“School of Business Administration Turība” Ltd. Unified registration No. 40003135880 Graudu street 68, Riga, LV-1058 N133 APPROVED School of Business Administration Turība Senate sitting as of 27.06.2012, minutes No.5 “School of Business Administration Turība” Ltd. Board decree No.12 as of 29.06.2012. Regulations On doctoral board and conferral of doctoral degree School of Business Administration Turība I General provisions 1. Terms and abbreviations used: 1.1. LR – Republic of Latvia; 1.2. MK – Cabinet of Ministers; 1.3. BAT – School of Business Administration Turība; 1.4. LZP – Latvian council of science; 1.5. VZKK – State scientific qualification committee; 1.6. DPP – Doctoral programme council; 1.7. DP – BAT council for doctoral studies; 1.8. DSP – doctoral study programme; 1.9. ZD – BAT research department; 1.10. Regulations No. 1000 – Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia as of 27th December 2005 No. 1000 „On delegation of rights of conferral of doctoral degrees in science to higher education institutions”; 1.11. Regulations No. 1001 – Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia as of 27th December 2005 No. 1001 „On procedure and criteria for conferral of doctoral degrees in science”; 1.12. Board – Doctoral Board; 1.13. Council – BAT Faculty Council; 1.14. Scientific Council – BAT scientific council; 1.15. Promotion – defence of research work resulting in the award of a doctoral degree in science; 1.16. Candidate – author of the doctoral thesis who is a candidate for the doctoral degree in science; 1.17. Advisor – experienced researcher with a doctoral degree who has been approved by BAT in accordance with the procedures and has been granted the right to supervise the compilation of the doctoral thesis; 1.18. Consultant – 1.18.1. representative of BAT academic personnel who has been approved by BAT in accordance with the procedures and agreed to consult the candidate on the compilation of the doctoral thesis and its conformity to the requirements set for the particular branch of science; 2 1.18.2. representative of partner institution who has been approved by BAT in accordance with the procedures and agreed to cooperate and ensure the successful completion of the doctoral thesis. 1.19. Partner institution – research institution (university, higher education institution, research institute, higher education or state agency – research institution) or any other institution (archive, library, enterprise, state agency, state institution), which is not a BAT structural unit and is able to ensure the infrastructure or information sources for the successful completion of the doctoral thesis. 2. The regulations determine the procedure for establishment of the Board and its operations as well as the procedure for award of doctoral degree in science at BAT. 2.1 promotion at BAT in those branches of science wherein BAT has an accredited doctoral studies programme in accordance with the rights delegated under the Regulations No. 1000; 2.2 the procedure for Promotion for Candidates who have successfully completed the respective doctoral study programme before submission of the doctoral thesis for defence; 2.3 criteria in accordance with which the Candidate’s academic activity is recognised in conformity with the DSP requirements if the Candidate for the doctoral degree has not studied in the respective programme. 3. Promotion at BAT is in accordance with the relevant LR Law on scientific activity (19.05.2005.), LR Law on Higher Education institutions (17.11.1995.), Regulations No. 1001, and observing the BAT Constitution principles and requirements of other legal enactments in force. 4. All activities connected to Promotion at BAT are held within the framework of semester of an academic year of studies. II Doctoral thesis 5. The doctoral degree in science is awarded for the doctoral thesis independently compiled under the supervision of the advisor and publicly defended that describes the results of original scientific research and provides new concepts in the respective branch or sub branch of science. Candidates for a second degree in another branch of science shall be able to compile the doctoral thesis without an advisor just availing the consultations of leading specialists in the respective branch. The main results of the doctoral thesis shall have been published in scientific journals. 6. The doctoral thesis can be: 6.1. dissertation; 6.2. thematically unified set of scientific publications. The publications have to published or approved for publication in scientific periodicals that are reviewed anonymously and are accessible in scientific information repositories and are cited in international databases; 6.3. monograph – reviewed scientific book that is dedicated to one theme and is accessible in international scientific information repositories consisting of bibliography and summary in a foreign language. 7. The requirements for the scope of the doctoral thesis, structure and its layout are determined by the BAT Senate approved “Regulations on technical layout of doctoral theses submitted to the Doctoral Board”. 8. The advisor of doctoral theses may be an experienced researcher with a doctoral degree in science. 9. The doctoral thesis can be compiled at the partner institution. In such case the academic personnel of the partner institution can be approved as advisor at the recommendation of the doctoral board if his/her qualifications meet the requirements of the clause 8 of the regulations herein at the same time approving a BAT academic representative as a 3 consultant or supervisor also in accordance with the requirements of the clause 8 of the regulations herein. 10. The relevant department, section or academic or scientific structural unit of BAT or Partner institution wherein the doctoral thesis has been compiled and which has proposed the thesis for defence shall draft the decision and excerpt from the minutes of the sitting of the respective structural unit necessary for submission of the doctoral thesis in conformity with the Regulations No. 1001. III Doctoral Board 11. The composition of the Board, its chairperson, vice chairperson ion the respective branch or sub branch of science who shall be delegated Promotion rights at BAT shall be approved by the Rector at the recommendation of the vice rector for scientific affairs. 12. The composition of the Board shall consist of at least five researchers who have the rights of LZP experts in the respective branch and at least two of them in the sub branch of science wherein the doctoral thesis is to be defended. 13. The Board may include a foreign researcher if it meets the approval of VZKK. 14. The chairperson of the BAT Board shall be the relevant member of the Board who is a employee of BAT. The office of the chairperson and the vice-chairperson shall not be held concurrently with the position of DSP director or DP chairperson. The Board shall at the recommendation of its chairperson appoint a secretary. The Board secretary shall not necessarily be a member of the Board, but in such case shall be a BAT educator with a doctoral degree in science. 15. The term of office of Board shall not exceed six years. The activities of the Board shall be regulated by the regulations herein. 16. Changes necessary in the composition of the Board (to observe the requirements of Regulations No. 1001 on the presence of two experts in the respective sub branch of science in the Board composition, on the restrictions regarding the Board composition and invitation of reviewers for the doctoral thesis or in case the Candidate has any objects regarding the Board composition (Clauses 5, 17, 18 and 19 of Regulations No. 1001)), as well as reviewers for each individual Promotion shall be approved by a BAT decree at the recommendation of the Board. The draft of the BAT decree shall be drafted by the chairperson of the Board. 17. All decisions of the Board except decisions on the award of degree shall be made by open voting by a simple majority of members present. In case of a deadlock the chairperson of the Board shall have the casting vote. 18. The Dean of the respective Faculty shall ensure the functioning of the Board. 19. The job of the BAT academic personnel in the Board shall be included in the workload in accordance with the types of pedagogical; workload and time standards (S2) approved by BAT. 20. Members of the Board who are not BAT academic personnel as well as BAT academic personnel with additionally planned workload shall be remunerated for their job on the Board in accordance with BAT approved procedures. Reviewers shall also be remunerated with BAT approved procedures – experts from other institutions as well as BAT staff members without including it in the planned academic workload. 21. The costs of the Promotion shall be covered by the doctoral programme implemented at the higher education institution from the relevant fund allocated for the implementation of the programme. If the Candidate has not successfully completed the programme or has 4 completed the programme two full calendar years prior without attaining a degree, the costs of the Promotion shall be covered by the Candidate or funds paid by physical or legal entities to cover the costs of Promotion. IV Submission of doctoral thesis 22. The doctoral thesis can be submitted by: 22.1. Candidate who has successfully completed an accredited BAT DSP; 22.2. Candidate who has successfully completed an accredited DSP of other higher education institutions; 22.3. persons, whose academic activity beyond the scope of accredited DSP can be recognised to meet the requirements of DSP. 23. Documents to be submitted for Promotion or recognised academic activity shall be in accordance with requirements of Regulations No. 1001. 23.1. Candidates who conform to the requirements of clause 22.1. or 22.2. herein shall submit the documents necessary for Promotion to BAT ZD, in turn receiving a testimonial (Appendix 1). 23.2. The Candidate shall submit the following documents: 23.2.1 Application with the approval and instructions of the advisor or consultant that the doctoral thesis does not contain classified information or commercial secrets in accordance LR law “On state secrets”; 23.2.2 Doctoral thesis in two copies; 23.2.3 Synopsis of the doctoral thesis in Latvian language; 23.2.4 Certificate from the higher education institution on the successful completion of the programme or examination in the chosen branch, sub branch and foreign language; 23.2.5 Curriculum Vitae; 23.2.6 List of scientific publications reflecting the results of doctoral research and their copies; 23.2.7 excerpts from the minutes of the sitting of the structural unit of higher education institutions or other research institutions (where the doctoral thesis was compiled) that testifies that the scientific novelty and Candidate’s personal contribution to the doctoral thesis was elaborated and discussed. 23.3 Candidates who conform to the requirements of clause 22.3. shall additionally submit a request to recognise their academic activity and shall in return receive a testimonial (Appendix 1). 24. If the doctoral thesis is a thematically unified set of publications where the Candidate is a co-author or a joint monograph the written consent of all other co-authors for the use of publications for Promotion or the testimony of the main author of the publication regarding the personal contribution of the Candidate in preparing the publication shall be submitted. 25. BAT ZD shall within five working days evaluate the conformity of the document submitted by the Candidate with the Promotion procedures and shall inform the Candidate regarding the acceptance of documents or regarding any irregularities and deficiencies if any such were found. 26. If any irregularities or deficiencies were found the ZD shall request in written that the Candidate submit the missing documents or correct the deficiencies in the documents. The Candidate shall submit the required documents within two weeks. If the documents submitted do not meet the requirements, BAT shall return the documents to the Candidate indicating the deficiencies found. In such case the Candidate shall have the right to submit the documents again but not earlier than 3 months. 27. The Faculty council shall carry out the recognition of academic activity beyond the scope of DSP or academic activity carried out within DSP implemented by other higher education 5 institutions in accordance with the requirements of Regulations No. 1001. The Faculty council shall make a decision within one month after the receipt of documents by ZD, taking into account the recommendations of the respective DSP director. In case of misunderstandings the DSP director shall have the right to request additional documents or explanations from the Candidate. The time period shall be prolonged to the extent required for correspondence with Candidate to clarify the misunderstandings. The ZD shall within a week of making a decision inform the Candidate about the decision and the further processing of documents (Appendix 2). The Candidate has the right to correct the irregularities and deficiencies and submit the documents once again but not earlier than 3 months after the decision of BAT. 28. In case of a positive decision the structural unit that formed the Board shall make a personal file of the Candidate and within three days inform the ZD, and further the Candidate’s documents to the chairperson of the respective Board. In case of a negative decision the head of the structural unit shall inform the ZD on the grounds for rejection. 29. ZD shall within five working days send the Documents of candidates who have successfully completed BAT DSP or relevant DSP of other higher education institutions to the head of the structural unit that formed the Board if the documents meet the formal requirements. V Assessment of doctoral thesis 30. The chairperson of the Board in consultation with the Doctoral programme shall within ten working days prepare and submit a proposal to the Rector regarding the changes necessary in the composition of the Board for the assessment of the doctoral thesis. 31. The Board shall within a month upon the issue of the decree regarding its composition decide on the public defence of the doctoral thesis in an open sitting discussing whether the thesis meets the requirements of the criteria set in Regulations No. 1001. The Candidate is entitled to participate in the sitting of the Board. 32. If the Board acknowledges that the doctoral thesis conforms with the criteria set in Regulations No. 1001 and the scientific competence of the Board it shall: 32.1. decide on the approval of the doctoral thesis for defence; 32.2. determine three reviewers for the doctoral thesis, one of whom is an expert of the Board in the relevant sub branch of science and two – experts in the sub branch of science from other research institutions or organisations (preferably from abroad); 32.3. inform the Candidate in written on the composition of the Board and the reviewers; 32.4. determine the foreign language and the deadlines for translation of the synopsis of the doctoral thesis to ensure its international accessibility and discussion; 32.5. determine the time of the Promotion sitting not earlier than three months and not later than six months after the receipt of the doctoral thesis; 32.6. request the Candidate to submit the necessary number of copies of doctoral thesis and electronic version of the doctoral thesis for the Promotion process; 32.7. coordinate the amount of doctoral thesis to be published on the Internet; 32.8. determine in accordance with the clause 21 herein on who is to finance the Promotion process; 32.9. inform the Candidate on the progress of the Promotion process (Appendix 3). 6 33. The reviewer of the doctoral thesis shall not be a relative of the Candidate, his/her immediate subordinate or superior, co-author of the publication, doctoral thesis advisor or consultant. 34. The Candidate shall in written confirm his/her approval of the composition of the Board, reviewers delegated, number of copies and electronic version to be submitted, amount of the thesis to be published on the Internet as well as Promotion costs and the procedure of their compensation (Appendix 3). If the Candidate has a reasoned objection to the composition of the Board or the reviewers BAT can change the composition of the Board or task the Board to invite other reviewers for the doctoral thesis within a month. If the Candidate still has an objection regarding the new composition of the Board or reviewers he/she can revoke his/her application for defence of the doctoral thesis. 35. Upon receipt of the Candidate’s approval mentioned in the clause 34 above the Board shall within five working days forward the Candidate’s documents for VZKK approval and draft a proposal for BAT decree on delegation of reviewers. If the Candidate raises any objections regarding the organisation of the Promotion process thereafter once the thesis has been forwarded to the VZKK, the Board shall within three working days inform the VZKK regarding the objections and request the suspension of the review of the thesis till the resolution of the objections or revocation of the doctoral thesis. The time period for assessment of the doctoral thesis shall be prolonged over the period of time required for clarifying differences of opinions between the Candidate and the Board. The preliminary date of Promotion could change during the aforesaid clarification. 36. Upon approval with the Candidate as well as receipt of the necessary number of copies, translation of the synopsis and electronic version the Board shall forward the doctoral thesis to the reviewers. 37. If the Board acknowledges that the doctoral thesis does not conform with the criteria set in the Regulations No. 1001 or its scientific competence it shall provide the Candidate a reasoned decision on rejection regarding the assessment of the doctoral thesis and inform the ZD regarding its decision. 38. If the Board rejects the doctoral thesis for public defence it shall inform the Candidate in written regarding its decision indicating which of the requirements of the Regulations No. 1001 mentioned in the clause 15 was not complied with. The Candidate is entitled to submit the doctoral thesis again to BAT for defence not earlier than one year. 39. If a negative reference is received from VZKK the Board shall within a week inform the Candidate in written regarding the decision of VZKK and inform the Candidate regarding further action. 40. If no objection has been received from the VZKK within the terms set in the Regulations No. 1001 or the VZKK provides a positive assessment in written within the terms set in the Regulations No. 1001 the Board shall: 40.1. publish an announcement in the newspapers "Latvijas Vēstnesis" and "Zinātnes Vēstnesis" at least 2 weeks before the defence of the doctoral thesis; 40.2. forward the doctoral thesis or the amount of thesis agreed upon in accordance with procedure set in the clauses 32 and 33 herein and synopsis of the thesis in electronic form on the BAT library’s electronic database, publish on the Internet in a data format that protects the thesis from distortion or copying of the thesis in full; 41. If the doctoral thesis is a monograph or a set of publications, only the synopsis shall be electronically published. 42. If the doctoral thesis contains classified information as deemed in the Law “On state secrets”, only the synopsis of the thesis shall be published on the Internet or the BAT library. In such case the Board shall decide on the defence of the doctoral thesis in a closed sitting with the participation of only the members of the Board, reviewers, doctoral thesis 7 advisor and other persons who are allowed access to classified information in accordance to procedures set in the law. Information regarding defence in a closed sitting shall be indicated in the announcement published in the newspapers "Latvijas Vēstnesis" and "Zinātnes Vēstnesis". 43. The Board secretary shall: 43.1. forward the doctoral thesis and its synopsis to each reviewer; 43.2. submit one copy of the doctoral thesis with a covering letter to the BAT library; 43.3. forward the doctoral thesis in electronic form to the chairperson of the BAT Board; 43.4. put a notice on the public defence of the doctoral thesis at the BAT Administration building and Study building. 44. The reviewers shall assess the theoretical novelty and practical application prospects of the doctoral thesis results, conformity to the international level of achievement in the respective branch of science, conformity of the analysis and data processing methods used by the Candidate to the goals and objectives of the doctoral thesis as well as correspondence of the conclusions and ideas put forward by the Candidate to the results. 45. The reviewers shall have the right to request in writing additional information regarding the doctoral thesis from the Candidate. 46. The reviewers shall submit a written reference to the Board on the doctoral thesis indicating the conformity of the thesis to the award of a degree in that particular branch and sub branch of science. The Board shall inform the Candidate regarding the references not later than three working days before the Promotion sitting. 47. If the reference of one of the reviewers is negative Promotion can still be held but the Candidate is entitled to revoke the doctoral thesis and append or amend it. 48. If the references of two or three reviewers is negative the doctoral thesis is not reviewed at the Promotion sitting and given back to the Candidate for amendments. The Candidate can submit the amended doctoral thesis once again to the higher education institution not earlier than six months after the receipt of negative references. The same thesis is not accepted for review after its second rejection. 49. The Board shall publish an announcement in the newspapers "Latvijas Vēstnesis" and "Zinātnes Vēstnesis" on the revocation of the doctoral thesis before the Promotion sitting within a week after the receipt of the revocation. VI Public defence of the doctoral thesis and conferral of doctoral degree in science 50. The Board sitting on decision regarding Promotion is open except in cases when the doctoral thesis contains classified information or commercial secrets as deemed under the law “On state secrets”. All interested persons may participate in the sitting, pose questions to the Candidate and reviewers as well as express their opinions regarding the doctoral thesis. 51. If the doctoral thesis contains classified information as deemed under the law “On state secrets”, only persons, who are allowed access to classified information in accordance to procedures set in the law can participate in the composition of the Board and Promotion process. If the doctoral thesis contains commercial secrets as indicated particularly by the Candidate then the members of the Board and reviewers as well as other persons whose presence is necessary for the Promotion process shall with their signature of the minutes of the sitting testify their undertaking not to disclose the confidential information. 52. Reviewers shall have a decision making vote in sittings of the Board held for Promotion. Sittings of the Board have the right to make decisions if the chairperson of the Board or the 8 vice chairperson and not less than half of the Boards experts (including the chairperson or Vice chairperson) entitled to vote as well as not less than two reviewers participate therein. 53. The doctoral thesis can be submitted in the national language or in any of the European Union official languages with an in depth translation of synopsis of the doctoral thesis in the national language. The public defence shall be held in the national language or in any of the European Union official languages upon agreement of the author and approval of the Board. 54. Only one research work can be defended during each Board sitting and only two sittings of the Board can be held on one and the same day. The members of the Board shall register themselves on a registration list. 55. The Promotion sitting: 55.1 the chairperson of the Board shall open and conduct the sitting, announce the quorum and introduce the Candidate for doctoral degree. In the absence of the chairperson or in cases where there maybe a conflict of interests the sitting shall be conducted by the vice chairperson. Before the defence of the thesis the chairperson of the sitting informs about the grant of status of members of the Board to reviewers. The secretary of the Board shall minute the sitting; 55.2. the Secretary of the Board informs about the documents submitted by the Candidate, all decisions regarding the Promotion and acquaints those present with the Candidates CV; 55.3. all those present are entitled to ask questions regarding the information provided by the Secretary; 55.4. the Candidate informs about the doctoral thesis and answers the questions posed by those present on the content and results of the doctoral thesis; 55.5. the Board listens and discusses the reviewers’ references as well academic discussions between the Candidate and the reviewers; 55.6. the Board listens to the references of the doctoral thesis advisor (consultant) on the Candidate’s academic activity. 56. The Board makes a decision regarding the approval or rejection of conferral of doctoral degree in science by a simple majority through a secret ballot. If the votes for and against are equal the Board organises a discussion and votes again. If the votes are still equal after the second voting, the Board shall once again review the thesis but not earlier than a month and not later than six months after the Board sitting when the decision was not taken. In such case the Candidate is entitled with the approval of the Chairperson of the Board to make amendments to the doctoral thesis. The Board shall inform in written the Candidate, BAT Rector and VZKK within a week regarding its decision. The decision shall come into force after the approval of voting record sheet in accordance with the procedures foreseen in the clause 58 herein. 57. Specially designed ballot papers shall be used for counting the votes (Appendix 4). The Board shall form a committee for vote counting from its members consisting of not less than two members. The tasks of the vote counting committee are to distribute the ballot papers, ensure the smooth voting and collecting of ballot papers that guarantees confidentiality while voting and impartial vote counting. 58. Ballot papers that clearly show the attitude of the voters towards conferral of a degree to the Candidate by striking out the unnecessary word “award” or “reject” shall be deemed valid. Ballot papers that do not have any of the words stricken out or both of the words stricken out or there is doubt regarding the choice of the member of the Board shall be deemed invalid. These ballot papers are counted while counting total votes but are not included in the positive votes. The vote counting committee records the opinion of Board members regarding conferral of doctoral degree to the Candidate in voting record sheet (Appendix 5). The Board records the result of the Promotion and by open voting approves the voting record sheet. 9 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. The voting results are recorded in the Promotion sitting minutes. The minutes together with the voting record sheet, ballot papers and reviews of the doctoral thesis are handed to the BAT archive by the secretary of the Board for storage in accordance to BAT procedures. The secretary informs the relevant Faculty regarding the results of the Promotion. The Board and the members of the vote counting committee are entitled to submit and request to record their own opinions regarding the content and organisation of the Promotion to the minutes of the sitting. BAT or VZKK within a month of decision making abovementioned in the clause 56 herein shall have the write to request in writing any documents concerning the Promotion from the Board or contest the Board’s decision if inconsistencies are found in the doctoral thesis with regards to requirements necessary for conferral of degree or the Promotion procedures were not followed. If the claims are acknowledged as justified and this decision is not contested the ZD shall inform the VZKK and the Candidate regarding the same and the further actions of BAT. If the claim addressed formal organisational issues of the Promotion process a second Board sitting shall be organised within two months. The BAT structural unit responsible for the functioning of the relevant Board shall cover the costs of the sitting. If the claims addressed the doctoral thesis or its scientific conformity issues, the DP returns the doctoral thesis to the Candidate retaining a copy for itself. The Candidate can amend the thesis that contains insufficiently scientifically validated results or incorrect results and submit the thesis for Promotion not earlier than a year. Theses found to have breached scientific ethical norms or to be plagiarisms shall not be accepted again for review. If the VZKK contests the Board’s decision mentioned in the clause 56 herein, BAT shall not be entitled to issue the Candidate a certificate on conferral of the degree till the time any such disputes are not resolved in accordance to the procedures foreseen in the VII article herein. If the VZKK has contested the Board’s decision regarding conferral of degree and the objections of VZKK mentioned in the clause 61 herein regarding conformity of the doctoral thesis with regards to requirements necessary for conferral of degree are validated the BAT Rector shall by a decree remove the Chairperson of Board and appoint another member of the Board as the Chairperson. If the Board’s decision mentioned in the clause 56 herein is not contested the Candidate shall be awarded a BAT certificate drafted in accordance with MK procedures not earlier than six weeks and not later than six months. VII Contesting decisions and appellation 66. 67. Decisions made by BAT, Board or VZKK and their actions can be contested within a month at the LZP. The decision of LZP can be appealed in the court in accordance with the procedures set in the Administrative procedure law. IX Documentation 68. To ensure unified documentation at BAT, the following main procedural documents are used: 68.1. registration journal for submission of doctoral thesis at BAT; 68.2. registration sheet for reviewers; 68.3. decision on acceptance of research work for defence; 10 68.4. registration sheet for members of the Board; 68.5. ballot papers; 68.6. voting record; 68.7. BAT Rector’s decree on award of science degree certificate. X Post-defence procedure 69. The secretary shall based on the minutes of the Board sitting draft a Rector’s decree endorsed by the chairperson of the relevant Board on issue of a certificate and organise the drafting and issue of the science degree certificate. 70. The Doctoral board shall have a registration journal to record the background information about the Candidate and the Promotion process, indicating the Candidates name, surname, date of birth, place of work and position, date of submission and approval of doctoral research work, names, surnames, scientific degree, place of work and position of reviewers, date of defence of the doctoral thesis, voting results, date and number of BAT Rector’s decree on the award of science degree and the registration number of the certificate. 71. Upon completion of each defence the secretary of the Board shall: 71.1. forward the appropriate number of compulsory copies of the doctoral thesis and the synopsis to the Latvian National Library; 7.1.2. send the voting results for publication in the newspaper “Zinātnes Vēstnesim”. XI Final conditions 72. The DOCTORAL BOARD REGULATIONS approved in an extraordinary sitting of the Senate as of 15.12.2010, minutes No. 13 shall cease to be in force the moment the Regulations herein come into force. Rectors A. Kiščenko 11 Appendix 1 School of Business Administration Turiba Education institution registration No.3343800213, Graudu street68, Riga, LV - 1058, telephone 67622551, 67619008, fax 67619152, e-mail: turiba@turiba.lv www.turiba.lv CERTIFICATE Riga N0. We hereby testify that on ___. ________________ 201 the ....................has received School of Business Administration Turiba (Name, surname of the author, personal ID), (Place of residence) doctoral thesis (title of the thesis) Doctoral thesis in two copies as well as all document required for the Promotion process have been submitted in accordance with the requirements set in the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia as of 27th December 2005 No. 1001 „On procedure and criteria for conferral of doctoral degrees in science”: 1. Application of the doctoral thesis author on Promotion in the branch and sub branh of science with the advisor’s endorsement. 2. Synopsis of the doctoral thesis in Latvian language. 3. Certificate testifying the completion of doctoral study programme or successful completion of doctoral examinations. 4. List of scientific publications reflecting the results of doctoral research and their copies. 5. Author’s CV. 6. Excerpts from the minutes of the sitting of the structural unit that testifies that the scientific novelty and author’s personal contribution to the doctoral thesis was elaborated and discussed. 7. Application to recognise the academic activity as in conformity with Doctoral study programme "Communication Management" requirements. 8. Doctoral thesis and its annotation (Latvian and English) in electronic form as PDF file. Head of ZD (signature) Received by: (Name, surname ) 12 Thesis author (signature) (Name, surname ) Appendix 2 School of Business Administration Turiba Education institution registration No.3343800213, Graudu street68, Riga, LV - 1058, telephone67622551, 67619008, fax67619152, e-mail: turiba@turiba.lv, www.turiba.lv No. Riga ____________________________ (Name, Surname of the Candidate ) On recognition of academic activity We would like to inform you that School of Business Administration Turiba’s Faculty council as of (Name of BAT faculty) __. ___. 201___, minutes No. __ reviewed your documents regarding recognition academic activity to the requirements of the accredited doctoral study programme (branch of science) and found that in accordance with the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic Yes No of Latvia as of 27th December 2005 No. 1001 you have: 1. Independently carried out thematically unified research that provides new scientific ideas and which has been published or accepted for publication as scientific article in the relevant branch or sub branch of science. 2. Successfully completed the doctoral examinations foreseen in the doctoral study programme. 3. Presented a paper on results of doctoral research in at least one international seminar or conference in the relevant branch or sub branch of science 4. Supervised at least one student’s course paper, qualification paper, diploma thesis, bachelor thesis or master’s thesis or have given lectures to the scope of at least one credit point at a higher education institution or supervised at least three practice work of students; 5. Managed a working group as a part of research project, participated in the organisation of at least one international seminar or conference or carried out research in cooperation with foreign research institutions, other Latvian research institutions and enterprises. Therefore your academic activity IS / IS NOT recognised as meeting the requirements of BAT doctoral study programme requirements. 1.-5. Grounds for refusal in case of negative decision. Your documents and doctoral thesis have been forwarded to the BAT Doctoral Board in the branch of science for review. You will receive further information regarding the progress from the Board secretary Name, Surname, address, office telephone. OR You can collect your documents back from the BAT ZD till ________________ 201__. You are entitled to amend the irregularities and submit the documents again but not earlier than 3 months 13 from the date of decision of the council /science council. The decision of the Council can be contested within a month at the LZP. Chairperson of the Council _______________/___________ 14 Appendix 3. School of Business Administration Turiba Education institution registration No.3343800213, Graudu street68, Riga, LV - 1058, telephone67622551, 67619008, fax67619152, e-mail: turiba@turiba.lv www.turiba.lv CERTIFICATE Riga __.__.201_. No. ________________________ (Name, surname of the Candidate) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Does not conform Having acquainted with and discussed the doctoral thesis type and title of the author Name, surname, the doctoral board in branch of science (sub branch) has found that the author in accordance with Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia as of 27th December 2005 No. 1001 has: Justified the choice of the theme, defined the goals and tasks of research, described the scientific achievements in the field of research and methods used, described as well as discussed the results and ideas, summarised them as conclusions and has proposed the thesis for defence Submitted the doctoral thesis as an original complete research, whose results have a significant role in the relevant sub branch of science Carried out research to the scope that meets the requirements of the study programme and board regulations Applied modern day analysis and data processing methods Conform On approval of thesis for Promotion Published the results in scientific journals or as a monograph or has patented his/her work as intellectual property Presented the research results in international conferences or seminars To the Board’s knowledge the work is not a fraud or plagiarism and has not breached nay scientific ethics Title of the thesis of the author’s name, surname IS / IS NOT approved for Promotion at the School of Business Administration Turiba Doctoral Board in branch of science (sub branch) 1.-7. Grounds for refusal in case of negative decision. Board members: 1. acad. office, name , surname, chairperson of the board 2. acad. office, name , surname, vice-chairperson of the board 3. acad. office, name , surname, board secretary 4. acad. office, name , surname Reviewers 5. acad. office, name , surname, research institution 6. acad. office, name , surname, research institution 7. acad. office, name , surname, research institution To ensure the further smooth flow of the promotion process the author has to submit to the board till____.______ 201_ the following: 1. No. of copies of doctoral thesis in _____________ language 2. No. of copies of synopsis in Latvian 3. No. of copies of synopsis in _____________ language 15 4. doctoral thesis and the synopsis in electronic form as ________________ file Preliminary promotion date: “_____”____________ 201__ Promotion costs shall be covered by Source of funds Board contact person for issues connected with promotion: position, name, surname, address of place of work and telephone The decision of the Board can be contested within a month at the LZP. Head of ZD Board secretary Signature Signature Name, surname Name, surname I have been acquainted with the decision as of “_____”____________ 201__ of the Doctoral Board in branch of science, sub branch at School of Business Administration Turiba. I undertake to submit the required number of copies of the doctoral thesis and synopsis in the languages mentioned as well as the version in electronic form. I hereby agree to: 1. Reviewers assigned for the doctoral thesis; 2. Date of promotion; 3. Procedure for covering promotion costs; 4. Publication of part of doctoral part on School of Business Administration Turiba homepage. Author of doctoral thesis Signature Name, surname Date 16 Appendix 4 ____.____.201__. sitting, minutes. No.____ Ballot paper for award of doctoral degree in sub branch by the doctoral board in branch of science, sub branch of School of Business Administration Turiba. Candidate for the science degree Name, Surname Science Degree AWARD REJECT Strike out the unnecessary word 17 Appendix 5 APPROVED by School of Business Administration Turiba ___________________ Chairperson of the doctoral board (signature, name, surname) ____.____20___. The voting record sheet No. _____ on the conferral of science degree by the doctoral board in ___________of School of Business Administration Turiba Candidate Name, surname Title of the thesis The doctoral degree in branch of science and sub branch to be awarded Board consists of _______ members, _______ members participated in the sitting. _______ ballot papers were distributed. _______ballot papers left. Voting results: Votes for _______, votes against _______ , _______ ballot papers invalid. Voting results: The committee summarises that doctoral degree in science ___________________________ branch _______________________ sub branch should be awarded/rejected _______________________________ (candidate), as he/she has gathered/has not gathered the necessary number of votes, that is more than half of the number of board members present. Chairperson of the vote counting committee Secretary of the vote counting committee Member of the vote counting committee Signature Signature Signature Name, surname Name, surname Name, surname