„Futures Generation for Future Generations”

„Futures Generation for Future Generations”
(’Jövőalkotás és generációs együttműködés’)
World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) 19. World Conference
Budapest, 2005. VIII. 21-24., Corvinus University
Expert Systems,
or universal frame system for efficient cooperation of generations
in knowledge presentation
László PITLIK, István Pető, László BUNKÓCZI,
pitlik@miau.gau.hu, ipeto@miau.gau.hu, blaszlo@miau.gau.hu
St. Stephens University, Department of Business Informatics
Likely all of the participants of the conference have written an article, an essay, a note, a
book. Along the process could feel the decision situations that were formed out in the author
in case of sequential statement strategy. Everyone has read numerous written documents, and
may see that answering a concrete question on the base of these documents is impossible in
most cases or quite sticky and fragmented. It’s unlikely that it’s possible to show any
significant difference between the age of the authors of professional books and between the
book’s style marks, structure. Otherwise: the attributes of the medium determine the author’s
approach for representing the knowledge.
There are some successful attempts, how the sequential statement enforcements can be solved
by the development of the IT (which is good if it is ideal for only one reader also). Think just
about the Hypertext based solutions. But this can’t assure to meet the knowledge of the
authors and the demand of the users with higher efficiency.
An intelligent (respecting heuristics, but not escaping from the responsibility of sovereign
problem solving) Reader may have concrete questions and lists of potential answers for the
questions in everyday life.
As an author – intentionally or not intentionally – getting through the structures prescribed by
the table of contents and never freely from personal motivations the article is being born,
which doesn’t answer any concrete question in the wished deepness and particularity. On the
other hand, prediction on the base of coffee-grounds and on the base of the ancient traditions
of flat of the hand and star based prediction always give answer for everything till a certain
extent (sometimes only reading between the lines).
If we place this „well known wastage?” to the unlimited library system of the Internet, the
mathematical problems of search and structuring will mean a daily problem of (re)search,
service and usage for all the affected ones.
This would be the future real? Suffering from it’s size unlimited digitalised GutenbergGalaxy? From appearing the logic and combinatory it’s known, that the connection of
knowledge and target groups can be well represented in advance defined ordering of limited
target groups to predefined resolution of part-knowledge variations. This in other approach is
called as Expert System. Appearing the fuzzy-logic didn’t affected basically this mode of
knowledge representation. The frame conditions of weaving, strength, density of the
knowledge network (cf. social network) has been changed basically since appearing the
computer and the Internet. The personalised message is not so amusing in the form of
sequential data statements – think about the base case of searching in cyclopaedia. Appearing
of the computer firstly in offline, after appearing the Internet in online made it possible for the
user to identify relative quickly the relevant contents for him/herself (databases, Expert
Systems) and than use them for solving his/her discrete problem along the simple valid rules
of usage.
After this long introduction, the question is raised: what kind of connection may be between
Expert Systems and the communication between generations?
The primary answer for the question is given by the methodology of manually development of
expert systems. In the frames of this experienced (or with great feasibility someone from the
older generation) experts knowledge coded in their heads has to be converted to the language
of nowadays computers with the help of (younger – by experience) generations practised in IT
and in Mathematics.
In the frames of this lecture, the authors are looking for the answer for the following
questions, but not in the form of an Expert System – not yet (EXS in brackets with the option
for Expert system):
 In what kind of life situation, problems are suggested the sequential type statement or
the Expert System type knowledge representation? (EXS)
 The experience type expert can be categorized to which categories? (EXS)
 What kind of Expert System Development strategies shall be utilised depending on the
types of experience type experts and other specifics of the supportable problem?
 What kind of user types can be identified in the case of Expert Systems? (EXS)
 What shall be made in the case of opinion difference of experience type experts?
 What kind of interactions can be formed between the experience type experts and
Expert Systems made with induction?
 Whether the fundamental analysis can operationalised?
 How can be an Expert system made from books, from written fragments?