

Mr. Scott/ Mr. Utz

Thesis and Rough Outline

1. Now that you have finalized your paper idea, it is time to complete the final focus of your topic. This is done so through writing the thesis statement for your paper. A thesis statement is a sentence or two, which indicates to the reader what you are trying to accomplish in the paper. All of the information in your paper should be directly related to supporting your thesis statement. The thesis statement will help your determine the organization of, and approach to your paper.

Points to keep in mind when writing your thesis statement:

Write your statement in a declarative sentence. Avoid putting your thesis statement in a question, phrase, or word.

Write a thesis statement that is somewhat open to argument, debate, or speculation. Your reader will then want to read on to see how you prove your point with facts and data.

Make sure your thesis statement covers only what you plan to discuss in your paper.


Remember, no first (I or me


or second (you or your) person should be in your thesis.

EXAMPLE Topic: JFK Assassination

Thesis: Despite the Warren Commission’s conclusion that Oswald acted alone, evidence

indicates that it was a conspiracy that killed President Kennedy.

2. The rough outline is a general outline of the main topics you will research. This tentative outline will function as a guide to your research. The subtopics of your outline will serve as your guidelines on your note cards. As you gather information, you will reorganize your outline to present what you have found to support your thesis. Many of you will be adding or deleting sections according to what information you can find.

EXAMPLE Topic: Causes of the American Revolution

Thesis: The Boston Tea Party and the British retaliation helped unify the American

colonists and pushed them to revolt against the British.

Rough Outline

I. Introduction (to come)

II. Regional disagreements

III. Planning by the Sons of Liberty

IV. The tea party

V. British reaction

VI. Americans unite

VII. Conclusion (to come)

*** Your Thesis and Rough Outline are due __________________________.

1 Colligan, Louise, Scholastic's A+ Guide to Research and Term Papers . pp. 23 - 25.
