Constitution - Ramapo Ice Hockey

The Constitution of the Ramapo College Ice Hockey Club
DRAFT March 3, 2015
We, the members of the Ramapo College Ice Hockey Club, recognize our responsibility to organize and
direct an all-college ice hockey program; to foster unity among students through participation and support
of this program; to develop the qualities of excellence to which Ramapo College is committed; do hereby
establish this Constitution for the Ramapo College Ice Hockey Club.
The official name of the club shall be the Ramapo College Ice Hockey Club, hereinafter known as
Ramapo Ice Hockey.
The purpose of this organization shall be:
A. to plan, coordinate, direct, and regulate all activities necessary to the formal presentation of an ice
hockey club team engaging in a high level of intercollegiate athletic competition.
B. to promote through athletic competitiveness, a high standard of integrity and ethical behavior,
good sportsmanship, an attitude of capable leadership, dedication, and a strong camaraderie.
C. to operate a program at a high level of competition and to seek affiliation with institutions which
demonstrate a similar dedication to academic excellence, institutional integrity, pride and
commitment, and good citizenship.
D. to train student-athletes in legitimate means of displaying good sportsmanship, sacrifice,
dedication, and the will to win, thereby contributing to the development of institutional morale,
pride, and loyalty.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Any full-time undergraduate student of Ramapo College is eligible for membership. Graduate students
meeting league requirements for registered credit hours are also eligible. Membership is contingent on
medical clearance for participation in contact sports, team tryouts, good academic and judicial standing,
and the payment of team dues and fees. In addition, team members must be eligible under the
membership requirements set by all affiliated leagues and associations of Ramapo Ice Hockey. An
individual who is not a player but serves the team in some significant capacity may, at the discretion of
the leadership, become a non-voting member.
ARTICLE IV: Leadership
A. Executive Board
The Executive Board of Ramapo Ice Hockey shall comprise the following positions:
Vice President
These officers of the Executive Board shall be members in good standing and will be elected by
the membership annually. An officer may serve multiple terms if re-elected by the membership.
B. Advisor
The Advisor shall be a full-time faculty or baccalaureate holding staff member of Ramapo
College of New Jersey. The Advisor is a self-selected volunteer. There are no term limits on the
Advisor position. If multiple qualified individuals volunteer to be an advisor, the Executive Board
will vote to determine the Advisor by simple majority.
C. General Manager (herein known as the GM)
The GM shall be a non-student over the age of 24 with the knowledge and ability to manage the
business aspects and scheduling needs of Ramapo Ice Hockey. The GM may be a self-selected
volunteer from the staff or faculty of Ramapo College; a single staff or faculty member may
function as a combined GM/Advisor. When no volunteer from the staff or faculty fills the
position, the GM may be a paid position. There are no term limits on serving as GM.
D. Coaching Staff
1. Head Coach
The Head Coach shall be a non-student over the age of 24 with the coaching experience,
professionalism, and interpersonal skills to guide and manage the team. This shall be a
paid position with a one-year contract, filled by the selection each year of the GM with
input from the Executive Board. A Head Coach may coach multiple years if re-selected
by the GM and the Executive Board. The Head Coach must meet the requirements of the
American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) and any other affiliated leagues.
2. Assistant Coach(es)
An Assistant Coach shall be a non-student over the age of 24 with the coaching
experience, professionalism, and interpersonal skills to assist the Head Coach in guiding
and managing the team. This shall be a paid position with a one-year contract, filled by
the selection of the Head Coach. An Assistant Coach must meet the requirements of the
American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) and any other affiliated leagues.
E. Committees
At the discretion of the Executive Board and with input from the GM, committees (standing or
special) may be formed to meet the needs of Ramapo Ice Hockey. Committee members shall be
volunteers drawn from the general membership. Committee chairs shall be appointed by the
Executive Board with input from the GM.
ARTICLE V: Affiliations
Ramapo Ice Hockey shall be affiliated with regional and national hockey organizations, leagues, and
associations to promote its growth, organization, and legitimacy in intercollegiate competition.
A. National Affiliation
Ramapo Ice Hockey shall be affiliated with the ACHA and its affiliate USA Hockey.
B. Regional Affiliation
Ramapo Ice Hockey shall be affiliated with regional hockey conferences for the purpose of
league competition.
C. Institutional Affiliation
Ramapo Ice Hockey shall be affiliated with the Ramapo College Center for Student
Involvement (CSI).
ARTICLE VI: Meetings
A. General Membership
General Membership meetings shall be held at least four times per academic year to conduct
the official business of Ramapo Ice Hockey. Meeting management will follow Robert’s Rules
of Order, Newly Revised. Official business shall be conducted only when a quorum is present
(2/3 of the members in good standing). The Executive Board may call additional meetings of
the general membership if needed.
B. Executive Board
Executive Board meetings shall be held monthly. The first meeting of each year shall be held at
the beginning of September and will establish the year’s schedule for Board meetings and
general membership meetings. In order for the Executive Board to conduct official business,
three officers must be present (including either the President or the Vice-president).
C. Staff
The Advisor, GM, and coaching staff shall meet at the beginning of the season to review
College policies and procedures and Ramapo Ice Hockey constitution and bylaws. The GM and
Head Coach shall meet at least three (3) times a year.
D. Committees
Committee meetings shall be scheduled by a consensus of committee members as needed in
order to accomplish the goals of the committee.
ARTICLE VII: Elections
Executive Board officers shall be decided by democratic elections in a secret individual ballot at a
meeting at which a quorum is present. Every regular general member in good standing is eligible to run
for office and vote in elections. There are no term limits on how often a member may serve in an office.
A. Officers
Any member of the Executive Board may be removed from office if he or she is determined to
be unable or unwilling to fulfill the duties of the office, to be misusing club funds, or showing a
significant disregard for club rules or the Ramapo College Student Code of Conduct.
Any member may initiate removal of an officer before the end of the officer’s term by notifying
the Executive Board in writing of the allegations against the officer. Following and
investigation and a presentation of the investigation’s results to the general membership, the
membership shall vote on whether the officer is removed. The officer shall be removed if two
thirds of the members present vote for removal.
B. General Membership
Members involved in any unlawful or inappropriate behavior on or off-ice will be dismissed
from the club without reimbursement.
Determination for removal of a member shall be at the discretion of the Head Coach, with input
of the Assistant Coach, General Manager, Advisor, and Executive Board.
ARTICLE IX: Amendments
A. Proposed Amendments
All proposed amendments to this constitution must be presented at a meeting at which a
quorum is present.
B. Amendment Procedures
Amendments shall be passed by a three quarter affirmative vote at a meeting at which a quorum
of members in good standing is present.
ARTICLE X: Dissolution
If Ramapo Ice Hockey is dissolved by the decision its membership or the College, any assets or remaining
funds after debts have been paid shall be returned to their providers or donated to a local charity or
organization selected by the Executive Board and the GM.