Puritan Notes worksheet

(To be completed as you watch/listen to PP on my webpage)
I. Where does the term Puritan come from?( A) First used in ________________ to
_________________a group of people that wanted to __________ the Church of England.
B) 1641 Satirical Cartoon – What about Puritan worship is the artist mocking in the cartoon?
II. Why did the Puritans want to break away from the Church of England?
A) The Church of England was too similar to which denomination? _______________________________
1) Issue of Disagreement: They felt the Anglican/Catholic form of worship strayed too far from the
________________________ of worship dictated by the New Testament of the Bible.
2) Issue of Disagreement: They didn’t believe there needed to be a _______________________ that
controlled churches.
According to Daniel Neale’s quote, for the Puritans, what are their criteria for worship?
3) Issue of Disagreement: In the Church of England _______________ appointed ministers. They felt
ministers should be elected by members of _____________________________________________.
4) Issue of Disagreement: They believed religion to be a
_______________________________________--that one did not need a priest or bishop or the
government to be a “middle man” to God.
III. Consequences of their disagreement with the Church of England
A) They suffered _________________________________________
B) As a result…they came to America in ____________________
IV. Puritan Beliefs
A) Certainties:
1) Adam and Eve ____________; therefore, most of humanity would be ___________ for eternity.
2) God decides who will be going to heaven ________________________.
B) Puritan Doubts:
1) Am I one of the “_____________” (the Puritan term for saved) or one of the damned?
2) How do you know if you’re ______________ or ________________?
C) The State of the Soul
There were two ways to uncover the state of your soul:
1) You were saved by the ____________ of God, and you could feel this grace arriving in an intensely
_____________________ fashion.
2) After receiving grace, you were “___________,” and you behaved like a _____________.
3) Because of this uncertainty, American Puritans attempted to live __________________ lives.
What does the account of the mother in John Winthrop’s journal reveal about the difficulty of the
Puritan state of mind?__________________________________________________________________
V. What Puritans valued…
A) ________________--pulling yourself up by your bootstraps
B) ________________--hard work
Look at this excerpt from a Puritan sermon. What is idleness? (look it up)______________________
In the metaphor being idle is compared to what? ______________________________________
C) Self-restraint—from ____________ and _____________. List three behaviors from the chart
considered to be sins of the flesh: ______________________________________________________
D) Dress, worship, and architecture were… _______________________________________________
E) Education: _______________________________________________________________________
VI. Puritan Politics
A) Signed and wrote the _____________________--one of America’s first democratic documents….
B) Yet, they also lived under a ________________--a government ruled by God and religious leaders.
Believed the saintly “_______________” should be in charge
C) __________were not allowed to participate in _______ _____________ or decision making for the
D) Believed the ___________ had the right to control its members for the sake of _________________.
VII. Puritan Writing
A) Main forms of writing during time period:_______________________________________________
B) Type of writing or reading NOT occurring yet in America:
VIII. The Difficult Side of Puritan Life (Go to PP: Puritan Notes Part II)
A) Many activities such as _____________ or games were considered sinful, not because they were
evil, but because they wasted time that should be devoted to __________________ _________.
B) Holidays such as _____________ were considered too _______________.
C) Two-man ________________ monitored church _________________ and town meetings
D) Minding other people’s ________________________ was common and encouraged.
E) The role of children: ___________________________________________________________
Why was the average Puritan family large? _________________________________________
IX. Though They Have a Reputation for Being Strict:
A) The Puritans were a community that supported one another—gathering to “_______ ___ _________”
when building new farms and homes
C) There were ___________ with “potent cider”—mostly “ne’er-do-wells” hung out there. And the
Puritans did drink ___________.
D) It’s a myth that they wore only _________. They often dressed in __________ colors.
E) They were _________________ people who did enjoy celebrations.
F) And they ________________, while other new communities in America did not.
X. Native Americans and the Wilderness
A) Native Americans did _______________ once Puritans began taking
over their _____________.
B) _______________ and the desire for _______________ meant the
Puritans _______________ very few Native Americans.
C) The wilderness was feared and thought to be the
XI. The Salem Witch Trials
A) Salem’s name comes from _______________________.
B) In ________________ two girls began having fits and were diagnosed as victims of
C) Urged to name those responsible for their condition, the girls accused two _____________________
D) One could survive by __________________ to being a witch…and…by _________________ more
alleged witches.
E) Zealous ________________ and leaders made it their mission to rid Salem and all of Massachusetts
of witchcraft.
F) Within ten months, ____________________ people were accused of witchcraft in Salem.
G) _______________________innocent people were hanged and one was “pressed” to death.