Instructional Tools BSSD Performance Task Template Standard Areas: Please indicate the performance levels. Social Studies Writing Balanced Instructional Model: Please check which strand(s). Practical Application Simulation Real-Life Connection Please indicate the product: Journal of National Symbols, performance of Star Spangled Banner, My monument passport. Please describe the audience: teacher Content knowledge and/or process skills Standard(s): SS 1.7 recognizes and understands purpose of national symbols, holidays, and monuments. Personal/Social/Career/Service Standard(s): Essential Questions: What are the three colors of the American Flag? What do the stars represent on the American Flag? What do the strips represent on the American Flag? Why are these monuments (Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, and Bald Eagle) important? Why do Americans have American holidays? Essential Vocabulary: bald eagle, flag, stars and strips, nation(al), symbol, holiday, monument, president, pledge (and all words associated), statue of liberty, liberty bell, national symbol, mount rushmore, washington monument, Lincoln memorial, capital, white house, OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE TASK: Day 1: read and discuss The Bald Eagle. Write about why the bald eagle is our national symbol. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Day 2: introduce patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Teach using MTYT line by line to prepare to sing in front of audience. Read and discuss The Statue of Liberty. Write about how the Statue of Liberty came about. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Day 3: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Teach using MTYT line by line to prepare to sing in front of audience. Read and discuss The Liberty Bell. Write about how the Liberty Bell was used. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Day 4: Practice patriotic song: “The Star Spangled Banner”. Read and discuss Mount Rushmore. Write about one of the faces of Mount Rushmore and why it is there. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Day 5: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Read and discuss The American Flag. Write the 13 strips and 50 stars and what they represent on the flag. Day 6: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Follow up worksheets to the American Flag: page 4/5 from BBBB Social Studies. Day 7: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Follow up worksheets to the American Flag: page 2/3 from BBBB Social Studies. Day 8: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Draw and write about he flag before America became free from Britian. Day 9: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Read and discuss The White House. Write about where the White House, who lives in the White house, and who works in the White House. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Day 10: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Read and discuss The Lincoln Memorial. Write about why the Lincoln Memorial was built. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Teachers’ Resource Manual: Spring 2001 Chugach School District 3/29/01 Materials and Resources: Books by Jango-Cohen; First Avenue Editions: The American Flag, Mount Rushmore, The Liberty Bell, The Statue of Liberty, The Bald Eagle, The Washington Monument, The Lincoln Memorial, The White Hosue. Words to the Star Spangled Banner. Teaching Resources: Social Studies Made Simple Grade 1 Scholastic: Fresh & Fun Our Country Grades K-2 Best Buy Bargain Books (BBBB) Social Studies Grades 1-2 Poster of the Pledge of Allegiance with definitions on bottom of poster. Lined writing paper Cover page to put all work into a book II-11 Instructional Tools Day 11: practice patriotic song, “The Star Spangled Banner”. Read and discuss The Washington Monument. Write about why the it was built. Fill in My Passport to the Monuments. Day 12: Discuss the purpose of the Pledge (who wrote it and what it means). Re-write the pledge using the meanings of each word stated on the Pledge poster. Introduce the first Pledge written by Crockett (Social Studies Made Simple page 29). Closure: Send My American Symbols Book home, sing our National Anthem at a basket ball game, Chuck Test SS EOL on SS 1.7 Teachers’ Resource Manual: Spring 2001 Chugach School District 3/29/01 II-11