Lesson Plan LESSON PLAN Date: 13/III/09 Health and Safety Referencing: Accommodation: Lecturer’s Name: Richard LLopis Course: Unit / Module: Coursework Level: Topic: Photosynthesis Time: 1:00 H407 Week number: Equipment: see resources COSHH: n.a. Biology A2 Number of learners: 9 Particular considerations: none. PPE: Lesson aim: Objectives: Activities to achieve objectives: Differentiation What do you want to achieve? By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: How will you check that learning is taking place? Examples The light-dependent reaction in such detail as to show that • light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll • energy from these excited electrons generates ATP and reduced NADP • the production of ATP involves electron transfer associated with the electron transfer chain in chloroplast membranes • photolysis of water produces protons, electrons and oxygen. 1. 2. 3. 4. Give examples on how all biological processes need energy 1. Describe the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate and its role as the immediate source of energy for biological processes. And to know the structure of a chloroplast 2. Explain how photosynthesis can be split into two stages Recall how non-cyclic photophosphorylation produces ATP, reduced NADP and oxygen 3. 5. 4. 5. Produce an general diagram of metabolic pathway for photosynthesis Metabolic map on light dependent reactions for photosynthesis Past questions Examples Assertive questioning Lecture, note taking Resources Computers Data projector Interactive board Coloured paper Graduated interactive questions Peer support A3 paper /pens Mind mapping ILT Handouts Assertive questions Visual/audio CDROM (Campbell) Art materials posters Gapped handouts White board/pens Other: past exam questions Time: 1:00 Content Lecturer activity: Learner activity: Method of assessment – What aspects of the topic are covered in this lesson? (If there is a learning support worker/tutor, what will they be doing too?) (And which specific resources will you be using for each activity?) How will you check that learning has taken place? Examples- peer assessment/Q& A/test Welcome + intro to the Register Individual answers to questions Correct answers unit Objectives Note taking Correct notes Recap questions from AS unit (assertive Poster Correct formulas in poster questioning) Explanation of ATP and ADP cycling GC/SB/Coaching/June 08 1:15 Light dependent and light Interactive use of CD-ROM Copy of the general diagram of photosynthesis Correct diagram non-cyclic Interactive use of CD-ROM Copy and understand the metabolic pathway for the light Correct notes and diagram photophosphorylation Whiteboard work dependant processes in poster Interactive questions individual answers to questions Correct answers Recap of main points Correct answers Q+A Assertive questioning of pairs Post-it notes on unclear points Learner feedback on post-it independent 1:30 2:15 recap Set homework of past exam questions Past exam questions completed for the next lesson Communication Skills for life and work (including functional skills) please tick and write in the level of the areas you will be covering Presentation Reading Discussion / speaking listening Numeracy Collecting information IT Searching information Problem solving Identify problem Improving own learning and performance Working with others Plan their learning Making calculations Writing Presenting findings Developing information Presenting information Plan solution Identify support needed Review problem solving skills Review performance Identify roles Being Healthy Important points to raise so that learners are: Physically healthy Mentally & emotionally healthy Sexually healthy Have healthy lifestyle and choose not GC/SB/Coaching/June 08 Carry out task Review group performance Every Learner Matters: please or highlight the areas you will be covering in this lesson Staying Safe Important Enjoying and Achieving Making a positive Achieving Economic points to raise so that learners Important points to raise so that contribution Important points to Well-being Important points are safe from: learners: Maltreatment Neglect Violence Attend and enjoy College Achieve stretching national educational standards at College raise so that learners: Engage in to raise so that learners: decision making and support the community and environment Engage in law-abiding and positive Engage in Further Education, training and employment on leaving College to take illegal drugs Sexual exploitation Accidental injury and death Bullying, discrimination, crime, anti-social behaviour (in and out of College) Have security, stability and are cared for Correct use of equipment Achieve personal and social development and enjoy recreation behaviour in and out of College Develop positive relationships and choose not to bully and discriminate Develop self-confidence and successfully deal with significant life changes and challenges Develop enterprising behaviour Are ready for employment (or HE) Live in decent homes and sustainable communities Have access to transport and material goods Equality and diversity: How do you ensure that all of your learners get a fair share of your efforts, smiles and good humour whatever their ethnicity, gender or class, irrespective of how shy or self confident, co operative or disruptive, weak or able? (Geoff Petty) With all learners; greet them with a smile, make eye contact, address questions to named individuals, ensure that resources and lesson reflect a multicultural society, support and encourage them to achieve their personal best in the practical assessment Link to previous lesson: What worked well in this lesson? What should I change? Link to next lesson: GC/SB/Coaching/June 08