Lesson Description

Solar Cells and Voltage Measurement
Fellow: Meghedi Babakhanian
Grade Level: High school Physics (9-12 graders)
This lesson introduces students to the concept of converting sunlight to electricity with solar cells
as well as the Ohm’s law and how to measure generated voltage and current. Students familiarize
themselves with these concepts through some reading materials, answering Assessment
Questions, and by conducting a Lab Activity to determine the effect of several variables on the
output of a solar cell.
The follow up activity explores energy from the sun in terms of radiant energy to expand on the
concept of electricity generation. Different light sources will be provided to study the effect on
the solar cells (sun, UV and blocking using different filter papers).
Studying and measuring solar energy conversion to electricity using solar cells (specifically
constructed using copper sheets). Different measurements and output voltage readings will be
collected based on varying environment such as blocking the sun light using a blue light filter
transparency paper, putting two solar systems in parallel and series and etc.
Students will construct a working solar cell using copper sheets, and measure the output
of that cell under various colored transparency paper (different light wavelength) vs. no
They will connect their constructed solar cells to a volt-ameter or multimeter and
measure the appropriate voltage outputted by the solar cells.
Next, students will link their solar cells together in series and parallel under the same
lighting conditions, measuring total solar cell system output and voltage with the microammeter or multimeter as appropriate.
Data will be recorded by the student in a logbook.
Time Required:
15 minutes (for introducing the links to the calculators to find their personal gas and electricity
2 days of 60 min work (for presentation and lab work)
Group Size:
4-5 people
Cost to implement:
About $250 in total for 40 groups of 4-5 students
Learning Goals:
 Student will learn about Ohm’s law and measure voltage using a micro-ammeter or
 Students will learn about putting systems in series or parallel circuits and study the effect
of it on the voltage and current measurements.
 Students should understand that photons from the sun create electricity (photovoltaic).
 Demonstrate that waves (e.g., sound, seismic, water and light) have energy and waves
can transfer energy when they interact with matter. They should easily understand the
higher frequency light will deliver higher energy to the solar system.
 Draw conclusions from inquiries based on scientific knowledge and principles, the use of
logic and evidence (data) from investigations.
Level of Inquiry:
The students would have to conduct their own research on photovoltaic. I will give them
directions to set up their experiment and leave their copper sheet on a hot plate on the first day
and ask them to explain to me what they learned about solar cells and the energy conversion.
The students will have to collect data based on their second day results and answer a few
questions regarding their experiment and what it meant.
Introduction / Motivation:
I brought in a real mini-solar panel (demo) from a local manufacturer
I initially wanted to have an expert come in and present the dynamic of their company but time
didn’t really allow that to happen. Instead, I explained the technology and the budget required for
the technology, set up and usage. Then ask them to come up with where they could use the solar
panel in their daily life to save energy.
I provided them with fuel and electricity consumption calculator which converted their energy
consumption to killing number of trees per year and gas emission per ton in a year.
I asked them to ask their parents for their electrical bill as well as car gas milae the night before
and try to get an estimate of how many trees their household kills per year. We used one
student’s data infront of the class and walked them through the links provided on the 1st day of
the experiment and demonstrated their results.
Lesson Background Concepts for Teachers:
This lesson introduces students to the concept of converting sunlight to electricity with solar cells
as well as the Ohm’s law and how to measure generated voltage and current.
 Student will learn about Ohm’s law and measure voltage using a micro-ammeter or
 Students will learn about putting systems in series or parallel circuits and study the effect
of it on the voltage and current measurements.
 Demonstrate that waves (e.g., sound, seismic, water and light) have energy and waves
can transfer energy when they interact with matter. They should easily understand the
higher frequency light will deliver higher energy to the solar system.
Please see attachment for each day.
Materials List
Please see attachment.
Lesson Closurer:
 What other variables would make a difference in your experiment?
o Salt, water temp, light intensity, frequencywavelength hitting the solar cell, water
amount, surface area of the copper.
 Explain the voltage and current changed by setting the circuit in a series or parallel.
 Explain the voltage change due to the different wavelengths and no light vs. regular
sunlight and finally UV light.
 Explain collected data.
Pre-Activity Assessment:
I communicated with the teacher about what concepts they had covered in the classroom.
Activity Embedded Assessment:
I summarized every new topic that I covered during my presentation and I kept repeating them
throughout my lesson. I asked the students if they remember what the main points were that I had
covered up to that point of my presentation. Also, I made sure they had no questions.
Post-Activity Assessment:
I had them answer questions relevant to the lesson and the collected data from the lab.
Answering Assessment Questions, summarizing the lesson or a short written conclusion
confirmed their understanding of the lesson for me.
1. worksheet – night before Day 1
2. Day 1 Solar Cell Presentation
3. Day 2 Solar Cell Lesson with Questions for students
List CA Science Standards addressed:
Students know waves carry energy from one place to another.
Students know how to solve problems involving Ohm’s law.