Problemset Title Essay Questions Introductory Text Question 1 Type: Essay There is no overall relationship between worker age and job performance. Does this mean that older and younger workers always perform equally regardless of job? Describe the influence of two factors, other than age, on job performance. Hint: What can you do better than an older adult and what can an older adult do better than you? Feedback: pp. 245-247 Older workers clearly do some jobs better than younger workers and other jobs not as well. Give examples of such jobs in your answer. The other factors to discuss are the decline of job related skills and the benefits of experience. Question 2 Type: Describe the general corporate view of older workers and tell where it is incorrect. Why might executives foster such views? Hint: Do they have a positive view of older workers? Essay Feedback: pp. 242-251 Their view is generally pretty negative with respect to older workers' injuries, absences, performance, satisfaction, and ability to learn new procedures. The text gives you information to help you refute these negative views. The views may occur because eliminating older workers usually reduces costs. Question 3 What is the ADEA and has it been effective? Hint: Type: Essay Question 4 Feedback: pp. 248-251 This law was meant to protect older (40+) workers from discrimination. Its effectiveness has been mixed and your answer should discuss for following: The early benefits to older workers Courts ruling in favor of companies the majority of the time The negative period (state employers protected, court rulings on salary and benefits issues) The recent Supreme Court ruling regarding intention to discriminate. Compare and contrast formal and informal retirement planning. Hint: Type: Essay Feedback: pp. 251-253 Both, of course, plan for retirement and both consider financial issues. They differ in their accessibility, especially for women, minorities, and lower SES workers, and in their breadth. Any topic might be discussed during informal planning with one's spouse, children, and friends. Question 5 Describe one person who is likely to retire early and one who is likely to avoid retirement. Be sure to talk about the factors that are important in such retirement decisions. Type: Hint: Essay Feedback: pp. 255-256 Factors to use in describing your two people should include health, wealth, dedication to career, and pressure from one's social network. Question 6 Describe the five phases of retirement. Hint: Type: Essay Question 7 Feedback: pp. 258-262 Describe remote and near preretirement, honeymoon, the routine, disenchantment, and termination (the revolving retirement). Describe retirement in at least three other cultures. Hint: Type: Essay Feedback: Box 11-3 Other cultures you can choose from include those in Botswana, Ireland, Hong Kong, Zimbabwe, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Question 8 Type: What is the three-legged stool and how does it differ for different ethnic groups, men and women, and single and married couples? Hint: These three legs are the financial support for retirees. Essay Feedback: pp. 262-267 Social security, pensions, and savings/assets make up the three legs of financial support for retirees. There are enormous differences between ethnic, gender, and marital status groups, which you should describe. Question 9 What activities do retired adults most frequently engage in? Hint: What would you do if you were retired? Type: Feedback: pp. 268-270 There are a number of everyday tasks that are reported by retired Essay adults. Education, particularly in some topics, and travel are frequent. Volunteering should also be discussed.