Lesson Plan on Surface Friction and Wear Characteristics of Common Materials1 ORLANDO M. PATRICIO2 E3 Teacher Summer Research Program Texas A & M University, College Station3 Subject: Physical Science and Physics Objectives: In this lesson, the students should be able to: 1. describe an object as it moves/slides across to different surfaces; 2. compare the length of time for the rubbing surfaces to show wear out features and qualitatively describe the amount of wear of two rubbed surfaces; 3. design an experiment to quantitatively measure the force of friction. 4. determine the factors affecting the amount of friction between two rubbing surfaces and investigate the effect of lubricants on rubbing surfaces; 5. calculate the amount of friction of two surfaces rubbing together using different surface type, and weight or pressure; 6. explain how friction helps and hinders everything we do in everyday life. 7. research on the practical and scientific applications of friction. TEKS Objectives: The student is expected to: 4.C demonstrate the effects of forces on the motion of objects; 4.D develop and interpret a free-body diagram for force analysis; and 6.A identify the influence of mass or compressive force on friction. National Science Standards: Science as Inquiry 2a and 2b (9-12 Targets) http://www.nasaexplores.com/standards/standards-s2.php Physical Science 3d, 3e, and 3f (9-12 Targets) http://www.nasaexplores.com/standards/standards-s3.php _______________ 1 A lesson plan relating the research on tribology and wear characteristics of chicken joints. 2 Teaches AP and Pre-AP Physics at the United HS Engineering and Technology Magnet in Laredo, Texas, 78041. 3 This lesson plan was developed during the 2005 E3 Teacher Summer Research Program in Texas A & M University, College Station with the supervision and invaluable suggestions/comments of Dr. Hong (Helen) Liang (mentor), her graduate students, and Dr. Sudeep Ingole at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Lesson 1. Defining Friction and Wear-Out Time/Features Materials: [Prepare materials ahead of time.] For each team activity: Small round party balloon or toy car with rubber tire Piece of wood with sandpaper one side Carpet squares Tile floor or wax paper Stopwatch Procedure: 1. Rub a small round party balloon or toy car on carpet squares for two minutes or until wear-out features are observable. http://www.californiaclassix.com/archive/61_MGA-V8.html 2. Record your observations and the length of time in rubbing. 3. Slide sandpaper (which is attached to a piece of wood) on carpet squares for two minutes or until wear-out features are evident. http://www.jwwoodcraft.com/quality.php 4. Make observations and record. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 using tile floor or wax paper as the other contact surface. 6. Record your observations. 7. Determine the products of two rubbing surfaces or effects when two surfaces come in contact. 8. Define friction. 9. Compare the length of time for the rubbing surfaces to show wear-out features. 10. Qualitatively describe the amount of wear of two rubbed surfaces. Homework: The students are required to design an experiment using indigenous or household available materials to quantitatively measure the force of friction between two objects rub together or slide over one another. Interpret the following illustrations and get ideas on how to design your own experiment. When designing your own experiment be sure to follow the scientific method of solving problems. Discuss in class your own experiment the following meeting. Lesson 2: Factors Affecting Friction Materials for the teacher demonstration [Prepare materials ahead of time]: Miniature toy parachutist Sound tube Stack of coins Stack of books Rolling cart or any item on rollers For each team in the lab activity [Prepare materials ahead of time]: Four pins Styrofoam meat tray Masking tape Flexible straw Scissors Drawing compass Marker pens or colored markers/pens Small round party balloon Ruler One stopwatch 10-meter tape measure or other measuring markers for track Set of slotted weights, large washers, quarters, or any item that can add weight Oil or any lubricant Tracks: Aluminum foil; Sandpaper; Carpet squares if floor is tiled; and Tile floor or wax paper if floor is carpeted Student Sheets (one set per group) Day one: 1. Read the NASAexplores article, "Slippery When Wet!" with your students (http://www.nasaexplores.com/show2_articlea.php?id=01-053) and then discuss what friction is and why it is important to automobile safety using information above and any other sources available. 2. Throw a toy parachutist in the air. Ask students how this relates to friction. Spin a sound tube, and ask the same question. (Both items are examples of fluid friction.) Next, push a stack of books across the floor, a stack of coins across a desk, and ask how they relate to friction. (Both are examples of sliding friction) Finally, use an item that rolls, and ask the same question. Explain that this is an example of rolling friction, which is what they will be testing in this experiment. 3. Hand out Student Sheets for each group. [Have your students in groups of four.] 4. Distribute the materials and constructions tools to each team. Students should plan the arrangement of parts on the tray before cutting them out. 5. Remind students to follow directions. If time allows, they can name and decorate their rocket cars and conduct team races. 6. Teams can test cars for the next day's experiment. Day Two: 1. Lay out the four (4) tracks on the floor approximately 10 meters long each. Several metric tape measures or meter sticks joined together can be placed on the floor for determining how far the cars travel. The students should measure in 10-centimeter intervals. 2. Students will be looking at how a surface can affect car speed. In order to gauge the results of this activity accurately, they will need to try to inflate the balloon with the same amount of air before releasing the car each time. Tie a loop of string around the inflated balloon before releasing the car to measure the size of the balloon thus insuring the balloon inflates with the same amount of air. Inflate the balloon inside the string loop each time. Put a cap at the free-end of the straw to prevent air from coming out the balloon before you let it go. 3. Remind students to make predictions of what they think is going to happen, and record them on the "Rocket Car Data Sheet" before they begin to race their cars each time. 4. Teams will race their rocket cars on each track (aluminum foil, sandpaper, carpet squares, and tile floor) three times. One team member should blow up the balloon, another member uses a stopwatch to time the car, another measures the distance traveled, and one needs to record results on the "Rocket Car Data Sheet." 5. Repeat steps 3 – 4 until all four track set-ups are done. 6. Teams will race cars on each track (aluminum foil, sandpaper, carpet squares, and tile floor) again, this time adding some type of weights (See materials list for suggestions). Make predictions, and record information like before. (Repeat steps 2 - 5 above.) 7. Teams will graph the average speed results on the Student Sheet, "Rocket Car Average Speed Graph." 8. Teams will put a lubrication fluid (i.e. oil) on the rim of the four wheels of the rocket car and make a test run to each of the four track set-ups and determine their speeds. Student Sheet: Procedure 1. Lay out your pattern on a Styrofoam tray. You need one rectangle, four wheels, and four hubcaps. Use a compass to draw the wheels or cutout the wheels and hubcaps patterns and trace them on the Styrofoam tray. 2. Blow up the balloon, and let the air out. This will stretch the balloon and make it easier to blow up for the other trials. Tape the balloon to the short end of a flexible straw, and then tape the straw to the rectangle. For the test trial, inflate the balloon, and tie a loop of string around the inflated balloon before releasing the car. Inflate the balloon inside the string loop each time you test the car to help insure the balloon inflates the same amount each time. 3. Push pins through the hubcaps into the wheels and then into the edges of the rectangle. 4. Blow up the balloon through the straw. Squeeze the end of the straw or put a cap at the free-end of the straw to prevent air from coming out the balloon before letting the car go. Place the car on the floor, and let it go. 5. Record data for three different trials for each track on your data sheets. 6. Add weight to your cars, secure with tape, and repeat the three trials, again record data for each track. Put a lubrication fluid (i.e. oil) on the rim of the four wheels of the rocket car and make a test run to each of the four track set-ups and determine/record their speeds. Rocket Car Data Sheet: Trial/ Average Type of Track Aluminum Foil 1 Weight Without With Without With 2 3 Average Sandpaper 1 2 3 Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Average Without With Carpet Squares 1 Without With 2 3 Average Tile Floor 1 2 3 Average Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Prediction Speed Distance Time Speed Speed=Distance/Time (cm) (sec) (cm/sec) (cm/sec) Rocket Car Wheels and Hubcap Patterns: Rocket Car Average Speed Graph: 1. Label the vertical axis (y) in cm/sec for average speed. Make a scale of 5cm/sec intervals then up at the far left-hand portion of the graph. Start writing the scale from the first row and label as 0 then the second row as 5, 10, and so on. 2. Draw a heavy line tracing the fifth column to divide the graph into two. On the horizontal axis (x), label the first four columns as rocket car average speed without weight and the second four columns as rocket car with weight. Label the first four columns as aluminum foil, sandpaper, carpet squares, and tile floor, respectively. Do the same thing in the second four columns. 3. Plot the points on grid and compare the speed of the rocket cars in different surface types and weights. 4. Discuss the effects of lubricants or fluid lubrication on rubbing surfaces. Discussion/Wrap-up: Discuss each team's findings and observations. Focus students' attention to the relationship between the surface type and the amount of friction there is between the car and surface, as demonstrated by the ability of the car to move across each surface. Explain that friction plays many roles in our everyday lives. Sometimes we try to increase friction, while other times we try to decrease the amount of friction depending on the circumstance. Lesson 3: Coefficient of Friction Discuss in class the relationship between force of friction on a surface (F f) and the force applied perpendicular to the direction of friction (FN ). Explain how the direct proportions (Ff FN) can be expressed as linear functions with the proportionality coefficient ( ); Ff = FN . Have the students in groups of four and let them do the following activity: Materials (Suggested material list—all items may or may not be used. Students may wish to use additional materials depending on their procedure design) Small rectangular object Wooden board String Masking tape Protractor Meter stick Spring scales Triple-beam balances Pulley Balance Weights Procedure 1. Formulate a hypothesis about the angles at which an object will begin to slide, the object slides at constant speed on an incline plane, and the relative magnitudes of the coefficients of static friction and sliding friction. 2. Write a procedure using the suggested materials to measure the force of sliding friction, which is the force needed to pull an object along a board at constant speed when the board is horizontal; the angle at which an object at rest begins to slide down an inclined plane; and the angle at which the same object, already in motion, slides at a constant speed down an inclined plane. 3. Decide what data to collect and how to analyze it. Put your collected data in an organized format. 4. Have your teacher approve your procedure before you begin the experiment. Questions 1. Calculate the coefficient of sliding friction, using only the data on weight and the average force of sliding friction. Then, calculate it using the angle of tilt and the equation involving the tangent of θ. Are the coefficients equal? Why or why not? 2. Calculate the coefficient of static friction. How does this coefficient compare to the coefficient of kinetic friction that you found? 3. Based on your experiment, describe the factors that influence the force of friction. 4. Does the shape of the object affect friction? 5. Compare static friction, rolling friction, and sliding friction. 6. Why do some materials increase friction and some materials reduce friction? 7. How is friction affected by surface area? 8. What effect does a lubricant have on the coefficient of friction? Lesson 4: Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction 1. Tell your students to be with a partner. 2. Divide the class into two. 3. Have the first group research on graphics showing the advantages and disadvantages of friction related to everyday life. They will prepare a PowerPoint Presentation of their research and discuss them in class. 4. Have the second group research on the applications of friction in science and engineering. They will also present their output in class. 5. Discuss the rubric in grading the students’ PowerPoint Presentation. (You may agree on what is important. Hence, you will come up with the rubric incorporating the student’s suggestions.) References: http://www.nasaexplores.com/show_58_teacher_st.php?id=030109142027 http://www.michigan.gov/scope/0,1607,7-155-13481_13487_13490-45472--,00.html http://www.michigan.gov/scope/0,1607,7-155-10702-45460--,00.html http://www.handsonlinelearning.com/July%20HSC.pdf#search='Lesson%20plan%20on %20friction' http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/teachersresources/ages8_9/tr_friction_offlp.sh tml http://school.discovery.com/lessonplans/programs/frictioninourlives/ http://www.utm.edu/departments/ed/cece/fifth/5A2.shtml http://www.parisisd.net/parishigh/teachers/kferguson/page2.htm http://www.edison.edu/faculty/manacheril/phy_2048/webphy2048/Lesson17.htm