Confirmation Program Requirements Saint Mary's/Holy Trinity Religious Education Hudson, NY REQUIRED COMPONENTS OF CONFIRMATION PROGRAM Weekly attendance at Sunday Mass is expected. 90% attendance at Religious Ed – 1 excused absence permitted. Service hours - 10 'points' earned of unpaid service to your Church or faith community, documented. Confirmation Sponsor & Candidate Forms due to Mrs. Nedwell February 10th. Saint Research Project – culminates with Saint Museum, April 14th Retreat experience – Wednesday, April 17th – all day, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. --eat breakfast before you come; pack a bag lunch & drinks; dinner provided. I will write to the schools regarding excused absence for religious obligation. Confirmation Interview with Mrs. Nedwell & Father Bath, April 14-21 Confirmation Rehearsal--Mandatory, Thursday, April 25th at 7 pm, at St. Mary's Church Confirmation Liturgy, Saturday, April 27th, at 11 a.m. at St. Mary's Church CHOOSING A SPONSOR - Must be a fully initiated Catholic, having received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist and, if married, married in the Catholic Church. Must be a Catholic who practices his/her faith within a Catholic faith community. If the sponsor is not from our parish, a Sponsor Certificate is necessary. Must be at least 16 years of age. Must be living a life in harmony with the Catholic faith. Must intentionally desire to support the candidate through prayer, active support and being an example of faith. DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR Feb 10th - Paperwork due--forms and Saint Report ONGOING Memorize the Act of Faith included in this packet April 7th - Retreat Permission Slips due with $40 Retreat Fee April 14th - Saint Museum - bring appropriate costume, be ready to answer questions from children in program -- find something interesting! April 17th - Retreat - all day -- eat breakfast before you arrive, pack a lunch, dinner provided Apr 14-21 - Interviews Apr 25th Mandatory Rehearsal, 7 pm at St. Mary's Church Apr 27th Confirmation Liturgy, 11 a.m. at St. Mary's Church St. Mary’s Hudson Confirmation service component “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” Matthew 20:28 “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Gandhi “The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy doing it.” Mother Theresa “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of this individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of humanity.” Martin Luther King, Jr. “Be doers of the Word, and not merely, hearers.” James 1:22 CONFIRMATION SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES 2012-13 Choose Volunteer Opportunities to total 10 Points – please make sure that Maura Nedwell is aware of the time you served. DATE PROJECT CONTACT POINTS CREDITED February 4-5, 2012 Souperbowl Sunday – With Mrs. Nedwell's help, prepare something to say from the pulpit about hunger in our community. Speak at the 4 pm and 9 a.m. Masses on 2/2-2/3. Organize St. Mary’s youth in collecting money from parishioners after Mass— in large soup pots. Count money and turn it in Maura Nedwell 851-3688 5 2/20 3/20 (3rd Weds of month) FRIENDLY KITCHEN – St. Mary’s cooks dinner for the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen each month. We are always in need of desserts! If you choose this option, please bake a dessert and deliver it to the Academy at 3:30 on the dates listed. Maura Nedwell 851-3688 2 Ongoing Busy Beads Rosary Making Ministry – meets once a month – contact Donna Hoffman and arrange to attend a meeting. Learn how to make rosary beads and help make some pairs for the missionaries. Donna Hoffman 828-3619 1 Ongoing Prayer Blanket Ministry --- meets monthly – contact Donna Hoffman for meeting information. Attend meeting and help cut and assemble blankets. Donna Hoffman 828-3619 1 3/24/13 Serve as waiters/waitresses from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., help with dishes, than help with the Easter egg hunt and children's activities. You will be finished by 1 p.m. Maura Nedwell 851-3688 10 (I really need help!) Holy Thursday Covered Dish Dinner -- arrive at the Academy after 5:30 pm Mass and help the Christian Service Committee with clearing tables, serving water, coffee and desserts and doing the dishes. Maura Nedwell 851-3688 5 Palm Sunday 3/28/13 Holy Thursday SAINT REPORT & SAINT MUSEUM Candidates are asked to complete a typewritten review of the canonized Saint whose name they have chosen as their Confirmation name. This paper is due on February 10th, along with all the Candidate & Sponsor paperwork. The review needs to be a minimum of one page, single spaced, 12 font, it should include: The Saint’s Name and Feast Day A brief life summary of the Saint Qualities to admire and emulate Any miracles attributed to that Saint What profession(s) they are the patron Saint of The following questions might help you in choosing a Saint: 1. Were you born on the feast day of a Saint? 2. Does a certain profession intrigue you? What saints are the patrons for the many ways of work and service? 3. What is the meaning of your Baptismal name? Is you Baptismal name an alternate spelling of a Saint’s name? 4. Who is the patron Saint of your parish? 5. Who is the patron Saint of your Godmother or Godfather or Confirmation sponsor? 6. Does your family have a patron Saint? Find someone who shares a similar life situation or has faced similar challenges. 7. Who is the Saint that you were named for/after? SAINT MUSEUM Decide on a suitable costume from research that you have done. Come to Sunday School on April 14th prepared to dress as your saint. You will be "on display" in the gym, and children from the younger grades will visit you and ask you questions regarding your life (as a Saint, that is!). It is your duty to know some interesting stories to tell and to ‘become’ that saint. You are to talk as if you are the saint you are portraying. PLEASE MEMORIZE THIS STATEMENT ACT OF FAITH "This is our faith; this is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord!" Confirmation Sponsor Form TO BE FILLED OUT BY THE SPONSOR AND RETURNED TO MAURA NEDWELL BY 2/10/13 A Confirmation Candidate is: At least 16 years of age Fully initiated Catholic through the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation Currently practicing their Catholic faith through weekly participation at Mass Committed to living a lifestyle centered on Christian morals Not the candidate’s parent Name of Confirmation Candidate: _______________________________________________ Sponsor Information Name: __________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________________ E-mail: ____________________________________ Birth date: _____________ Name of parish you attend: __________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _________ What is your relationship to the candidate?__________________________________________________________ How long have you known the candidate? __________________________________________________________ Sacraments Have you been baptized? Have you received First Penance? Have you received First Eucharist? Have you been Confirmed? Were you married in the Catholic Church? Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No I have included a letter from my parish validating that I am a Catholic in good standing with the Roman Catholic Church. (only necessary if you are not from St. Marys) Responsibilities The confirmation sponsor’s role is one of a mentor in the Catholic faith. He/she will present the candidate to the Bishop on the day of confirmation and in doing this, state that the candidate is fully prepared to not only receive the sacrament of Confirmation, but also to live the Christian life. The sponsor should continue to support the candidate in his/her Catholic faith in the years ahead. What you can do Pray for your candidate daily. Live an exemplary Catholic lifestyle. Perform acts of service with your candidate. Go to adoration, confession or Mass together & then go to lunch and share your own faith. ________________________________________________________ _________________ Sponsor Signature Date Confirmation Register Information Holy Trinity Parish Hudson/Germantown, New York Please Return by February 10th. Please fill out completely. Please print. Please use full names, no nicknames. Candidate’s Name: ________________________________________________ (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) Confirmation Name: _________________ (SAINT) Age: _________________ (YEARS) Place of Baptism: ______________________________________________ (CHURCH) (CITY) (STATE) Date of Baptism: _______________________________________________ (MONTH) (DAY) (YEAR) Residence: ____________________________________ (CITY) (STATE) Father’s Name: _________________________________________________ (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) Mother’s Name: _________________________________________________ (MAIDEN) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) Sponsor’s Name: ________________________________________________ (LAST) (FIRST) (MIDDLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (office use only) Date of Sacramental Celebration:_________________ Administered by:______________________________ Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany ACTIVITY/PROGRAM PERMISSION FORM – ON SITE I, ____________________________, am the parent or guardian of __________________ (name of parent/guardian) (name of child/youth a child/youth at ____HOLY TRINITY_______Parish. I hereby grant permission for the above child/youth to attend ___CONFIRMATION RETREAT______Weds 4/17 all day. (type of activity/program) at ___ST MARY'S ACADEMY________________ with ___MAURA NEDWELL & RETREAT TEAM___ (location of trip) (name of catechist/youth minister) participation in this on-site activity/program. I understand that I am responsible for picking up my child at the end of this activity. I have included my teen's $40 Retreat Fee with this permission slip. I understand that I will be notified immediately should it become necessary to obtain emergency treatment. Should I need to contact someone in regard to my teen, I should call: Name ____MAURA NEDWELL___ Phone __518-828-0843 (school) or 518-821-2393 (cell)_____ I fully understand what is involved in this activity, and I understand that I have the opportunity to call the catechist/youth minister and ask him/her about the activity/program. Emergency Contact: ______________________ Phone ____________________Relationship ___________ ______________________ Phone ____________________ Relationship___________ _____________________________________ (signature of parent/guardian) _____/_____/_____ (date) PLEASE ENCLOSE THE $40 RETREAT FEE WITH THIS PERMISSION SLIP. IF THIS FEE IS A HARDSHIP FOR YOUR FAMILY, PLEASE CALL ME . TIME, TALENT, TREASURE Weekly Form for Mass (please fold and put in collection basket addressed to Maura Nedwell) spare copies of this form will be available in the back of the Church NAME: _____________________________________________________ Time – What time have you given to God through the week in SERVICE or devotion? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Talent – In what ways have you shared the gifts God has given you to SERVE the community? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Treasure – Will you please give a donation to your Church, to keep our community alive? Mass Attended: 4 pm Vigil Mass, Saturday, St. Mary's 5:30 pm Vigil Mass, Saturday, Resurrection 9 am Sunday Mass, St. Mary's 11 a.m. Sunday Mass, Resurrection DRESS CODE FOR TEENS AND SPONSORS For our Men Dress Pants with a belt Dress shoes or dark colored sneakers with socks Dress shirt with collar, shirt tucked in Tie (optional) Jacket (optional) no jeans no sagging pants/underwear showing no t-shirts For our Women Skirt and blouse or Dress or Nice Pants suit With dress shoes (no flip flops) skirt must not be more than 4 inches above your knee No short skirts or tunics with leggings no tops or dresses that are strapless or have spaghetti straps (unless worn with jacket or shrug) No plunging neck lines – no cleavage No bare backs No bare midriffs (please make sure your belly is covered) No jeans no sneakers no overly tight clothing no t-shirts If in doubt, don’t wear it.