them and where
possible quote from them in the exam.
During our CST periods each week, we will use a variety of different
methods to explore the plays and the themes and issues within them. It is
impossible to do this however, if you have not read the plays. If you go to
a theatre to watch a play being performed it would last on average 1 – 2
hours, therefore, to read a play takes even less time. There are no sound
effects, set changes and pieces of music to incorporate. I expect each
play to be read one week after it is issued, anyone who is unable to do so
needs to speak to me as soon as possible.
Plays will be studied in lectures and in practical workshops, it is important
that you bring the play we are currently studying and any notes you have
been given to class every Thursday. There will be a fair amount of work
that you are required to complete at home, this allows us to include more
practical investigation in class time and also indicates that you are coping
with the demands of the course.