to the bibliography - HUC-JIR

A Practical Bibliography of Contemporary Jewish Thought
Based on readings students have found useful.
Revised October 2008 by Jill Cozen Harel and Dr. Eugene B. Borowitz
Adler, Rachel. Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics.
The Jewish Publication Society, 1998.
Alpert, Rebecca. Like Bread on the Seder Plate. New York: Columbia
University Press,
Ariel, David S., What Do Jews Believe? The Spiritual Foundations of
Judaism. New York: Schocken Books, 1995.
Berkovits, Eliezer. God Man and History. Jerusalem: Shalem, 2004.
Borowitz, Eugene B. Judaism after Modernity, Papers from a Decade of
Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1999.
Borowitz, Eugene B. Renewing the Covenant. Philadelphia: Jewish
Publication Society,
Eugene Borowitz, Studies in the Meaning of Judaism, Jewish Publication
Society, 2002
Borowitz, Eugene B. and Frances W. Schwartz A
Touch of the Sacred: A Theologian’s Informal Guide to Jewish
Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 2007.
Cohen, Arthur and Paul Mendes-Flohr. Contemporary Jewish Religious
Thought. New
York: Charles Schribner's Sons, 1987.
Dorff, Elliot. Knowing God. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson Inc., 1992.
Dorff, Elliot and Louis Newman. Contemporary Jewish Theology, A
Reader. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1999
Eisen, Arnold. Rethinking Modern Judaism, Ritual, Commandment,
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.
Fackenheim, Emil. The Jewish Thought of Emil Fackenheim. Detroit:
Wayne State
University Press, 1987.
Gibbs, Robert. Correlations Between Rosenzweig and Levinas. Princeton:
University Press, 1992
Gillman, Neil. Sacred Fragments. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society,
Gillman, Neil. Traces of God: seeing God in Torah, History, and Everyday
Life. Woodstock, VM: Jewish Lights Publishing, 2006.
Goodman, Lenn. God of Abraham. New York: Oxford University Press,
Green, Arthur, Seek My Face, Speak My Name. Northvale, NJ: Jason
Aronson Inc., 1992.
Hartman, David. A Heart of Many Rooms: Celebrating the Many Voices
within Judaism. Woodstock: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1999.
Hartman, David. A Living Covenant: The Innovative Spirit in Traditional
Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1998.
Hertzberg, Arthur, and Hirt-Manehimer, Aron. Jews: The Essence and
Character of a People. San Francisco: Harper, 1998.
Kaufman, William E. Contemporary Jewish Philosophy, (Detroit 1992,
Wayne University Press)
Katz, Steven. Post-Holocaust Dialogues. New York: New York University
Press, 1983.
Kepnes, Steven, ed. Interpreting Judaism in a Postmodern Age. New York:
New York
University Press, 1996.
Kugel, James. On Being a Jew. New York: HarperSanFrancisco, 1990.
Kushner, Harold. To Life!: A Celebration of Jewish Being and Thinking.
Boston, Mass:
Little, Brown and Company, 1993.
Morgan, Michael. Interim Judaism: Jewish Thought in a Century of Crisis.
IN: Indiana University Press, 2001
Stephane Moses. System and Revelation The Philosophy of Franz
Rosenzweig. (Detroit 1992, Wayne University Press)
Ochs, Peter, Robert Gibbs and Stephen Kepnes. Reasoning after
Revelation: Dialogue in
Postmodern Jewish Philosophy. Boulder, CO: Westview Press,
Ochs, Peter. Reviewing the Covenant, Eugene B. Borowitz and the
Postmodern Renewal
of Jewish Theology, with Eugene B. Borowitz. Albany, NY: SUNY
Press, 2000.
Plaskow, Judith. Standing Again at Sinai. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.
Samuelson, Norbert. An Introduction to Modern Jewish Philosophy.
Albany: SUNY
Press, 1990.
Samuelson, Nornert. Judaism of the Doctrine of Creation. Cambridge:
University Press, 1994.
Schweid, Eliezer. Jewish Thought in the 20th Century. Atlanta: Scholars
Press, 1992
Seeskin, Kenneth. Searching for a Distant God. New York: Oxford
University Press,
Sonsino, Rifat and Daniel B. Syme. Finding God. New York: UAHC
Press, 2002.
Sonsino, Rifat, ed. The Many Faces of God. New York: URJ Press, 2004.
Weiss-Halivni, David. Revelation Restored, Divine Writ and Critical
Responses. Boulder,
CO: Westview Press, 1997.
Wyschogrod, Michael. The Body of Faith. New York: Seabury, 1983.
(Also see ZIONISM)
Alexander, Edward. "Seeking Ease in Exile," Judaism, Summer 1983.
Auerbach, Jerold S. “Are We One? Jewish Identity in the United States
and Israel.” New Brunswick, N.J., 2001.
Aviv, Caryn and Schneer, David. New Jews: The End of the Jewish
Diaspora. New York:
New York University Press, 2005.
Biale, David, review of Arnold Eisen. "Galut: Modern Jewish Reflection on
Homelessness and Homecoming." Judaism, Summer 1990.
Don-Yehiya, Eliezer. "The Negation of Galut in Religious Zionism." Modern
12:2 (May 1992): 129-155.
Gordis, Daniel. "When Only Half a Dream Comes True." Tikkun.
March/April 1998: 7778.
Golan, Matti. With Friends Like You. New York: The Free Press, 1992.
Halpern, Ben. "Exile and Redemption: A Secular Zionist View." In Judaism,
Hertzberg, Arthur. "Israel and Diaspora: A Relationship Reexamined." In
The Jewish
Condition, by Aron Hirt Manheimer. New York: UAHC Press, 1995.
Hertzberg, Arthur. The Zionist Idea: A Historical Analysis. New York:
Atheneum, 1981.
Lando, Michal, “Coming Home: The Reform Movement Embraces Aliyah,”
Jerusalem Post, July 4, 2007.
Levine, Etan, ed. Diaspora: Exile and the Contemporary Jewish Condition.
New York:
Steimatzky-Shapolsky, 1986.
Maslin, Simeon J. "American Galut: Negation and Affirmation." In CCAR
Vol. 98, 1988.
Wurzburger, Walter S. "There Need Be No Conflict." In Judaism, Summer
Yehoshua, A. B. “Exile as a Neurotic Solution.” Contemporary Jewish
Theology. Edited
by Elliot Dorff and Louis Newman. New York: Oxford University
Press, 1999.
Yoffie, Eric. “A Response to A.B. Yehoshua.” CCAR Journal. Spring 2007.
Adler, Rachel. Engendering Judaism. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication
Artson, Bradley Shavit. "Halachah and Ethics: The Holy and the Good."
Judaism, Spring 1994.
Artson, Bradley Shavit. "Integrating Tradition and Change." Conservative
Winter 1992.
Berkovits, Eliezer. Not in Heaven. New York: KTAV Publishing, 1983.
Borowitz, Eugene B. Exploring Jewish Ethics: Papers on Covenant
Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1990.
Borowitz, Eugene B. "'Halakhah' in Reform Jewish Usage: Historic
Background and
Current Discourse." In CCAR Journal, Fall 2002.
Breslauer, Daniel, “Building a Postmodern Reform Judaism: The Example
of Eugene B.
Borowitz,” in Platforms and Prayer Books: Theological and Liturgical
Perspectives on Reform Judaism, New York: Rowman and
Littlefield, 2003.
Bronstein, Herbert. “Mitzvah and Autonomy: the oxymoron of Reform
Tikkun. July/August 1999. Vol 14:4. pp 41-44. With Responses by
Sylvia Barack
Fishman and Rabbis Eric Yoffie, Elliot Dorff and Emanuel Feldman
pp. 45-47
and 56.
CCAR. “Responsa: A Non-Traditional Sukkah.” 5755:4.
CCAR. “Responsa: The Synagogue Thrift Shop and Shabbat.” 5757.7
Cedarbaum, Daniel Goldman. "The Role of Halakha in Reconstructionist
Decision Making." The Reconstructionist 65, no 2. (Spring 2001): 29-38.
Robert Cover, “The Supreme Court 1982 Term, Foreword: Nomos and
Narrative,” Harvard Law Review, 1983.
Dorff, Elliott. "Autonomy vs. Community," Conservative Judaism. Vol
XLVIII, no. 2,
Winter, 1996. Borowitz Response, "Reform Judaism of Reviewing
the Covenant,"
and Dorff Rejoinder, "Matters of Degree and Kind," both in
Judaism, Vol. L, No. 1, Fall 1997. All these articles published in the
"Defining Ourselves." Samek Institute at HUC-JIR, 1998.
Dorff, Elliot N. For the Love of God and People: A Philosophy of Jewish
Law. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2007.
Dorff, Elliot N. “Formulating Jewish Law for our Time.”
Dorff, Elliot N. The Unfolding Tradition: Jewish Law after Sinai. Aviv Press.
York. 2005
Dorff, Elliot N. and Louis E. Newman, eds. Contemporary Jewish Ethics
and Morality.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Eisen, Arnold. "Autonomy, Community, and Covenant: Liberal Judaism
Confronts the
Twenty-First Century." In Freedom and Responsibility: Exploring the
Challenges of the Jewish Community. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav
Publishing, 1998.
Ellenson, David. "Autonomy and Norms in Reform Judaism." In CCAR
Journal, Vol.
XLVI, No. 2 Issue 181, Spring 1999:21-28.
Ellenson, David. "The Challenges of Halakhah." Judaism. 38, Summer
Ellenson, David. "Halakhah for Liberal Jews." In The Reconstructionist,
March 1988.
Ellenson, David and Michael White. "Moshe Zemer's Halakhah Shefuyah:
An Israeli
Vision of Reform Halakhah." CCAR Journal (Spring/Summer 1996).
Ellenson, David. "Jewish Legal Interpretations: Literary, Scriptural, Social
and Ethical
Perspectives." In Semeia, 1985.
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva. "Toward a Liberal Theory of Halakha." In Tikkun,
Freehof, Solomon. "A Reform View of Jewish Law." In Journey Through
Judaism, ed.
Alan Bennet, New York: UAHC Press, 1991.
Friedman, Daniel. "After Halakhah, What?" Humanistic
Judaism.Winter/Spring, 1996.
Frishman, Elyse D. "A Theology of Dialogue." In Sh'ma, 2/467, February 4,
Frymer-Kensky, Tikvah. "The Feminist Challenge to Halakhah," Harvard
Law School
1994. 12 April, 2006.
Frymer-Kensky, Tikvah. "Halakhah, Law, and Feminism," Conservative
Winter, 1995.
Frymer-Kensky, Tikvah. "Toward a Liberal Theory of Halakhah," Tikkun.
Gibbs, Robert. Why Ethics? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
Gillman, Neil. "Authority and Parameters in Jewish Decision Making." The
Reconstructionist 59, no. 2 (Fall 1994), 73-79.
Goldstein, Nile E. and Peter S. Knobel. Duties of the Soul: The Role of
in Liberal Judaism. New York: UAHC Press, 1999.
Gordis, Robert, ed., "Halakhah, Authority and the Future of Judaism." In
Winter 1980.
Gutoff, Joshua. “Against the Law.” Conservative Judaism. Vol XLVII, No.
3, Spring
1995. 28-36.
Haas, Peter J. "Reform Judaism and Halacha: A Rapprochement?" In
Platforms and
Prayer Books: Theological and Liturgical Perspectives on Reform
Judaism. New
York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.
Hartman, D. B. "Halakhah." In Contemporary Jewish Thought, E. Elston,
et. Al., eds.
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Henkin, Alan. "Kashrut and Autonomy." In CCAR Journal, Vol. XLVI, No. 4,
Issue 183,
Fall 1999: 1-6.
Heschel, Abraham Joshua. "Toward an Understanding of Halacha." In
Moral Grandeur
And Spiritual Audacity, ed. Ed. Susannah Heschel. New York:
Farrar, Strauss,
Giroux, 1996, 127-45.
Hirt-Manheimer, Aron. “Is it time to Chart a New Course for Reform
Judaism? Rabbi Richard Levy Says Yes—by Reclaiming Once Rejected
Practices in Pursuit of Holiness.” An interview from Reform Judaism.
Winter 1998, Vol. 27:2 pp.10, 12, 18-22, and 54. With response by Robert
Seltzer. “This is Not the Way: The present draft of Rabbi Levy’s ‘Ten
Principles’ fails to convey the distinctive, ongoing mission of our
movement.” pp 23-24.
Jackson, Bernard S. “Jewish Law or Jewish Laws?” The Jewish Law
Annual, Vol. VIII.
Jacob, Walter and Moshe Zemer, eds. Dynamic Jewish Law: Progressive
Halakhah. Tel
Aviv: Rodef Shalom Press, 1991.
Jacob, Walter. “‘The Law of the Lord is Perfect’: Halakhah and
Antinomism in Reform
Judaism.” CCAR Journal. Summer 2004. 72-84.
Jacob, Walter, ed. Liberal Judaism and Halakhah. Pittsburgh: Rodeph
Shalom Press,
Jacob, Walter. "The Source of Reform Halachic Authority." In CCAR
Yearbook, 1980.
Jacob, Walter. "Standards Now." In Reform Judaism, Fall 1992.
Kunin, David. "The Halakhic Choice." In The Journal of Progressive
Judaism, No. 1, 1993.
Levy, Richard. "The Holy Makes Us Whole." Reform Judaism. Vol. 26, No
1. Fall, 1997.
Levy, Richard N. A Vision of Holiness: The Future of Reform Judaism.
New York: URJ
Press, 2005.
Markley, Geroge. "Educating Reform Jews Towards integration or
Differentiation." CCAR Journal Spring 1999
Mendes-Flohr, Paul. "Law and Sacrament: Ritual Observance in 20th
Century Jewish
Thought." In Jewish Spirituality. Ed. Arthur Green. New York:
Crossroad, 1987.
Mihaly, Eugene. "The Trouble with Limits." Reform Judaism, Winter 1994.
Morris, Leon. "Beyond Autonomy: The Texts and Our Lives." In Platforms
and Prayer
Books: Theological and Liturgical Perspectives on Reform Judaism.
New York:
Rowman and Littlefield, 2003.
Newman, Louis. "Learning to be Led: Reflections on Reform Judaism and
Halakhah." In
Reform Jewish Ethics and the Halakhah: An Experiment in Decision
Making, Eugene B. Borowitz, ed. New Jersey: Behrman House,
Novak, David. "Jewish Theology." In Modern Judaism, October 1990.
Plaskow, Judith. The Coming of Lilith: Essays on Feminism, Judaism, and
Sexual Ethics.
Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press, 2005.
Plaut, W. Gunther. "Can We Speak of Reform Halacha?" In CCAR
Yearbook, 1982.
Plaut, W. Gunther. "There are Limits: A CCAR Responsum." In Refrom
Judaisn, Winter
Plaut, W. Gunther. "Reform Judaism, Past, Present and Future." In Journal
of Reform
Judaism, Summer 1980.
Plaut, W. Gunther. Reform as an Adjective: What are the Limits?" In The
Condition: Essays on Contemporary Judaism Honoring Rabbi
Alexander M. Schindler, Aron Hirt-Manheimer, ed. New York: UAHC
Press, 1995, 350-361.
Podet, Mordecai. "Autonomy and Authority: The Dilemma of Reform." In
Yearbook, 1982.
Rayner, John D. Jewish Religious Law: A Progressive Perspective. New
York: Berghahn
Book, 1998.
Roth, Joel. The Halachic Process, A Systemic- Analysis. New York: The
Theological Seminary, 1986.
Scherman, Nosson. "Nonnegotiable Judaism." In Sh'ma, April 3, 1981.
Schreiber, Aaron M. Jewish Law and Decision-Making: A Study through
Time. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1979.
Schulweis, Harold M.. "The Character of Halakhah Entering the TwentyFirst Century."
Conservative Judaism, Summer, 1993.
Schulweis, Harold M. The Character of Halachah Entering the 21st
Century. Rabbinical
Assembly Keynote Address, March 22, 1993.
Seltzer, Robert. "This is not the Way." Reform Judaism, Winter, 1998.
Sokol, Moshe. Rabbinic Authority and Personal Autonomv. New Jersey:
Jason Aronson
Inc., 1992.
Stone, Ira, “From Middot to Mitzvot,” Conservative Judaism, 57, Summer
2005, 18-25.
Responses to Stone, 26-49.
Stroh, Michael S. and Rav Soloff. "Proposal for a National Beit Din." CCAR
Tucker, Gordon. "God, the Good and Halakhah." Judaism, Vol. 38, 1989.
Wallach, Benno M. "Whatever Happened to Reform Judaism?" In CCAR
Journal, Winter
Washofsky, Mark. “Against Method: Liberal Halakhah between Theory and
Washofshy, Mark. Jewish Living: A Guide to Contemporary Reform
Practice. New York:
UAHC Press, 2001.
Washofsky, Mark. "Responsa and the Reform Rabbinate." In W. Gunther
Plaut and
Washofsky, Teshuvot for the Nineties. New York: CCAR, 1997, pp
Wolf, Arnold J. "Post-Liberal Judaism." Reconstructionist, Summer, 1991.
Wolf, Arnold Jacob. “Reforming Reform Judaism.” From Judaism.
Summer 1999. 48:3.
pp 367-72.
Yuter, Alan. "Is Halakhah Really Law?" The Jewish Law Annual, Vol., VIII.
Zemel, Daniel G. From Code to Guide: From Theology to Sociology."
Journal of Reform
Judaism, Winter 1988.
Zemer, Rabbi Dr. Moshe, Evolving Halakhah: A Progressive Approach to
Jewish Law. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, 1999.
"The 'Chosen People' Reconsidered: A Symposium." Reconstructionist.
September 1984.
Agus, Jacob B. "The Covenant Concept - Particularistic or Futuristic?" In
Journal of
Ecumenical Studies, Spring, 1981.
Blumenthal, David, Book Review: The Living Covenant by David Hartman,
AJS Review Vol. 12, No. 2, Autumn 1987.
Breitbart, Sidney. The Challenge of God to Man: A Theology of
Responsible Freedom. Vantage Press: New York. 1994
Breslauer, S. Daniel. Covenant and Community in Modern Judaism. New
York: Greenwood Press, 1989.
Chapman, Lesley. "Educating Toward Commitment." CCAR Journal Spring
Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. “Judaism and Other Faiths,” The Myth of Religious
Superiority: Multifaith Explorations of Religious Pluralism, ed. Paul F.
Knitter. New York: Orbis Books, 2005.
Eisen, Arnold. The Chosen People in America. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press,
Eisen, Arnold. "Kaplan and Chosenness: A Historical View." In
September, 1984.
Eisen, Arnold. "The Rhetoric of Chosenness." Society.
November/December 1990.
Epstein, Lawrence J. "Jewish Universalism." Conservative Judaism. Spring
Friedman, Daniel. "Responsum." Humanistic Judaism. Autumn 1992.
Greenberg, Irving. "Voluntary Covenant." In Perspectives. New York:
National Jewish
Resource Center, 1982.
Greene, Daniel, “A Chosen People in a Pluralistic Nation: Horace Kallen
and the Jewish-American Experience, “Religion and American Culture: A
Journal of Interpretation Vol. 16, issue 2, 2006 The Center of Religion and
American Culture.
Hartman, David. A Living Covenant. New York: Free Press, 1985.
Held, Shai, The Promise and Peril of Jewish Barthianism: The Theology of
Michael Wyschogrod,” Modern Judaism 25:3, 2005.
Hertzberg, Arthur, and Hirt-Manehimer, Aron. “Relax. It’s OK to be the
Chosen People.” Reform Judaism Magazine. Summer 1998.
Hirsh, Richard A. "The Nuances of Chosenness: A Reconstructionist
Reconstructionist, September 1984.
Jospe, Raphael. "The Concept of the Chosen People: An Interpretation."
Judaism. Spring
Leibowitz, Yeshayahu. "The Uniqueness of the Jewish People." In
Jerusalem Quarterly,
Spring 1981.
The National Council of Synagogues and The Bishops Committee for
Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. “Reflections on Covenant and
cuments/interreligious/ncs_usccb120802.htm. 2002
Novak, David. The Election of Israel, The Idea of the Chosen People. NY:
University Press, 1995.
Novak, David. Natural Law in Judaism. NY: Cambridge University Press,
Olan, Levi. "Doctrine of the Chosen People Reaffirmed." In Judaism, Fall
Rosenthal, Gilbert S. “Some are Chosen, All are Loved.” 5
Sacks, Jonathan, The Dignity of Difference: How to Avoid the Clash of
Civilizations, New York: Continuum Books, 2002.
Schindler, Rabbi Alexander M. Presidential Address, San Francisco, 1993.
Quoted in
"Why Jews Should Seek Converts." In Reform Judaism, Spring
Soloveitchik, Meir. “Locusts, Giraffes, and the Meaning of Kashrut” Azure
,23, Winter 2006.
Wyschogrod, Michael. Body of Faith: Judaism on Corporeal Election. New
York: The
Seabury Press, 1983.
Batnitzky, Leora. "On the Suffering of God's Chosen: Christian Views in
Jewish Terms"
In Christianity in Jewish Terms, 203-220.
Borowitz, Eugene. Renewing the Covenant: A Theology for the
Postmodern Jew.
Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1991.
Dorff, Elliot N. To Do the Right and the Good: A Jewish Approach to
Modern Social
Ethics. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2002.
Soloveichik, Meir. "God's Beloved: A Defense of Chosenness." Azure 19
(Winter 2005):
Soulen, R. Kendall. "Israel and the Church: A Christian Response to Irving
Covenantal Pluralism" In Christianity in Jewish Terms, 167-174.
Jospe, Raphael, Madesen, Turman, and Ward, Seth, Eds. Covenant and
Chosenness in
Judaism and Mormonism. Associated University Press, Cranbury,
NJ. 2001.
Kasper, Walter. "The Theology of the Covenant as Central Issue in the
Sandmel, David Fox. "Comments on Covenant."
Solomon, Norman. "Covenant."
Knobel, Peter S. "Reform Judaism and Religious Zionism", CCAR Journal.
Spring 1998.
pp. 22-25.
Williamson, Clark M. “Reversing the Reversal: Covenant and Election in
Jewish and
Process Thought” in Jewish Theology and Process Thought ed.
Sandra B.
Lubarsky and David Ray Griffin. SUNY Press. 1996
(Also see Holocaust and God)
Birnbaum, David. God and Evil: A Jewish Perspective. Ktav Publishing
Hoboken, N.Y., 1989.
Carmy, Shalom, ed. Jewish Perspectives on the Experience of Suffering.
Jason Aronson,
Inc., 1999.
Blumenthal, David. Facing the Abusing God. 1993.
Buber, Martin. Eclipse of God. New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1952.
Buber, Martin. Images of Good and Evil. New York: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, Ltd.,
Bulka, Reuven. Critical Psychological Issues: Judaic Perspectives. New
University Press of America, 1992.
Bulka, Reuven. Judaism on Pleasure. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aaronson,
Inc., 1995.
Bulka, Reuven. "To be Good or Evil: Which is More Natural?" In Journal of
and Judaism, 14, 1990: 53-71.
Dorff, Elliot N. Knowing God: Jewish Journeys to the Unknowable. New
Jersey: Jason
Aronson, Inc., 1992.
Frankl, Victor E. Man's Ultimate Search for Meaning. New York: Plenum
Press, 1997.
Fuchs-Kraemer, Nancy. "The Problem of Evil: A Conversation," with Arthur
Judith Plaskow, and Harvey Cox. Reconstructionist, Spring 1992.
Greenberg, Irving. "The Ethics of Jewish Power." In Beyond Occupation:
Jewish, Christian, and Plaestinian Voices for Peace, Rosemary
Radford Reuther
and Marc H. Ellis, eds. Boston: Beacon Press, 1990, 22-74.
Henkin, Louis. "The Constitution and Other Holy Writ: Human Rights and
Commands." In Judeo-Christian Traditions and the U. S.
Constitution, Jewish Quarterly Review Supp., 1989: 57-70.
Kamrass, Lewis H. "God and Evil: A Unified
Theodicy/Theology/Philosophy." In CCAR
Journal, XXXIX (2), Summer 1992: 73.
Kushner, Harold When Bad Things Happen to Good People New York:
Schocken Books, 1981.
Lara, María Pía. Narrating Evil: A Postmetaphysical Theory of Reflective
Judgment. New
York: Columbia University Press, 2007.
Leaman, Oliver. Evil and Suffering in Jewish Philosophy. Cambridge:
University Press, 1995.
Ochs, Carol. Our Lives as Torah finding God in our own stories
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 2001
Phillips, D. Z. The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God. Minneapolis:
Fortress Press,
Plaskow, Judith. "Facing the Ambiguity of God." In Tikkun, Vol. 6, No. 5,
Plaskow, Judith. "What's Wrong with Hierarchy?" In Tikkun, Vol. 7, No. 1,
Rosenberg, Shalom. Good and Evil in Jewish Thought. Tel Aviv: Mod
Books, 1989.
Rubenstein, Richard L. "Evil." In Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought,
Arthur A.
Cohen and Paul Mendes-Flohr, eds. New York: Charles Scribner's
Sons, 1987.
Schulweis, Harold. Evil and the Morality of God. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union
Press, 1984.
Seeskin, Kenneth R. "The Reality of Radical Evil." In Judaism, Fall 1980.
Shavit Artson, Bradley. "Halakhah and Ethics: The Holy and the Good." In
Judaism, XLVI #3, Spring 1994: 86.
Sherwin, Byron L. "The Human Body: A House of God." In Threescore and
Abraham J. Karp, Louis Jacobs, and Chaim Zalman Dimitrovsky,
eds. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav. 1991, 99-107.
Sherwin, Byron L. "Theodicy." In Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought,
Arthur A. Cohen And Paul Mendes-Flohr, eds. New York: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 1987.
Soloveitchik,Joseph, Shatz and Wolowelsky (editors). "A Halakhic
Approach to Suffering" Torah U-Madda Journal, vol 8, 1998-1999
Spero, Shubert. "Selfhood and Godhood in Jewish Thought and Modern
Philosophy." In
Tradition, Summer 1980.
Walzer, Michael. "A Note on Positive Freedom in Jewish Thought." In
S'vara 1, 1990: 711.
Wolpe, David J. The Healer of Shattered Hearts: A Jewish View of God.
New York:
Penguin Books, 1990.
Magid, Shaul. "Jewish Renewal and the Holocaust: A Theological
Response." Tikkun
March/April 2006: 59-62, 68.
Sokol, Moshe. "Is there a Halakhic Response to the Problem of Evil?" The
Theological Review Vol. 92. No. 3. July 1999. 311-323.
Wolf, Arnold Jacob. "Seek My Face, Speak My Name: A Contemporary
Theology –
Book Review." Judaism. Winter 1997.
Adler, Rachel. Engendering Judaism. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication
Adler, Rachel. "A Question of Boundaries: Toward a Jewish Feminist
Theology of Self
and Others." In Tikkun, May/June 1991.
Adler, Rachel. "In Your Blood, Live: Re-visions of a Theology of Purity." In
Adler, Rachel. “The Jew Who Wasn’t There, Halakhah and the Jewish
Woman” in Heschel, Susannah. Ed. On Being a Jewish Feminist, A
Reader. Schocken Books: New York, 1987. 12-18.
Adler, Rachel. "Women and Tradition: Talking our Way In." In The Jewish
Essays on Contemporary Judaism Honoring Rabbi Alexander M.
Schindler, Aron
Hirt-Manheimer, ed. New York: UAHC, 1995.
Alexander, Elizabeth Shanks. “Expanding the Palace of Torah: Feminism
Orthodoxy.” Nashim 10 (2005): 243-50.
Alpert, Rebecca. "Challenging Male/Female Complementarity: Jewish
Lesbians and the
Jewish Tradition." In People of the Body: Jews and Judaism from an
Perspective, Howard Eilberg-Schwartz, ed. Albany, NY: SUNY,
Biale, Rachel. Women and Jewish Law. New York: Schocken Books,
Blustain, Sarah. "Right-Wing Women: Keeping Orthodoxy Safe from
Feminists." In
Lilith, Winter 1998.
Bohm, Lenore. "The Feminist Theological Enterprise." In CCAR Journal,
Summer 1997.
Brown, Erica. "The Apron, the Briefcase, and the Sefer: Is Feminism
Compatible with
Judaism?" In L'Eylah, September, 1991.
Cantor, Aviva. Jewish Women/Jewish Men. San Francisco: Harper Books,
Christ, Carol P. and Judith Plaskow, eds. Weaving the Visions: New
Patterns in Feminist
Spirituality. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
Dansky, Miriam. "From Behind the Mechitzah." In L'Eylah, Summer 1991.
Davidman, Lynn and Shelly Tenenbaum, eds. Feminists Perspectives on
Jewish Studies.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1994.
Dresner, Samuel H. “Goddess Feminism.” Conservative Judaism 46.1
(1993): 3-23.
Diamant, Anita. Minhag America. Graduation Address given at HUC-JIR
Graduation Ceremonies, April 30, 2008 / 25 Nisan5768. New York, NY.
Eskenazi, Tamara Cohn, The Torah: A Women’s Commentary. New York:
URJ Press, 2008.
Falk, Marcia. The Book of Blessings. San Francisco: Harper, 1996.
Falk, Marcia. "Toward a Feminist Jewish Reconstruction of Monotheism."
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There are now several databases that one can access online to search for
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useful in their research:
ATLA- American Theological Library Association
The premiere index to journal articles in all fields of religion along
with ATLA’s online full-text collection of major religion and theology
journals. Accessible through the new Jewish Study Portal at, or in-house at the HUC library.
JSTOR- The Scholarly Journal Archive
A searchable database for full-text articles from journals in a variety
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The National Center for Jewish Healing is on the web at
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Project Muse
A searchable database for online access to full-text articles in over
300 humanities, arts, and social sciences journals. Accessible
through computers at the NYU library.
RAMBI- The Index of Articles on Jewish Studies by the Jewish National
and University
Library. Citations to many scholarly journals and books in several
languages on
the topics of Jews, Judaism, Israel, humanities and social science.
Open access through the HUC library homepage
Among a variety of other material, this site contains statistics and
analysis from the 2000-2001 National Jewish Population Survey.
Encyclopedia Judaica CD-ROM
Yad Vashem Database