ANNUAL AMERICAN LEGAL SYSTEM GOALS For each of the sections that follow, students may be required to analyze, recall, explain, interpret, apply, or evaluate the particular concepts being taught. INTRODUCTION TO LAW Define law and explain its function in our society Analyze the idea of laws reflecting society’s values Describe why rights must be balanced with social responsibilities in order for society to function Define and explain the characteristics of the two major categories of laws FAMILIES OF LAW AND LAWMAKING Describe and analyze the three different families of law Describe how the law is made under the common law system THE FEDERAL AND STATE COURT SYSTEM Analyze the structure of the Federal Courts Explain the procedures and processes of the Supreme Court Identify characteristics of the PA State Courts Compare and contrast the PA Court System with the Federal Court System LAWYERS AND JUDGES Distinguish the various roles of a lawyer Examine access to legal service Outline processes for becoming a judge Analyze appointment of judges INVESTIGATIVE STAGE OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Describe crimes against the person including homicide, assault, battery, and rape. Describe the different types of crimes against property Examine the early steps in the criminal justice process including the moment of arrest, booking, search warrants, and the process of bail Examine the role of a grand jury in criminal proceedings and analyze their function DEFENSES, PROCEEDINGS BEFORE TRIAL, AND TRIAL Describe the most commonly used defenses in the criminal justice system Examine the stages of the criminal justice system starting with pretrial hearings, plea bargaining and ending with the stage of a criminal trial List and explain all of the amendments that apply to a criminal trial SENTENCING AND CORRECTIONS Describe the different types of sentencing procedures Compare and contrast capital punishment with life in prison Analyze the purpose of punishment within the criminal justice system JUVENILE JUSTICE Examine the function and stages of the juvenile justice system Explain why juveniles who are in trouble with the law are treated differently from adults in the criminal justice system CIVIL LAW AND TORTS Explain what is meant by liability under the law Define tort law and explain the three different types of torts MOCK TRIAL (REQUIRED PROJECT) Demonstrate knowledge of all information learned in this course