Year 8 Program Semester 1

IMCC Year 8 Course 2
Program Outline 2015 – Semester 1
Term One:
Teaching Content/ Focus
Australian Curriculum strands
Writing Poetry
 Go through scheme of assessment
Introduction to poetry – Define differences between poetry and prose (ie. Rhythm)
 Define, identify and use adjectives in writing
 Define figurative language/figures of speech – similes, metaphors, personification,
onomatopoeia, alliteration and assonance
 Possible Resources: Chapter 11 from National English Skills (previous textbook, copies
in the storeroom)
 Discuss the structure associated with acrostics, cinquains, haikus and tankas
 Possible Resources: Poetry Anthology resources (on Groups)
 Students can write their own poems (in their books) under each form
 Having fun with poetry: Discuss shape and limerick poems. Students can choose 1 to
write their own on.
 Introduce the assessment – Writing two original poems
 Ballads: discuss the structure and give examples to the students. Allow students time
in class to draft their assessment, encouraging them to use figurative language where
 Poetry Assessment Submission early Week 5
Recognise that vocabulary choices contribute
to the specificity, abstraction and style of texts
(Productive /Creating)
Poetry Production –
Construction of an original
Tanka, limerick, rhyming
couplet, personification, simile,
onomatopoeia, alliteration and
metaphor poem
(Due week 5)
Analysing Poetry
 Discuss tone, mood and atmosphere created in poems (resource on Groups)
 Go through a variety of poems in class, modelling annotations, analysis and example
responses (A wide selection of poems are on Groups, feel free to choose the ones you
would like to annotate with your class)
 Inform students about the upcoming test
 Go through TEEL Paragraph writing structure, model and practise
 Complete Tues/Wed of Week 9
Understand how rhetorical devices are used to
persuade and how different layers of meaning
are developed through the use of metaphor,
irony and parody (ACELA1542)
Understand how cohesion in texts is improved
by strengthening the internal structure of
paragraphs through the use of examples,
quotations and substantiation of claims
Apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text
structures and language features to
understand the content of texts (ACELY1733)
Create imaginative, informative and persuasive
texts that raise issues, report events, and
advance opinions, using deliberate language
and textual choices, and including digital
elements as appropriate (ACELY1736)
Experiment with text structures and language
features to refine and clarify ideas to improve
the effectiveness of students’ own texts
Use a range of software, including word
processing programs to create, edit and
publish texts imaginatively (ACELY1738)
Create literary texts that draw upon text
structures and language features of other texts
for particular purposes and effects
Successful English 1:
10 minutes at the start of each
lesson. Relevant pages include:
p.2 Parts of Speech
p.4 Punctuation
p.41 Homophones
p.45 Silent letters
(Receptive /Responding)
Poetry Comprehension Test –
Read and analyse the
techniques used in two unseen
poems, respond with short
answers or paragraphs.
(Due week 9)
Successful English 1:
Explore the ways that ideas and viewpoints in
literary texts drawn from different historical,
social and cultural contexts may reflect or
challenge the values of individuals and groups
Identify and evaluate devices that create tone,
for example humour, wordplay, innuendo and
parody in poetry, humorous prose, drama or
visual texts (ACELT1630)
Interpret and analyse language choices,
including sentence patterns, dialogue, imagery
and other language features, in short stories,
literary essays and plays (ACELT1767)
10 minutes at the start of each
Term Two
Novel study – Parvana by Deborah Ellis
 Students complete some background information on the historical,
religious, political and social contexts of Afghanistan
 Read the novel as a class and complete comprehension questions
 Introduce the term ‘narrative conventions’ – discuss setting, point of view
 Complete Character Study activities – for Parvana and one other character
 Discuss themes and issues present in the text
 Review TEEL paragraph format, complete practise responses using quotes
in relation to narrative conventions
 Introduce the Essay Question – go through the process of preparing a
response explicitly (ie: unpacking the question, planning a response)
 Model writing an introduction, allow students time to draft and edit their
 Model Essay Body Paragraphs, allow students time to draft and edit their
 Model writing a conclusion for essays, allow students time to draft and edit
their work
 Give students a lesson to prepare their notes
 Write in class essay on Wednesday of Week 7 if possible (short week, not at
school Mon/Tues)
Understand how cohesion in texts is improved by
strengthening the internal structure of paragraphs
through the use of examples, quotations and
substantiation of claims (ACELA1766)
Apply increasing knowledge of vocabulary, text
structures and language features to understand
the content of texts (ACELY1733)
Use comprehension strategies to interpret and
evaluate texts by reflecting on the validity of
content and the credibility of sources, including
finding evidence in the text for the author’s point
of view (ACELY1734)
Explore the ways that ideas and viewpoints in
literary texts drawn from different historical, social
and cultural contexts may reflect or challenge the
values of individuals and groups (ACELT1626)
Understand and explain how combinations of
words and images in texts are used to represent
particular groups in society, and how texts position
readers in relation to those groups (ACELT1628)
Recognise and explain differing viewpoints about
the world, cultures, individual people and concerns
represented in texts (ACELT1807)
(Receptive /Responding)
Essay – Students prepare an
essay to a seen essay question.
They are permitted to bring in
one page of notes with them on
the day of the in-class essay (55
(3 body paragraphs, 1 quote in
(Due: Week 7)
Successful English 1:
10 minutes at the start of each
7- 8
Exam revision
 Students revise the concepts learned over the semester
 Provide students with a practice exam in the same style as the one they
will be given and work through some practice questions, etc.
WEEK 9-11 Begin Newspaper unit of study – See Semester 2 Programme
Review of all outcomes
TASK 4: (Receptive)
Examination – students
complete an exam that tests
their knowledge of spelling,
grammar, comprehension of
poems and analysis of a
(Exams Week 9)