Nombre: ______________________________ Clase: Day _____ Period _____ Spanish IV Honors- Research Paper Rubric Category “1” Needs Work “2” Approaches Standard “3” Meets Standard “4” Above Standard “5” Exceptional Paper is two pages in length but may include many quotes which reduce amount of written Spanish; includes title page and works cited. Paper has a few errors in grammatical structures, vocabulary, spelling, accentuation, Sentence structure is varied, and paper is generally comprehensible and easy to read. Thesis paragraph introduces the topic and contains a workable thesis statement. Paper is two-pages of Spanish text, typed, doublespaced; includes title page and works cited. Requirements X2 Paper is is less than two pages in length; includes neither title page nor works cited. Paper is less than two pages length; includes either title page or works cited, but not both. Paper is less than two pages in length; includes title page and works cited. Mechanics and Grammar X3 Paper requires a great deal of work and is almost entirely incomprehensible. Paper has multiple errors in grammatical structures, vocabulary, spelling and accentuation which interfere with communication. Sentence structure is not varied and paper is quite incomprehensible. Paper has several errors in grammatical structures, vocabulary, spelling and accentuation which do not interfere with communication. Sentence structure is moderately varied and paper is generally comprehensible and easy to read. Thesis X2 No thesis or introductory paragraph is present in the paper. Thesis paragraph introduces topic but does not include a thesis. Thesis paragraph introduces the topic and contains a thesis that is not workable. Content X2 Ideas are neither linked to thesis statement nor submitted topic. Ideas are not organized and paper is quite incoherent. Majority of ideas do not support the thesis statement and/or are not logically organized. Paper contains few or no original ideas. Ideas are linked to the submitted topic but fail to prove the thesis. Ideas are logically organized and paper contains some original ideas. Most ideas support the thesis statement and are logically organized; paper contains some original ideas. Author seems to “jump around”. Ideas are not organized. Paper is not written in MLA format. Paper is not properly organized and shows no evidence of adhering to MLA format. Paper is divided into Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Paper may deviate significantly from MLA format. Paper is divided into Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Paper may deviate slightly format. Organization and MLA Format Grade: __________/50 Score: ___________/100 Paper consistently uses correct grammatical structures and vocabulary, as well as spelling and/or accentuation. Sentence structure is varied. Paper is fully comprehensible and easy to read. Thesis paragraph introduces the topic in an insightful manner and includes a workable thesis statement. All ideas support the thesis statement and are logically organized. Many original ideas are used. Paper is divided into Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. Paper consistently adheres to MLA format.