Romeo and Juliet essay Topics: 1. Is Capulet a good father? 2. Discuss the role that fate and chance in Romeo and Juliet. 3. Discuss the role that Friar Laurence plays in the tragedy. 4. Discuss the role of dramatic irony in the play. 5. Is Romeo’s love of Rosaline different than his love for Juliet. 6. Discuss the different types of love involved in Romeo and Juliet. Thesis – Make one clear and concise sentence that will form the basis for your argument. You should be able to argue both sides of your thesis, but your essay will only argue one side. ex) Capulet is a bad father, because ... (you could argue that he was a good father, but your essay will try to prove that he is a bad father). Once you have a thesis come up with three arguments that prove your thesis. These three arguments will form the basis for your body paragraphs. Outline: Introduction – this is a road map of your essay. It should be 4-5 sentences long and tell your reader what you will be discussing. You thesis statement goes at the end of your introduction. Body paragraph 1: TS: topic sentence – your first argument goes here. D: discussion – discuss your topic E: example – in your own words find a specific example from the play that illustrates you argument. DQ: direct quotation – “prove that your example happened in the play by quoting the lines” (Act.Scene.Lines). LO: logical outcome – how does your paragraph to this point prove your thesis. CS: Closing statement – wrap up your paragraph and lead into the next one. Body Paragraph 2: repeat body paragraph one. Body Paragraph 3: repeat body paragraph one. Conclusion: In 4 or 5 sentences restate your thesis and recap you arguments.