Gandhi Paper.doc - worldcivilizations

World Civilizations
Paper on Gandhi
Mr. Bruemmer / Mr. Williams
Mr. Raghunathan
Directions: Write a short paper (no more than 500 words) dealing with Gandhi’s philosophy, methods,
and impact on India. Base your paper only on materials used in the course. Include at least one
quotation from Gandhi and one quotation about Gandhi (attached).
Additional Guidelines:
(1) Write an introductory paragraph (no more than three or four sentences) identifying Gandhi (who,
what, where, when) and offering a thesis statement. The thesis statement, usually the last
sentence of this introductory paragraph, conveys both your point of view and your
organizational theme. Consider:
 Gandhi was a radical reformer who had a great impact on India.
 Gandhi modeled his philosophy of satyagraha in many ways.
 Gandhi influenced his fellow Indians and others who came after him.
 Gandhi opposed British rule with an approach that demanded a lot of his followers but
was very effective in winning concessions from the British.
 For Gandhi, means were more important than ends.
 Gandhi was controversial with the people of his time.
 Gandhi’s crusades required his followers to exhibit discipline and courage.
 Gandhi defied the British but did not alienate them.
 Some agreed with Gandhi’s . . . , but others felt . . . .
 Gandhi inspired some with his ideas of . . . ,but upset others with his . . . .”
 [Choose your own thesis statement]
(2) Write one or two or three body paragraphs where you explain and defend your thesis.
The number of body paragraphs is determined by the number of points in your
thesis statement. If your thesis is: Gandhi was a radical reformer who had a
great impact on India, then two body paragraphs are suggested. See 3 below.
(3) Each body paragraph should begin with a topic sentence related to your thesis statement.
Paragraph 2 might begin: Gandhi’s philosophy of satyagraha was radical because it
challenged many contemporary ideas and assumptions.
Paragraph 3 might begin: Applying his philosophy, Gandhi rallied his
followers to drive the British out of India.
(4) Write a concluding paragraph where you clinch or amplify your thesis. Don’t just repeat what you
have already written. It is highly recommended that you refer to your title (see 4 below) here.
(5) When finished writing, devise a catchy title that corresponds to your thesis.
(6) Word-process your paper with double-spacing.
(7) When you use a quotation, preface that quotation in your text with an appropriate lead-in.
Gandhi declared, “
Churchill criticized Gandhi, observing “
Jinnah commented, “
Mountbatten said of Gandhi, “
Fischer described Gandhi as “
(8) When you use a quotation, follow that quotation in the text with a citation. Consider:
(Mountbatten in Gandhi Reader p. 1)
(Bose in Gandhi by Fisher p. 188)
(Jinnah in Gandhi by Shirer p. 32)
(Quotations from Gandhi p.1)
(Fischer on p. 35)