Individual Induction Plan (C-1) Support Provider Participating Teacher Teaching Assignment Chemistry Teacher Content Area IIP # Honors Chemistry Program Date Irvine Unified School District School FOCUS OF THE INQUIRY: Determining what I need to know and be able to do 1. Based on findings from self-assessments, determine area(s) of focus. 2. Develop a focus question for this inquiry. One of the major components of Chemistry is the laboratory experiments, since this type of assessment is typically done in groups I want to focus on assessing each of my students individual level of understandings of these techniques. Throughout the unit, I typically incorporate two to three labs per chapter and each of these labs are done in groups of 2-3 students. Then the students have a week to complete the write up of the experiment, because of the amount of collaboration between students it was difficult to assess the students individual level of understanding so I am designing a lab practical to assess the students on an individual level. How can I use test corrections and in class reviews to assess an individual student’s level of understanding on a given experiment? 3. Which CSTP element(s) will be addressed? 4. What are the anticipated, measurable outcomes for student learning? 1.4 Uses a variety of instructional strategies, resources, and technologies to meet students diverse needs PLAN 2.6 Employing classroom routines, procedures, norms, and supports for positive behavior to ensure a climate in which all students can learn I am hoping to observe an increase in the level of understanding of both the techniques and concepts covered in this individual lab. Students will take a preassessment lab test, complete test corrections and create short videos to help the class review for the second post- assessment lab test and I am anticipating to see the individual scores increase. 4.1 Uses knowledge of students’ academic readiness, language proficiency, cultural background and individual development to plan instruction 5.4 Uses assessment data to establish learning goals and to plan, differentiate and modify instruction 5. Identify the element(s) of the Common Core to be addressed, and explain how it will be implemented in the unit of study. Throughout this activity the students will be engaged in meaningful hands on applications of the content being covered. They will be asked to apply real world applications and use their deductive reasoning skills to help them identify the individual steps involved throughout the lab. The final post assessment is a lab practical which accurately simulates a real life application of these techniques, in which the students must collect the data on their own and by using the skills they have previously learned in my class, they must determine which information is needed and which information is not. In the discussion/ analysis sections of the assessment, they must use what they know about this lab to two other unique situations and determine how they can modify the techniques to complete different types of labs. 6. Identify the element(s) of the Continuous Improvement Effort (CIE) to be addressed, and explain how it will be implemented in the unit of study. ACTION PLAN: Examining research related to my focus question and applying new learning in my instructional setting 8. Research: Describe resources used (e.g. talked to colleague, research on-line, other) hrshare/btsa/FACT/module/8.25.2013 9. Application: Implementation of new knowledge. How will new knowledge be 10. Measurable Results: Impact on teaching/student achievement. During A N/ TE AC H/ RE FL EC T 7. Date of research IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT implemented with students? implementation, what were students/teachers able to achieve? REFLECTION/APPLICATION hrshare/btsa/FACT/module/8.25.2013 REFLECT/ APPLY 11. Describe how you will apply new learning to future practice. IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT