1 UNIV X350: THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT Change Essay (40 Points, 10% of Your Final Grade) 1. Create a Journal of Laws and Lessons regarding the process of change as we study case studies of change in class. Staple your Journal to the back of your Change Essay. Your Journal does NOT need to be typed. It can be notes you took in class. 2. In a 1,000 – 1,200 word Change Essay, describe what you learned about how to achieve change from the case studies and from your readings. Cite specific examples illustrating and/or supporting Laws and Lessons of Change from the case studies and your readings. Requirements for Change Essay 1,000 – 1,200 Words Word Count at Bottom of Last Page Name in Top Right Corner Everything Typed or Computer Printed Double Spaced No Cover Pages, Folders, or Binders Due in Political Science Office (47-14A) by 3:30 pm on Monday, December 11. The Grading Rubric for the Change Essay on the Next Page Will be Used to Grade Your Essay 2 Grading Rubric Change Essay 40 Points 70% SUBSTANCE (28 Points Possible) Full and Direct Response to Assignment Comprehensive and Concrete Understanding of Material Clear and Concise Extended Thinking (compare and contrast, deduce and induce) Critical Thinking (conclusions based on evaluation and judgement) Poor Below Ave Average Good Excellent l__________l___________l___________l____________l 0 - 15 16 20 24 28 0 30%: MECHANICS (12 Points Possible) Spelling, Grammar, Punctuation Errors 2-3 4-5 6+ Points -2 -4 -8 - 12 MINUS POINTS Not Submitted on Time on Assigned Date -6 points Not Typed or Computer Printed -6 points Name Not in Top Right Corner -4 points < or > 1,000-1,200 words -4 points 1,201 words or more -8 points Change Journal Not Attached -20 points Other Instances of Instructions Not Followed -To Be Determined