WR115, Warm-Up Essay: Race & Ethnicity in America Due Dates Begin in class, Mon., Jan. 24th; completed in class Wed., Jan. 26th FIRST DRAFT: SHITTY FIRST DRAFT GROUP ASSIGNMENT: due Mon., Jan. 24th SECOND FINAL DRAFT: DRAFT: due Mon., Jan. 31st due Wed., Feb. 2nd Assignment Description You will write an essay of at least five (5) paragraphs in which you will discuss race and/or ethnicity in America. In writing your papers, please look toward the discussions presented (and feel free to use) in the wonderful essay we read in class, “Colorblind,” the awesome website, http://www.understandingrace.org/home.html , and your experience in taking the implicit bias test provided by Harvard University (https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/). You may also use other resources, your own experience, the experience of your family, and films to illustrate and provide examples for your paper. In this essay you will introduce thesis statement in your introduction. It is recommended that you introduce your thesis and frame your paper by relating a racial or ethnic situation you have experienced or someone close to you has experienced. You will then transition your reader from your experience to a thesis that makes a statement or recommendation, or advocates for a change. thesis statement should be the last sentence or two of your introductory Your paragraph. Your body paragraphs will each be introduced by a strong topic sentence that directly develops the thesis statement. You will use key words from the thesis statement, if possible, in your topic sentences and throughout the paper in order to tighten unity and coherence. You will support your major ideas by providing 2 examples, discussion of hypothetical situations that may illustrate your point, use of authoritative opinions, or, if you like, reliable facts and statistics. You will use transitions (“on the other hand,” “in contrast,” “in addition,” etc.) to help your ideas flow smoothly. Please do include any direct experience you have had in the situations you discuss! And finally, you will write a short, summative concluding paragraph in which you bring your readers full circle by re-iterating the thesis statement. No new information or arguments will be included in the conclusion. Essay Length & Formatting Your essay will be composed of an introductory paragraph, three (3) or more body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph. Your essay will be between 1.5 and 2.5 pages in length, double-spaced, with margins of 1.25 inches on both sides, and use 10 to 12 point standard fonts. You will title your essay with a short descriptive title, and your name, course and section number, and a page number will be present on each page. Your essay will contain show strong evidence of peer review and proofreading. Proofreading errors such as homophone (HPHN), spelling (SP), punctuation (P), and capitalization (CAP), will be few-to-none in number, and you will take care to form complete sentences by avoiding fragments (FRAG) and run-together (RTS) sentences. Source Citations You will cite the sources of all material that you paraphrase or quote, and you will use quotation marks when you directly quote an author or source. You will also cite the source of any ideas you may use. You need not worry about a Works Cited page or the use of a specific style (MLA, APA, Chicago) in citing your sources. For this paper all you need to do is put your source in parenthesis immediately after the sentence in which the quote, paraphrase, or idea occurs. The concept here is for you to learn to give credit to others for their words and ideas! Getting in the habit of citing sources will help you avoid plagiarism. 3 What Must Accompany Your Essay Because we need to understand how you went about writing this paper, please attach the following documents to your final draft: Brainstorm materials (freewrites, idea lists, focusing questions, reflective writing, discussion notes—whatever works for you) Visual literacy materials (if you use them) Previous drafts (first and second) Peer review notes for each draft o First draft—unity o Second draft—coherence & transistions) Organizational materials— o Linking sentences worksheet o Idea maps o Blueprint How Will Your Paper Be Evaluated? Please carefully review the unity & coherence rubric posted on the portal; we will use it to evaluate your essay. And please do call/text me with your questions or concerns (503-784-1498) or shoot me an email at mary.kellyklein.mhcc@gmail.com.