BIRD SONG by Chimamanda Adichie

Unit 2: Sister Outsider
Topic Sentences Practice
Name: ______________________________
Date: _____________________
Section: 11.1 11.2 11.3 12.1
Directions: The theses and topic sentences below come from your classmates’ essays on the
prompt about whether it is better to be born a male or a female. For each thesis and pair of
topic sentences below, revise it in order to improve it. In particular, make sure:
- The author’s main point of view is clear—that it is clear what is his/her main argument
(or fireball) and what is just the counterargument (straw man) that he/she is just trying
to burn to the ground.
- The topic sentences preview the main argument or counter argument in fresh wording
without straying too far away from the thesis.
- Transition words/phrases link each topic sentence smoothly.
1. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
Although one may think women have made significant contributions to society, it is in fact
men who continue to have a great impact.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
People who think that women have made many changes would say that it is better
to be born a female in America.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
It is better to be born as a male in history because many have changed the world and
made it a liveable place.
2. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
Although women are critical to any man’s success, men have made many more important
contributions to society.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
Women are more important because men need them to survive.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
Although woman hold an important role, men are more important in the world.
3. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
Although men have been able to achieve success in society, successful women are
considered more influential tooday.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
Men have strived through history as great powers.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
Women become more known for their fighting than men.
Stretch It:
4. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
Even though women have more responsibilities in this world, men have one main priority
which is to basically take care of their family.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
In the book, “In the Time of the Butterflies” by Julia Alvarez, people can see what
women have ot go through just to get what they deserve in this world.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
In the book, “Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry, most people have noticed
how the man in this book rarely has to do much.
Directions: For each thesis below, write a topic sentence to preview each body paragraph.
Remember the sentence starters we talked about for each paragraph,
Counter-Argument Topic Sentence
(Straw Man)
- Some people argue…
- Some point out that…
- One must acknowledge that…
- One perspective on this issue is that…
- It is true that…
- Admittedly, certainly, surely,
undoubtably, unquestionably,
Main Argument Topic Sentence
- Nevertheless, though, however, still, etc
- Despite this
- In the end / At the end of the day /
Ultimately / etc
- Although/while [restate countargument
in fresh way], …
1. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
It takes courage to speak out; true heroes, however, do more than just talk.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
2. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
While racism still exists, one’s racial identiy is ultimately a blessing.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
3. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
Even though quick thinking can save your life, slow decision-making is more useful in the
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):
4. Complex Thesis (Contains Both Counter-Argument and Main Argument):
Ethnic diversity can cause conflict, but it is essential for building cultural understanding.
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 1 (Counter-Argument aka Straw Man):
Topic Sentence for Body Paragraph 2 (Main Argument aka Fireball):