study questions

The Merchant of Venice
Study Questions
1. How does religion factor into the play? Is Shylock a villain because he is Jewish? Are
the Christians portrayed as inherently good because they are Christians?
2. Are Shylock’s actions against Antonio justified? Why or why not?
3. What role does friendship play in The Merchant of Venice? How is friendship valued?
How does friendship influence the plot?
4. What roles do pity and mercy play in The Merchant of Venice? How are they defined
and valued? How about justice? Is justice served in the end?
5. Is Shylock a realistic and believable character? Is he a sympathetic character? Why
or why not?
6. Much of the play’s action is driven by money in one way or another? What does
money or material wealth represent within the play? What is the antithesis to money
that Shakespeare seems to be emphasizing? Is money important? Why or why not?
1. What is wrong with Antonio at the top of the play?
2. What does Bassiano seek at the beginning of the play? What does he need from
3. Why doesn’t Antonio have any money right now?
4. Why does Gratiano think Antonio is melancholy?
1. What is the conflict that Portia is facing?
2. How will Portia’s husband be chosen for her? Why do you think her father planned it
this way?
1. How has Antonio treated Shylock in the past?
2. What deal do Antonio and Shylock strike?
1. What is the penalty to a man who chooses the wrong casket?
1. Why does Lancelot want to leave Shylock’s service?
2. Why do you think Lancelot plays a joke on his father? Is this simply for comic relief, or
is there more meaning behind it?
3. What does Bassanio fear about bringing Gratiano to Belmont?
1. How does Jessica feel about her father and her status as a Jew?
2. How does she plan on changing her state?
1. How does Shylock feel about music and masques?
1. Do you think Jessica running away with her father’s money and jewels is wrong? Has
she stolen from him, or does she somehow deserve the things she takes?
1. What does gold symbolize or not symbolize throughout the play? Why do you think
Portia’s picture was not in the gold casket?
1. Do you think Shylock is more upset that his daughter fled or that he has been
robbed? What do you think Shylock’s relationship with his daughter was like?
Did/does he love her? Why or why not?
1. Why do you think Portia’s dad included in his terms that a suitor who fails to pick the
right chest may never marry any other woman?
1. Does Shylock’s speech at 3.1.50-68 make him a more sympathetic character? Why
or why not?
2. Why is Shylock so ready to exact revenge upon Antonio? Is he justified?
1. What is Bassiano’s argument against the gold casket?
2. What is Bassiano’s argument against the silver casket?
3. How does Portia understand a wife’s relation to her husband? See especially
4. How does Gratiano gain the love of Nerissa? What condition did she give him?
5. What bet do Gratiano and Nerissa want to make with Bassanio and Portia?
1. Why does Antonio believe Shylock hates him? What might this indicate about
Antonio’s character?
1. Is Shylock’s analogy with slavery logical? Does it support his case? Does it point out
hypocrisy in the “good” Christians? See 4.1.89-103
2. What do you make of Antonio and Bassanio’s relationship? Is it mere friendship or
something more?
3. What does Shylock think of Bassanio and Gratiano’s relationships with and attitudes
toward their wives? Is this somehow indicative of the type of husband he would have
sought for his own daughter?
4. Is Shylock’s fate in court fair or represent justice? Is Portia in the right? Why or why
5. What do you make of Antonio’s mercy on Shylock’s sentence?
1. Why do you think Nerissa and Portia play the ring trick on their husbands?