Film Analysis Guide for Romeo + Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann

Film Analysis Guide for Romeo + Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann
1. Who delivers the prologue (Two households both alike…) at the beginning of the movie?
2. What is the setting of this movie (time & place)?
3. What color represents the Capulets?
4. What color represents the Montagues?
5. Who gets injured during the big shootout?
6. Who stops the big shootout?
7. The TV news reporter and Capt. Prince indicate that this is the ______ civil brawl.
8. According to Capt. Prince, what will be the consequence if there’s another fight?
9. When we first meet Romeo, what is he doing?
10. Next, we see Mr. Capulet & Paris talking in an elevator. What does Paris want?
11. While playing pool with Benvolio, Romeo reveals that he is in love with _______________.
12. When we first meet Juliet, she and her family are preparing for a ______________.
13. Her mother wants her to meet/check out _______________.
14. On the way to the party, Romeo says he doesn’t want to go because he had a ________________.
15. Mercutio responds by delivering a monologue about Queen ___________; she is in charge of __________.
Then he takes a _________.
16. At the party, Juliet and Romeo meet by the ____________________.
17. After the party, Romeo sneaks back to Juliet’s house and stands outside her ____________. When he sees her
light come on, he declares, “What light through yonder window ____________? It is the ___________ and
Juliet is the _____________.”
18. She is delivering a soliloquy and Romeo is eavesdropping. She claims, “Wherefore art thou
______________?......What is Montague? It is nor __________, nor ___________, nor arm, nor face, nor any
other _______________ belonging to a man…What’s in a name? That which we call a ______ by any other
word would smell as sweet”
19. What is Juliet’s reaction when Romeo reveals himself? Why does she react this way?
20. While in the ______________________, Romeo tells Juliet he loves her and swears by the __________. She
tells him not to swear by this because ______________.
21. As they are leaving the pool, Romeo complains that she is leaving him ________________. He wants her to
22. Then, they agree to _________________ the next day.
23. After leaving Juliet, Romeo goes to see ____. He tells him about last night and asks the friar to _____.
24. The friar is shocked by Romeo’s sudden change of devotion and declares, “Young men’s love then lies not truly
in their hearts, but in their __________.
25. Despite some misgivings, he agrees to marry them because he thinks it will “turn your households’ rancor to
__________” and he cautions, “Wisely and slow. They ____________ that run fast.”
26. Next, Romeo meets up with his friends at ____. Juliet’s __comes to find out the details of the ______.
27. The plan is that Juliet will pretend to go to ____________.
28. When the nurse returns home, she doesn’t tell Juliet right away. What does she do instead?
29. After the wedding, Romeo and his friends are confronted by ____________ and his gang.
30. Romeo doesn’t want to injure Tybalt because _________________________.
31. Mercutio fights Tybalt instead, and Tybalt stabs Mercutio with _______________.
32. Mercutio declares, “A ____, a ____....Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a ______ man.”
33. Next, we cut to Juliet. What is she looking forward to?
34. How does Romeo react to the death of Mercutio?
35. Describe the weather before, during and after these deaths.
36. After Romeo kills Tybalt, he screams, “I am Fortune’s ________!”
37. After killing Tybalt, Romeo goes to the Friar’s house. What does he do at the Friar’s house?
38. After encouragement from the Friar and the Nurse, Romeo goes to see _____________.
39. What do Romeo and Juliet do that night?
40. In the morning, they are arguing over whether the bird singing is a ____ or a ______.
41. When Romeo leaves, Juliet has a vision. What does she imagine?
42. Juliet’s mother comes in to tell her that ___________________________.
43. Juliet gets into a fight with _______________________.
44. Distraught, Juliet goes to see _____________________.
45. He develops a plan. She will take a potion that will make her seem dead for ______________. Meanwhile, he
will send a message to ________________.
46. Why doesn’t Romeo get the message from Friar Laurence?
47. When Balthasar tells Romeo that Juliet is dead, he screams, “I defy you ___________!”
48. Romeo buys ____________ from an “apothecary”. It is illegal to sell this, but the man agrees b/c ____.
49. What is Juliet surrounded by? Why do you think this is so?
50. Once he gets to Juliet’s body, what does he do?
51. When she wakes up, she tries to poison herself by __________________.
52. That doesn’t work so she _____________________________________.
53. Who delivers the epilogue (never was there a story of more woe…)?
54. At the end of the movie, flashbacks are shown of Romeo and Juliet. What are some of the images shown?
55. What motif (recurring image) was used in the movie?
56. Why do you think the director included this motif?
57. Look back at questions 15, 18, 20, 24, 25, & 38. All of these details pertain to the themes of this story. In your
opinion, what is one of the themes of this story and why do you think that?