BUSINESS MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AT 7:00 P.M. HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT AGENDA AUGUST 4, 2015 AGENDA 1. CALLING OF THE MEETING 2. EXECUTIVE SESSION (7:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.) It is anticipated that the board will make a motion to go into Executive Session and this session will likely run from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. 3. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG 4. ADOPTION OF MINUTES A. Meeting of 7/7/15 MOTION: ______ SECOND: ______ YES: ______NO: ______ ABSTAIN: ______ ABSENT: ______ 4B. PRESENTATION A. Hauppauge Soccer Club- Forest Brook Fields 5. SUPERINTENDENT’S UPDATE / COMMENTS REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA 6. QUESTION AND COMMENTS REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA ONLY Members of the public who desire to address the board on any topic which is on tonight’s agenda are welcome to do so at this time. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three minutes, to appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern, and to supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired. Twenty minutes are being scheduled for this portion of tonight’s agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: 7. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS, PERSONNEL ACTIONS, CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATTERS 7.1 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Pursuant to Board Policy 6831 (Meals and Refreshments) the Board authorizes purchase of food for New Teacher Orientation on August 25, 2015 as per attached. B. Pursuant to Board Policy 6831 (Meals and Refreshments) the Board authorizes purchase of food for Board Facilities Inspection, as per attached. C. BE IT RESOLVED, that the President of the Board of Education is authorized to execute 2015/2016 employment contracts with the following individuals: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Susan Schoepe Lorraine Stepnowski JoAnn Lawler April Mitzman Anthony Clements Edward Spear, Jr. Brigid Villareale 7.2 PERSONNEL MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following personnel actions report be accepted as per attached. A. B. C. Personnel Action Report - Certified Staff 1) Appointment 2) Change in Employment Status 3) Temporary Employment 4) Retirement/Resignation/Termination/Leave of Absence 5) Approval of Regular Substitutes Personnel Action Report - Civil Service Staff 1) Appointment 2) Temporary Employment 3) Retirement/Resignation/Termination/Leave of Absence 4) Appointment of Substitutes 5) Removal of Substitutes Curriculum and Instructional Appointments 1) Bretton Woods Co-Curricular Clubs; 2) Forest Brook Co-Curricular Clubs; 3) Pines Co-Curricular Clubs; 4) Middle School Co-Curricular Clubs; 5) Middle School Fall Coaches; 6) High School Fall Coaches; 7) Athletic Support Staff/Chaperones; 8) Fine and Performing Arts Chaperones. 7.3 BUSINESS MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. B. C. Special Education Contracts 1) United Cerebral Palsy 2) Bayport-Blue Point UFSD 3) Brentwood UFSD 4) Connetquot CSD 5) Lindenhurst UFSD 6) Middle Country CSD 7) Northport-East Northport UFSD 8) Smithtown CSD 9) Islip UFSD 10) Miller Place UFSD Health Service Contracts 1) Half Hollow Hills CSD 2) New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD 3) Northport-East Northport UFSD Other Contracts 1) Capital Market Advisors, LLC 2) John A. Grillo (2015/16 Capital Improvement Program) 3) John A. Grillo (Building Condition Survey) 2 D. 4) ECAF Charter a) Accounting Club 5) The Opportunity Pre-school (TOPS) Lease 6) Small Steps Pre-school Lease Award of Bid 1) Whitson’s Culinary Group BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be received: E. Financial Reports 1) Warrants - June 2) Treasurer’s Report - June BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee, the following be approved: F. 7.4 Audit Committee 1) Corrective Action Plan – Payroll Review 2) Community Member Appointment- Brian Mannix, 8/5/15 to 6/30/18 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Committee on Special Education Recommendations 1) CSE Recommendations 2) CPSE Recommendations 3) 504 Recommendations B. Surplus Textbook Disposal C. Field Trip 1) NYSSMA Winter Conference (All-State), 12/3/15 to 12/6/15 MOTION: SECOND: YES: NO: 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Audit Committee Board Policy Committee Islip Town School Board Association Representatives District Steering Committee HIV/AIDS Committee Code of Conduct Committee Safety Committee Advocacy Committee Organizational Planning Committee Bond Committee 3 ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ____ 9. POLICIES – No Action 10. DISCUSSION MATTERS 11. NEW BUSINESS: 12. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM THE COMMUNITY Members of the public who desire to address or question the board on any topic related to board work are welcome to do so at this time. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three minutes; to appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern, and to supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired. Twenty minutes are being scheduled for this portion of tonight’s agenda. 13. ADJOURNMENT 14. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: August 25, 2015 4