
Challenging The Benchmark: An Analysis of The Select Short Stories Of Ambai
( C. S. Lakshmi )
Executive Summary
Perpetuating stereotyped images of the submissive, self-sacrificing woman has
been the aim of most patriarchal cultures and discourses throughout the world. Trying to
challenge the established ‘roles’ and ‘rules’, prescribed for women, and ‘recast’ the image of
women from a women’s perspective has been the main agenda of most Feminist writers.
Though there may be many women writers who have attempted to voice women’s issues, yet
there are very few writers who are actively involved and associated with serious research in
this area. This project is a study of the story stories of Ambai, a distinguished Tamil short
story writer, to identify the ways and means in which she challenges the
conventional identity of women. The study is based on two collections of stories by Ambai,
which have been translated into English by Lakshmi Holmstrom the A Purple Sea and In A
Forest : A Deer.
The study reveals that Ambai’s revolutionary writings are an attempt to explore
and give expression to women’s problems from a different perspective. She is against the
conventional stereotyped imaging of women that are perpetuated in the society, and requests
other women writers to stop reinforcing the popular and conventional images of women and
write the truth. Ambai sets an agenda for herself and for other modern Tamil women writers
to find and develop a newer and freer form of expression in Tamil that will be able to
articulate more truly the real experiences of women
The story of subjugation of women has its roots in the myths and legends
which are very popular in India. Our tradition is full of stereotypes like the pure Sita, loyal
Draupadi, beautiful Lakshmi, devotes Savithri, strong Durga and bounteous Annapurna etc
and these legendary and mythological images are thrust on women. Ambai, attempt to re-
write the myths and legends from a woman’s perspective, in a very controversial manner. As
a writer, she is of the opinion that women should come forward and boldly present the truth
and give expression or voice to the silences of women who have been silenced for centuries
Ambai, who considers writing as a vehicle to communicate her views openly,
destabilizes patriarchal structuring of female roles. She shocks the readers by raising very
pertinent questions through her characters, who are reluctant, to adhere to or comply with the
views and beliefs that have been ingrained in the society for centuries. In a culture where
individualism and protest among women are alien ideas, and where marital bliss and the
women’s role in the house a central focus, Ambai presents through her stories not the image
of the suffering woman , but that of a stoic woman breaking traditional boundaries.
Ambai employs a variety of narrative forms and mixed texts like letters,
dispatches, journals, emails, and attachments, and in one of her stories, a folder of notes,
memos and articles. Yet the art of Ambai’s writing is the effortless art with which she
undermines prevailing views and attempts to create a new language for communicating her
ideas. She gently introduces the reader to the multiple perspectives of life and each of her
character has a different story to tell and each one tells it in a completely different manner.
There is a feminist angst palpable in her writing, but it is kept under strict control. There is a
quiet ironic humour pervading throughout her writing, coupled with an inner strength, that
makes her even less significant characters dignified.