
A Template or Guide for your Persuasive Speech Outline
Steve Barton
Tells your audience what you are going to tell them and establish the foundation for
your speech. A good Introduction 'draws the map' for the journey. Just like your Informative
Speech, a Persuasive Speech, an Introduction consists of:
1. Attention-Getter:
What would you say if I told you that everyone you see would have health
care, but what would you say if I said that you were also paying for health
care for people who are not working and don’t put anything into the economy
2. Bond: Link-to Audience:
I’m sure you all know about your health care how many of you have some for
your from your parents. How fast did you receive assistance for you illness,
and how was the quality of your doctor.
3. "Credentials" of Speaker (Credibility):
I took the time to read about the statistics of the health care system now and
the outcome of the new healthcare reform.
4. Destination / Objective Sentence:
I will talk about how the healthcare system now is quite adequate, but the
current health plan does need some types of reform but the one that will be
put in place is not of my desire.
5. Explain your Map to your Destination: Speech Preview:
I will talk about how 80% of Americans do actually have health care now.
How the new health care plan will slow the time we have to get quick health
care and how the new reform will cause us to lose our doctors.
Transition: A transition is how you move from one section or point to the
next. It is a linking idea.
Lets start with the health care system now.
B. BODY of your Speech
The Body of your speech is where the detail is found and is best contained in THREE points
(you can have more, but don't confuse your audience). For a Persuasive Speech, this is
where you will ...
“Tell them”
1. Main Point #1
16% of Americans under the age of 65 do not have insurance.
Because of the bad economy health insurance companies cant handle a
person who may not be able to provide adequate income for the company
A Template or Guide for your Persuasive Speech Outline
Transition: why do 80% of Americans have health insurance?
2. Main Point #2
Most Americans have health insurance through their employers
Transition: Create a linking statement to Point 3
3. Main Point #3
How can we trust the government to take care of everyone in America if they
all ready are messing up with taking care of people that are 65 yrs or older.
You hear all these stories of Medicare not aiding seniors with health insurance
because they are too big of a risk or their costs are to high.
What are the seniors going to do?
if the government takes control of all the health insurance what are they
going to do to someone who is young and a big risk just drop him?
So I talked about who doesn’t have insurance and I talked about who does.
I also talked about how well the government might be in control everyone health care.