NAME - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

World Civilizations: Industrial Revolution Essay
Directions: For this assignment students will write one of three essays. You may choose which essay
interests you more; however, all require outside research and the use of book and internet sources.
You will write an essay that answers one of the following prompts in 3-5 pages. FYI: I.R. on this
assignment sheet will stand for Industrial Revolution.
Choice 1: How did the Industrial Revolution change work-life? In this essay, you will explain the
similarities and differences between work in the Industrial Revolution and work before the Industrial
Revolution. Talk about some of the positive and negative impacts the industrial revolution had on the
worker. Also mention important inventions that make work-life easier/more efficient.
Parts to the Essay: -[In Intro] Thesis (argument for how I.R. changed work-life)
-Similarities/Differences between I.R. and pre-I.R. work
-Positive/Negative impacts of the I.R.
-Important Inventions of the I.R.
Choice 2: Famous people and important inventions helped to create the industrial revolution that led to
the world we know today. For this essay, rather than explain the overall changes of the industrial
revolution, you can focus on a particular person or invention that you think is important. This essay
should explain the events surrounding your person/invention. Explain the significance of the
person/invention and how it impacted the industrialization of the world.
Parts to the Essay: -[In Intro] Thesis (argument about why your person/invention matters)
-Early stages of invention or brief biography of the person’s life
-Events that lead to the invention or major events in the person’s life
-Why the person/invention is so significant to industrialization
Choice 3: One issue of the Industrial Revolution was how all this new mass-wealth should be distributed
in the society. In this essay you will explain why certain jobs should get paid more money than others.
Discuss the different factors that determine one’s wages (i.e., risk, skill-level, experience, necessity in
society, service to society, entertainment, work-load). Using any 4 jobs from today as an example,
explain why those jobs deserve the compensation they would receive in your economic model. Thus
in this essay, you explain the strengths and weaknesses of different economic systems and invent your
own system with explanations for why you made those decisions in your economic framework. You
must define Socialism, Capitalism, & Communism in this essay. Explain why you agree/disagree
with ideas within those economic systems. This is likely the hardest of the 3 essays, but perhaps more
interesting for some.
Parts to the Essay: -Thesis (argument for the order of the 4 imaginary workers)
-Factors of one’s job and how it impacts their pay
-Explanation of problems in Socialist, Capitalist, Communism systems
-Explanation of which economic system you think is best for society
For ALL Essays: 12 point font, proper punctuation throughout essay, Times New Roman font, doublespaced, Title Page, Bibliography (for ALL essays research is required to back up your claims),
Bibliography Notes:
For ALL Essays: You must use at least 5 references in your essay. These references can be from one
source if you’re using the textbook. However, you may not rely on merely one website or internet
resource. These references should be found in your body paragraphs. Either quotes from other people,
or ideas taken from research.
A reference from the textbook should look like this  (Stearns 263)
References Notes: