Unit 1A “Friendship” Narrative Writing Rubric Score 4 Focus Organization Development My narrative is clearly focused. My writing includes two or more sequenced events. My narrative includes many details that clearly show the theme of friendship. My characters actions are clearly expressed. 3 2 1 I have a strong beginning middle and end. My narrative is mostly focused. My writing includes two or more events. Most of my characters actions are clear. I have a beginning, middle and end. My narrative lacks focus or includes unnecessary information. My characters actions are somewhat unclear. Narrative is unfocused. The characters actions are confusing. My writing includes two or more events. My beginning, middle or end is unclear. I tried to include events. I tried to add a beginning, middle and end. Language And Vocabulary My narrative contains a wide variety of interesting words, descriptive words, dialogue and transition words. Conventions My narrative is written in full sentences. I used proper capitalization and punctuation. I used proper spelling for all grade level and taught words. My narrative includes several details that clearly show the theme of friendship. My narrative includes few details that show the theme of friendship. Narrative contains some variety of interesting words, descriptive words, dialogue and transition words. Narrative contains a few interesting words, descriptive words, dialogue and transition words. Most of my writing is in full sentences. Most of my capitalization and punctuations are correct. I used mostly proper spelling for all grade level and taught words. I wrote few full sentences. I used some proper capitalization and punctuation. I used some proper spelling for all grade level and taught words. I tried to write a Narrative with details that shows the theme of friendship. I tried to include interesting words, descriptive words, dialogue or transition words. I tried to write in full sentences I tried to use proper capitalization and punctuation. I tried to use proper spelling. CCLS W.1.3. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.