Unit 2 Lesson 2 Notes Introduction to Symbolism Presentation

Symbolism Wimba Lesson Transcript
Today we are going to learn about symbols. A symbol is something, usually a physical
object, an animal or a place, which represents something else such as an abstract idea.
Symbols are something visible that represents something that is invisible---like the eagle
representing freedom. Symbolism is the act of putting meaning into things so that they
become symbols. This is what writers and poets often do to help the reader quickly and
more easily understand the author’s meaning. Let’s see how well you understood what we
just discussed. A dove is often used to represent peace. And when used to represent peace,
the dove is often shown with an olive branch in its mouth. Scales are often used to
represent justice. This is where we get the phrase “The Scales of Justice.” A lion is often
used to represent courage. Remember The Wizard of Oz? Let’s see if you can match these
symbols with their meaning. What does a heart with an arrow going through it symbolize?
If you said, “love”- you are exactly correct! What do you think the American flag often
symbolizes? If you said “freedom”- you are correct! What about a light bulb? What might a
light bulb symbolize? If you said “an idea”- you are exactly right! If you will remember, the
title slide had a man with a light bulb over his head. That was meant to symbolize that the
man was having an idea. And what about a horseshoe? What does a horseshoe represent?
If you think a horseshoe represents “good luck”- you are correct! That is why people often
nail them over their doors- as a sign of bringing good luck into the home. Sometimes the
writers use symbolism in the story to help the reader better understand something. Today,
we are going to read a story called “The Crow and the Raven.” This is actually an Aesop
fable. In this story, the raven is being used to symbolize bad luck!
A crow was jealous of the raven, because the raven was considered an omen. Being
thought of as a symbol that means bad news resulted in the raven getting a lot of attention.
The raven always attracted the attention of men, who looked at him to find out if the future
was going to be good or bad.
Seeing some travelers approaching, the crow flew up into a tree, and perching herself on one
of the branches, cawed as loud as she could.
The travelers turned towards the sound and wondered what it meant? Would they have good
luck ahead? But one of the travelers said, “Let’s keep going on our journey, my friend, for it is
only a crow, and her cry, you know, means nothing.”
Why do you think that the raven is often a sign of bad luck?
Is it because it is black? Is it because it has appeared in movies where bad things are going
to happen? Is it because it is often associated with Satan? Is it because it is spooky looking?
Or is it all of the above? Let’s read through those one more timeWhy do you think that the raven is often a sign of bad luck? Is it because it is black? Is it
because it has appeared in movies and stories where bad things are going to happen? Is it
because it is often associated with Satan? Is it because it is spooky looking? Or is it all of the
above? Well the answer is all of the above. Ravens represent bad luck, because they are
black, they have been in a lot of movies such as Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” representing
bad things and bad luck. They have also been associated with Satan, and- they are kind of
spooky looking! So, after this lesson you should have a much better understanding of how
symbols are used to represent abstract objects and concepts. (Now let’s go to the next part
of our lesson, where we will watch a video on symbolism)- (If available.)